Chapter 59, Gnome

"Whirlwind Spear!" Reinhardt throws his spear at the Chimeras which are advancing.

"Void Ring Fans, Seventh Dance; Inverted Four Seasons." Lia sends blades of light towards the Chimeras that are charging.

The ones on the attack are Sagittarius, Taurus, Leo Minors and Bootes. Leo Minor, the harbingers of flame, Auruga, the riders of chaos. What a bothersome group.

"Tch, they continue to attack endlessly." Leon said.

"I plead to creation, grant a great blade upon my hand, that I may dispell a hundred evil forces!" Above me, swords made of light emerge and I send them towards the Chimeras.

"A new power?" Zhen asked.

"Tch. This is getting us nowhere!" Andrew exclaimed.

"Theo, Reinhardt do a linked attack with me." I called the two.

"Okay then." They answered as I touched my shadow to pull out a small crystal ball.

"Storm Weaver Trident!" Theo threw his trident.

"Storm Weaver Spear." Reinhardt threw his spear.

"Eye of the Storm!" I threw the crystal ball after the two weapons. "Linked Attack, Tyrant Tempest!"

In an insnat a gigantic whirlwind builds and destroys almost half the Chimeras but kore still remain.

"Tch. They aren't letting up!" Lucas shouted as he ensnared multiple Chimeras in strings.

"We can't keep this up forever." Borts answered as he threw large crystal explosives at the Chimeras.

I touch my shadow and what I pull it out is a small cube. This is... the Void Prison. It should be able to get rid of all of them in one go but... will I be able to endure it?

"Everyone get back into the tunnel and hide!" I told them.

"Why?" Ruby asked.

"Just do it!" I shouted and they all re-enetered the tunnel.

"Arata, we're good!" Alexis shouted.

"Open, the long sealed well, devour all within your path, Void Prison!" I activated it and it began sucking in all the Chimeras, it's so powerful and I feel like even the ground is being devoured.

As it continues to suck them in I begin to notice some strangs of my hair turning red. This is... Astralization. Elias and the otehrs told me about it. If I keep using my powers too much, my body won't be able to handle the recoil of the power and start to adjust by turning itself into a more suitable host. That is... to become something like Fleur. No longer human.

"Ugh..." I deactivated the Void Prison when the last Chimera was sucked in and I fell on the ground to my knees.

"Up we go." Will picks me up and I smile.

"Let's hurry, this way." Borts said. "If Sir Gnome hasn't responded it can either mean he has been attacked or has fallen asleep."

"Do Elementals needs to sleep?" Ethan asked.

"Not necessarily." I answered as I trued to replenish my Vi.

"Argent your hair has turned red again." Lia said.

"It's a side effect of overusing my powers. The Void Prison really takes it out of me." I answered.

We arrived at the Crystal Castle where Gnome resides and find him sleeping like a log. Borts tries to wake him and his snoring stops for a second questioningly then resumes.

"This way, let's get you treated first." Sapphire said and brought us to a clinic.

She treats each of us and I stare at the clear blue sky outside. After treatibg us all, we return to find the Gnome is still dead to the world despite all of Borts attempts to wake him.

"I'm very sorry, he just won't wake up." Borts apologized.

"I have a way to wake him up." I told them. "Get me a frying pan, a bottle of hot sauce, a feather, and some rope."

"Okay." Sapphire said and brought them over. "What are you going to do exactly?"

"Watch and learn." I answered her.

I tie one end rope to a crystal in the ceiling and the other to the frying pan so that it hangs a few inches above Gnomes face. I coat the frying pant in some hot sauce then spread hot sauce over his hands. I tkae the feather and begin tickling his nose and eyes.

"I don't think that'll work." Rachel says but then Gnome hits his face with his hands and springs awake from the spiciness of the hot sauce.

"Ahhh!!" He exclaimed only to hit his face with the frying pan covered in hot sauce.

"Ahahahhahaha!" I burst out laughing and Borts does too.

"Who dares to do this to me?!" He shouted and I try to stop laughing but everytime I see his face I laugh again. He wipes away the sauce but cries out in pain. "I'll be back so prepare for a punishment."

He leaves us and goes to wash his face and after twenty minutes is back. He has his eyes close so he can't see who we are.

"So, who dares to insult the great Gnome?" He asked. "I'll have you work for a weak in the crystal mines."

"Oh? Do you dare to order me around?" I asked and he pauses before getting down on his knees.

"I dare not!" He cried. "Master, I'm so sorry."

"Let this be a lesson." I scolded him. "We got attacked on our way here but you couldn't help us because you were sleeping. If you sleep on the gaurd again, I'll punish you by making you work another hundred years!"

"I'm sorry." He apologized.

"Alright, enough of this. Let's get to work." I sighed.

After wrapping things up, we all sat down to talk. Gnome seems to have learned his lesson and I see Sapphire amd Ruby are speechless.

"Master, shall I begin the fourth trial now?" Gnome asked and I nodded.

"Go on." I told him.

"Go through the fates, through the bonds, feel the emotions of all as one." He chanted as I begun to feel sleepy. "My trial is the trial of bonds, face your fears and let the bonds be your guide!"

I close my eyes and when I open them again, I'm in a dark place. What kind of trial awaits me I wonder.