Chapter 65, The Recorder of the Worlds

"Would you like some tea?" Claire asked and I smiled.

"Thank you." I answered.

We've been staying here at Story's castle till the Artifact, Horologium arrives. The Horlogium is one of the Ancient Artifacts. They were created by Fleur a long time ago and have emense power. They number eight in all. Each has its own purpose and reason behind its creation, but now only a few know of their exitence.

There are eight Artifacts, the Horologium, Chronicle, Asteria, Fantasm, Mysteria, Genesis, Utopia and Key. The Eight Artifacts serve individual purposes, the Horologium is a never ending power source, the Chronicle tells everything that has occured in the worlds, the Asteria holds power over the stars, Fastasm can warp reality itself, Mysteria can changed the very nature of existence, Genesis can create anything its owner pleases, Utopia can rewrite the natural laws of the worlds and Key can break down the boundaries of the different worlds.

Each are power by a very special source, the Heart of Fleur. It was a piece of Fleur's eight petaled flower, each piece holds great power and is believed to overthrow the natural laws and walls of the different worlds. The very nature of the Heart of Fleur is unknown to even the Sacred Flowers, but we have come to learn that each piece is hold emmence power and if all eight are united, they are said to call forth a different phenomenon. Which is why, they must never fall into the hands of the Chimeras.

Thankfully, I have four of the eight, the Genesis, Asteria, Fantasm and Utopia. Now I also have the Chronicle and Horologium will be added once it arrives. The question is, where is the Mysteria and Key. From what I know, the Key and Mysteria have been lost which is both good and bad. But, right now I should focus on the Horologium. Besides, it's unlikely that I'll have time to search for them, after all, we have to head to Galactic Gates after this. We need to stop the Chimeras invasion of it after all.

As I'm reading a book, the Chronicle sits on the table. Therese and Arc aren't here but Claire is. Unlike Therese who had a dignified aura around here, and Arc who had a somewhat playful aura around him, Claire seems to be more enigmatic and I can't read her expression or what she is thinking at all.

As I'm wondering what she is thinking, Angie brekas the silence of the room and asks.

"I wonder what the Horologium looks like?" She said as she sipped her tea.

"Hmm... I've never seen it before but if I'm not mistaken, the Horologium is shaped like an hourglass." I answered her and just then the Chronicle grew bright and the pages turned and ended on one. I took the book and read what was written. "The second petal of Fleur's heart. The Hourglass that provides endless power and strength to its bearer. Horologium, the perpertually beating heart."

"The Chronicle has information about it?" Lucas asked.

"The Chronicle has records of everything that has ever occured and it is said that it can even predict events in the future." I told them and the pages turned again. "The Chronicle, the eight petal of Fleur's heart. The Book which records all of exitence and tells everything that has occured. Chronicle, the recorder of the worlds."

The book then closed itself and I sip my tea again and feel like it would be good to add a pich of honey to it when Mitan asks.

"What about the Chimeras, does it have anything on them?" Mitan asked and the book opened itself and turned the pages again.

"The ones brought forth by the darkness of the worlds, the ones that are left from the greatest catastrophe of the ancient worlds, Chimeras." I read them aloud. "They who seek destruction and chaos, the only ones who have brought about great darkness upon the wolrds. The ones who have been born from the Night of Catastrophes."

"Night of Catastrophe?" Zhen asked and once more the pages turn.

"The Night of Catastrophe, the waves of despair that occured thousands of years ago. The source of despair and darkness, however, it was repelled by Fleur. But the Night does not seek to stop." I read. "They shall contonue to grow, only when daylight shines, will the night be banished. Just as the night rises, it must also fall."

"What does that mean?" Leon asked.

"Even I don't understand." I answered and just then the pages turned but I didn't read them aloud. "The Sacred Flower buds over and over, till the flower is ready to bloom. When it blooms, the fate of the worlds shall be decided. Shall the worlds rise or shall they fall. All is left to the last Flower."

"Arata, you okay?" Alexis asked and I nodded.

"Here, have some sweets." Leon said handing me the jar of sweets we bought from Ruby.

I happily dig into them and read a book while we wait for the arrival of the Horologium. Just as I'm adding another mouthful of sweets to my mouth, Arc comes in and shouts.

"The ones that were supposed to deliver the Horologium to us have been attacked!" He shouted. "We need to hurry and get there!!"

"Everyone, let's go." I told the others.

We rush to the scene while Arc fills us in on the status of things. Apparently, they were crossing the mountain, the last stop before they arrive to the castle when they were ambushed by bandits. They easily defeated the bandits but then the Chimeras, the one we hoped they wouldn't encounter, arrived. The most powerful of the Chimeras, the summit of Chimeras, Hercules. Tch. The most annoying and pwerful Chimera arrived. The ones who are transporting them are now currently badly injured and have given up on attcking them and focused all they have to protecting themselves.

We have to hurry, it would be fine if it was only one Hercules but a whole horde of them?! There's no way they will last on their own.