Chapter 71, Ras Algethi

Ras Algethi, the True Beast of Hercules. He has already recovered from our past battle, but everyone here isn't strong enough to fight him. Growth is busy fighting the Chimeras, I can't get him to fight this guy as well. Will and the others are hurt, I can't have them fight this guy as well. I have no choice; I'll have to call out a spirit.

"Roar, clad in the voice of ice and sit upon the frozen heavens, Ice Wolf!" I summoned an ice spirit that should be able to slow him down. It appears behind me, a giant wolf made of ice that roars releasing giant crystals of ice with its breathe.

"There's no point." He says and easily brushes away the ice crystals and even destroys the Ice Wolf in one swing. Such power, I can't use low grade spirits against him can I?

"The black dragon descends upon the world destroying everything in its path, roar, Bahamut!" In an instant the area around us is plunged into a sea of black flames and behind me, a dragon clad in black scales with red eyes emerges.

So this is Bahamut, the black dragon of chaos and destruction. I can see the chains and restraints that are the only things holding its full power back. A Sealed Spirit. These were sealed away because of their destructive power but according to Navire as long as I control the power I grant it; they can be subdued. Even Fleur herself kept these spirits under great control only releasing it when things are desperate.

But this guy is putting up a good fight against Bahamut. He fights it on even footing and his sword clashes with Bahamut's clashes easily. They're an even match. At this rate Bahamut will be defeated.

"The maiden clad in gold now stands on the battlefield, the time of a great battle draws closer, let our song of victory ring throughout the battlefield as a melody of requiem is played for the enemy, Valkyrie!" I chanted and a maiden emerges behind me. Clad in gold and dressed in an attire of battle, this is the golden goddess, Valkyrie?

The woman raises her hands and Hercules is suspended in air by giant chains. But, will the chins hold I wonder. They will, just to buy time for Saint. Even if I use up all the Vi in my body, I'll at least defeat Ras Algethi.

Just as I'm about to reach into my shadow a spear pierces the chest of Ras Algethi and I turn to see Reinhardt along with Allen and the others all better and ready to fight.

"Don't push yourself too much. Haven't we told you that hundreds of times already?!" Andrew hit my head as he landed beside me.

"We'll help you so count on us more." Lucas said with his usual indifferent face.

"No matter… how many of you… there are… you won't be able to stop me!!" Ras Algethi shouted as he broke Valkyrie's chains and slashes both Spirits in half. "I'll turn you into pulp the same way I turned those two into thin air."

"Tch. He broke Valkyrie's chains so quickly." I notice that the Mechas and Drones have resumed their attack so Growth can pull back now. In that case. "Growth!"

I summon Growth and he appears before me, larger than before. The size it takes on is proportional to the amount of Vi I give it. But… I'm running out of Vi, I doubt I can hold on long enough for us to finish him.

"Arata! Your hair has turned completely red!" Leon says and I notice my hair has indeed turned completely red. My body has lost too much Vi; I need to replenish it or else Growth won't last.

I'm about to lose my balance when a light emerges before me. It shines bright and when the light clears what appears before me is the Horologium. It's supplying me with Vi? This is the first thought that fills my head when I notice that my hair has stared turn back to its usually blonde state. But… I need more Vi to maintain Growth's size as it fights Ras Algethi.

"Echoing Wind." Lia's fans dance in the win creating a strong and piercing shriek. "You have comrades by your side, don't forget that, Argent."

"Yeah. We're here with you, no matter what." Angie says.

"Everyone… thank you." I smiled. "Please, lend me your strength."

"You bet." Adonis smiles and suddenly Growth shines bright.

"What's happening?" Rachel asks.

"Growth… is evolving." I answered. "Growth is… the familiar that represents strength and development, each time I grow, it grows as well."

The light clears to reveal Growth's new from. A golden bird with beautiful tail feathers that have azure accents to them. It charges at Ras Algethi without hesitation and it's claws bear down hard against it. Its feathers fall off and each time they touch Ras Algethi they explode. As Growth attacks him, we pull out all the stops and attack him with everything we have.

"Sacred Gun!" Will shoots his gun.

"Sacred Hammer!" Liam follows with his hammer.

"Sacred Sword!" Alistar's sword charges forward.

"Sacred Spear!" Reinhardt's spear follows the trail of Alistar's sword.

"Sacred Bow!" Alexis' bow releases an arrow leaving a trail of light behind it.

"Sacred Knife!" Zhen throws his knife after Alexis' arrow.

"Sacred Scythe!" Andrew's scythe trails after Zhen's knife.

"Sacred Shield!" Ethan's shield disappears along with the other first seven weapons.

"Combined Attack, Sacred Flower!" I combined everyone's attack into one and it pierces his chest. Ras Algethi tries to move but he can't and falls to the ground.

"Is it over?" Leon asked as he held his key.

"Y…you damn… brats!" Ras Algethi rises but before he can the others attack him.

"Sacred Trident!" Theo throws his trident piercing Ras ALgethi through his chest.

"Sacred Fan!" Lia's fan trailed after the trident.

"Sacred Book!" The pages of Adele's book trailed after the two.

"Sacred String!" Lucas' string followed.

"Sacred Staff!" Rachel's staff follow their trails.

"Sacred Mirror!" Angie's mirror goes after Rachel's staff.

"Sacred Flute!" Adonis' flute chases after the other vassal weapons.

"Sacred Key!" Leon's key follows them quickly.

"Sacred Bombs!" And Mitan's bombs follow them last.

"Sacred Petals!" I activated the spell for unifying the vassal weapons that immediately finish off Ras Algethi who falls to the ground with his limbs and legs separated from his body.

"Curse… you…!" With the last of his breath, Ras Algethi get outs before what remains of his body rises to the sky and disappear in a pillar of light towards the sky. His gone for good. At last, one less True Beast to fight.

"Tch. You actually killed Ras!" Sirius appears before us his face filled with rage. "However, you'll all pay the price for it!"

In an instant, the entire sky is overcome by the Chimeras. They still had these many Chimeras to spare… none of us have any energy left to fight… is this… the end?