Arc 12, White Tiger, Chapter 78, Arrival at the West

"I see it now!" Zhen said as he pointed to the direction of the setting sun.

"The Western Continent. Composed of the four major nations, the Republic, the Kingdom, Principle and Empire." Liam stated. "Unlike the East, North and South, the West goes by differet rules and seems to ignore the Brave Protection Program."

"All four nation?" Angie asked.

"Not exactly. In recent years, the Republic and Principle have changed their views and have been actively offering protection to Braves." Alexis answered. "They have even joined the Anti-Chimera Council and Brave Protection Program. They've also shown signs of forming alliances with the East and North."

"Besides the four powers, there are no other countries in the west. Our most advisable move would be to head to either the Republic or the Principle, while the Kingdom is neutral towards Braves, the Empire isn't." Andrew stated. "Since everyone on board this ship is a Brave we're better off joining one of the earlier two."

"The Land of Leaves where the Forest of the Fallen Leaves is under the banner of the Kingdom. We'll first set up camp in either the Republic or the Principle and go by land to the Kingdom." Reinhardt stated. "The best place to go would be the Port City to the east of the Republic. It is close to the border of the Kingdom and is a center of trades and commerce."

"I agree. We can also gather information there first." Liam added. "Any questions?"

"No. I'm good with it." I answered.

I have Growth enter the waters and head for the east, towards the port. When we near the port it's already late. We decide to spend the night at sea before going to shore in the morning. The next morning, I sail the ship to the port and after dockibg, have Leon and Mitan lower the plank and we came to land.

"So this is the Port City, Finé." Alistar said as he looked at the many buildings in front of us. "I expected the west to be more old timey and kinda... you know, western."

"The buildings seem to look similar to British homes alright." I answered. "The West suffered the most when the Chimeras arrived having lost a quarter if it's land to them."

"Let's head to town and get information first." Theo said. "Though our attires don't look out place, we still seem to stand out a bit."

Before we left we changed into western clothes so we didn't look out place but... the people here have different way of speaking. Like, they have a strange speech dialect.

We head into a pub to gather some info but before we can take a step in a person come flying out the window.

"And don't come back ya good for nothin' two faced rat!!" A voice shouted from outside.

"Will it be alright to take Arata in there?" Adele asked and they all looked at me before nodding and leaving me outside. Van went in with them.

Geez. What is with them? As I stand outside the door waiting for them a passerby catches my attention. A woman with orange hair, she was dressed in a black cloak but she stood out because of the incredible amount if Vi around her and the extreme pressure she gave off. No doubt, she isn't a normal person. What is she?

For an instant our eyes meet and I see her eyes are a bright golden hue and she immediately turns and rushes down the streets. As she runs I see the crest on her hand and immediately go after her. The crest was crimsom leaves. No doubt, that was the Crest of the Fallen Leaves. She's the Magician of Fallen Leaves.

I chase after her through the streest and manage to corner her. She reaches for her crimson earings and it shines revealing a wooden staff with a bright red gem embedded at the top of it.

"Don't come closer!!" She exclaimed. "Burst, ignite, crimson explosion!"

"Petals!" I ordered them to stop her incantation.

"Noo!!" She exclaimed as I walked closer and she storm of leaves surrounded her before she disappeared.

"The Fallen Leaves." I said as I touched the leaves the remained. "So this is the Blessings of Fallen leaves."

I walk back to the pub and just in time too. I've just leaned against the wall when Will and gang come out of the pub.

"How'd it go?" I asked them.

"No dice. We couldn't get any information." Zhen answered. "You okay? Your face looks red."

"Ah, I'm fine." I answered as Theo took my temperature. "It's just hot out here."

"Okay, let's go somewhere else to look for information." Will said.

"Okay!" I answered stiffly.

As we walked around Van slowed his pace to match mine and looked at the others who were talking before looking at me and whispering in a low voice.

"I know what you did." He says. "You ran into the Magician of Fallen Leaves, didn't you?"

"How'd you know?" I asked him.

"Unlike them, I felt the intense pressure from outside earlier. It was similar to the White Tiger's pressure. The Magician of Fallen Leaves is someone who serves the White Tiger and serves as the medium between it and humans so it's natural for it to have similar powers." He answered. "Did you meet the Magician of Fallon Leaves or not?"

"I did. But she seemed scared, the moment she met my eyes she ran and when I had her cornered she suddenly disappeared in a storm of orange leaves." I answered him.

"So, why don't you tell them?" He asked in a hushed whisper.

"That girl seemed scared, it may be best if I talked to her alone first. Otherwise, we might scare her off." I answered him.

"I suppose so." He answered. "But you better hurry, from what I heard rumors about the White Tiger's familiars attacking people have spread and the Republic is planning to subjugate it."

"They're only marching towards their deaths." I answered him.

"Exactly." He answered.

We better find that girl and have her take us to the Forest of Fallen Leaves before the Republic launches a full scale attack on the Forest of Fallen Leaves and the White Tiger.