Chapter 82, Into the Depths

We've only stepped into the depths when I sense the abnormal amount of Vi in the air and the wavering atmosphere. Since there are Braves among the fighters, it'll be somewhat easier to deal with monster but I hope there aren't any in here.

When we arrive at the bottom it's completely dark, the sunlight doesn't reach this depth. Everyone takes out their flash lights but it's so dark that we can barely see a thing except for the cracked cement path we've landed on. Is this a side walk?

"I order the light, bend and dance upon my hands, Shining Light!" Monica chanted and light filled this area of the cavern. "Everyone, stay together and don't go too far way. Work in pairs so we don't get lost."

Monica and Dustin are apparently working as the leaders since they aren't sided with any of the four powers. They're neutral and so they won't stand with any of the four powers and therefore not against any of the four either.

We walk deeper into the city as we head to the rendezvous point where the expedition team was waiting. As we passed by the dilapidated buildings and broken roads, I can't shake the feeling of being watched. When I couldn't take it anymore I summoned Growth secretly and had it track down whatever was watching us.

"Everyone! Be careful up ahead, it seems to be a drop off." Monica called out and I stared further and saw a drop off but something else was there. "Arata, is something there?"

I squinted at the other side of the drop off and the moment my eyes make out what was on the other side I immediately became puzzled.

"There's a path on the otherside." I answered Monica.

"Come again?" She asked and just then some of the soldiers state that a member of the scouting team has come for us.

Monica verifies it first before we follow the man to where the other scouts are. There are ten scouts in all. Two from each nation and two from Monica and Dustin's team. On that note, there are fifty soldiers from each power meaning the fighters number two hundred in all. Then, there's Monica and Dustin who took us under their team along with Autumn.

Monica confirms things with the scouts and my eyes can't help wonder around the area. It just feels nostalgic for some reason and as I take a stroll down the empty paths by myself, I can't help but feel this place is all too familiar. Just then Liam calls me over saying that Monica has called all the leaders of the four nations together.

Monica wants us with them too apparently so we gathered together inside an old building which was safe.

"So, according to the scouts, every place except one has been checked." Monica stated.

"Where?" A young lady with golden hair and white skin with brown eyes asked. She was dressed in knight armor and I think she's the representative of the Empire.

"The City Center." Milo answered.

"Why exactly?" The representative for the Principal, a man with blonde hair and green eyes with white skin stated. He was dressed in soldiers attire but he gave off a gentle vibe to him.

"Apparently no matter how many times they try, the City Center is no longer accessible by foot." The representative for the Kingdom, a young a woman with short red hair and white skin with orange eyes answered, she was dressed in a combat uniform.

"The City Center was originally connected to the rest of the city via bridges but the bridges gave way." The Empire representative, Hildegard stated.

"So, how do we get over there?" The Kingdom representative, Rosemary asked.

"There's no way apparently." The Principal representative, Albert answered. "But we can't go back now, the chances of the White Tiger being there is pretty high."

"The question is how we can get there." Hildegard stated.

"I can handle that." I stated.

"You can?" Dustin asked.

"It's easy and I can do it immediately but... it's possible that the White Tiger is on the other side waiting for us so it might be best to have fighters ready." I stated.

"Leave that my troops." Hildegard stated. "Please get ready."

"Will, Theo, you two be vanguard." I ordered them as I passes by them to go outside.

We go to the area where the bridge gave way and it seems that the drop is realy deep. There are signs that there used to be a bridge here alright. The troops are already ready and it seems that the four representatives have taken the role of leading them.

"When you're ready." Alistar said holding his sword.

Growth is in position so I have the Petals disperse into the air and begin constructing the bridge. The Petals consume the Vi in the air and covert them into solid form creating large crystals and Growth positions each peace into place. All that's left is to strengthen the bridge by binding all the pieces together.

"Growth!" I ordered Growth and it appears above head and flies towards the otherside of the bridge bringing everything together. "It should be safe to cross now."

"What was that just now?!" Monica asked with excited eyes.

I explain it to her as we cross to the other side of the bridge, by the time we arrive she seems more and more excited to learn about it but we focus on our main objective that is to head to the City Center only to be daunted by the tall buildings in front of us.

"So where do we go?" Milo asked.

"Let's see here..." Chase took out the map but as he did the strong winds suddenly blowed and it was carried off. "The Map!"

"Don't mind, we have a spare." Dustin told him. "But still, that wind was pretty strong. We better be careful that this one doesn-"

Before he could finish his sentence a stronger gust of wind takes the backup map away with it into the drop off.

"Where do we go now?" Hildegard asked a bit worried.

We all looked at the many buildings above us and I can't help but feel like I've seen this before. A long time ago. Suddenly, I feel something calling me so I instinctively turn to its direction and feel my consciousness fade.