Chapter 100, The Darkness Creeps in the Corners

"Hiro, are you here?" May called for me at the door.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Someone's looking for you." She answered.

"For me?" I asked.

I was in the classroom at the moment talking to Lina and Diana. It our vacant time after the teacher for Physics came down with a cold.

"Who is it?" I asked as I came over to the door.

"Hiro, long time no see." A man smiled, he had black hair and brown eyes with white skin and was dressed in a white suit.

"Seiji-san?!" I exclaimed. This man... is the Twelve Zodiac's Eleventh Zodiac, Dog, Seiji Kamiyama.

"That's right. Listen, are you free right?" He asked. "I need to talk to you about something."

"Sure. I'm free." I answered.

"Great. Is the kid Monica told me about here?" He asked.

"You must mean Arata, he isn't here right now." I answered.

"He isn't, what bad luck." He sighed. "When will he be back?"

"Probably not for a while." I answered.

"Do you need Arata for anything?" May asked as she peeked out the door. "Sorry, we were worried so we we were listening."

"It's fine, after all, it concerns you as well." He answered.

"What about us?" Lina asked.

"I wanted to ask him if he knew anything about a certain thing but... looks like I won't be able to." He answered.

"What do you wanna know exactly?" I asked.

"It's regarding the Lost Beasts and Chimeras and their nests." He answered. "Monica said he might know something."

"Arata might know... but he's not here." I sighed.

"Then why don't we contact him? He set up one of those in Group Room, Door Room and Cafeteria." Lina said.

"A Communication Crystal that directly connects to his." Touya said as he popped up behind me. "He set it up so we could contact him anytime we needed to. Mao said he was there with some of his classnates cause they missed him."

"Moyu went there too." May added.

"Then why don't we go there?" Seiji-san smiled.

We walk to the cafeteria where the students are eating and sitting down. Everyone's been in good spirits and it's thanks to this large crystal in the middle of the room. Arata installed it here so we could contact him every now and then. Apparently Mao told him that everyone was down when he was gone.

"Oh, Captain, over here." Mao called me over to his seat. He was eating with some of his classmates. "Do you need something?"

"We wanted to contact Arata." I answered. "Is anyone using the Communication Crystal?"

"No one yet. Feel free to use it." He answered. "Arata's in the South right now. He said he'd come back after the South."

"Arata's coming home?! When?!" Moyu who just arrived asked. "I want him to try out my newest creation!!"

"Calm down. He won't be home for a while." Mao answered.

"Aahh, I want Arata to be back soon." Hayato said.

"I'm with you." Riku answered.

"I miss Arata." Yuuki sighed.

"Then why don't we contact him." I answered as I activated the Communication Crystal.

A screen appears before us and for a while it's only just voices. The sound of running water and then a hand reaches our for the screen and we see Arata, who must've just come out of the shower.

"Hey, how're you guys doing?" He smiled, we could feel the warmth all the way here.

"Arata, someone's looking for you." I told him. "I'll let you two talk in private."

"Sure." He answered as I passed the screen to Seiji-san. "Meanwhile, why don't we contact Will."

"Yo, need something?" He asked as he looked at us through the screen. "Arata's busy talking to someone so we've got some free time."

We all talk with Will and the gang while Seiji-san talked to Arata. After an hour or so, Seiji-san comes back with an unreadable expression and Arata with a different look on his face. The look he usually has when he overthinks things.

"Did you two enjoy talking?" I asked.

"Yeah." Arata answered. "See you later, I'd love to stay and chat but we have some things to take care of."

"Sure. Sorry to bother you." I answered and he cut off the call.

Seiji-san thanks us and leaves so we walk him to the gate but as we do I couldn't help wonder what they talked about. For some reason, that worried expression on Arata's face before he cut us off makes me think they had a more serious conversation. I better call Will later and see if he knows anything.

"This is far enough. Thank you." Seiji-san smiled. "I'll be on my way."

We wave him farewell as his back disappears past the tree line that mark the entrance to the school. As we headed back, I heard some rumours from May and Mao. Apparently Karin has been acting really horrible lately. Like yelling at people the moment she hears them say Arata's name. Come to think of it, her, along with a few girls extremely disliked Arata, but they don't go as far as her, it's like she has a grudge against him. I just hope things don't go too sour between them.


"Damn him! Why did he have to show up at my school!" The girl myttered as she walked in circles. "If he was gone... if he was gone... those people surrounding him would be mine!!"

"This girl seems to have lots of potential." Addy said. "Shall we use her?"

"No. I wanted to be sure of something so I took a peek but I didn't expect it to be this dense." I answered. "She is useless to us. Leave her be. Let's look for another."

"Yes sir." They answered.

That girl is far too corrupted, even if I gave her one of the seven gems, she'll only become a broken doll, mindless, useless and above all, worthless. I might as well look for a new one to give the seven gems to, maybe someone actually worth my time.