Arc 13; Black Turtle, Chapter 88, World History

"So this is Snowflake Cape... it's so white." Leon said as we all looked at the snow capped land.

"The land of ice, snow, glaciers and eternal frost, the Northern Continent." Arata stated as he yawned. "There's a reason why the north has become like this. It has a relation to the Chimeras."

"After the Chimeras appearance, the world was plunged into chaos, a week after their appearance, three islands, two nations and a portion of the west disappeared. By the end of the following week, the eastern edge of Asia was devoured by the encroaching sea, the South American continent was seperated from the North American after it was destroyed by Chineras." I inlisted. "By the end of the month, the maps and globes had lost their meanings. The ice in the Antarctica melted leading to a rise in the worlds waters, the waters devoured the portion of Asia that connected it to Africa and Europe."

"This later lead to the European contient sinking into the sea and causing a new continent to form in the Northern Pole which is now the Northern Contient." Alistar stated. "South American Continent had shifted and was moved further west and later merged with a fraction of the Autralian continent that was broekn off to form the Western Continent."

"Meanwhile, the remains of the Australian Continent merged with the African Contient to form the Southern Continent. Asia had broken apart and reformed to form a smaller contient later known as the Eastern Continent." Alexis stated. "The total time it took for the contients we know now to form was... fifty years after the Chimeras appearance."

"Of course during this long period of time, many things had changed. The Southern Pole had become fairly warm and the south was now an Archipelago composed of over 5 980 large and small islands. The Northern Continent was connected to each of its islands by ice that became a blanket completely covering it." Alistar added. "The East later began a large scale reconstruction creating artificial plots of lands to connect the inner islands with each other while the West became completely one. After exactly a hundred years since the Chimeras' appearance our world had changed dramatically. The land had shrunk and most of the records of the past were lost."

"Not long after the Chimeras started to shrink in number, a large scale war was waged between the Eastern Continent and the South leading to the involvement of the North and West. This lead to many casualties, Braves and Soliders alike." Liam added. "The war ended on the New Era Calendar Year Calender 159, when the Twelve Zodiacs destroyed the New World Weaver Order's base of operation."

"Monica and Dustin did?" Leon asked.

"Not them, the first Twelve Zodiacs. The Title of Zodiac is given to a person when they have accomplished great deeds and is appointed to the seat by the Twelve Seat Members." Zhen stated. "Anyways, the Title of Twelve Zodiacs was modeled after the Twelve Heroes who stopped the war at the time. After which, the Twelve Zodiacs were tasked with being mediators of future fights between continents."

"So, how many years have passed since the Chimeras appeared in this world?" Lucas asked.

"Exactly 179 years." I answered. "After the war, the nations began cultivating the power of Braves to begin the counter attack against the Chimeras. Thus the Unified Nation's Treaty and Brave Protection Program was formed."

"So, the drastic changes caused by the Chimeras is why this continent is completely frozen?" Angie asked and I nodded.

"But, humanity is very adamant and has found way to suevive in this broken world." I stated. "Survival for us has always been second nature after all. It isn't the first time our world has experienced something like this."

"It isn't?" Adele asked in surprise.

"It's happened fivr time since the creation of our world. It has waned and evolved over the course of thousands of millions of billions of years." I answered her. "Humans weren't the first life to appear on this world's surface. Many life came before us. This world has been repeating it. An endless cicle of ceeation and extinction."

"Really? That's unbelievable!" Rachel said in surprise.

"It is part of this world's natural cycle. Each time a life ends, another takes it place. A catalyst for evolution often arrives. When it does the lives must choose, will the continue to live on or give in." Arata stated. "The past has always choosen to end it. However, humanity was different from all the life that had appeared on this world's surface. With an unyielding will and unbelievable adaptability. Humanity gradually dominated this world's surface."

"Though humanity has only ruled the earth for a small fraction of its billions of years of exitence, it was by far the most advanced. But also very foolish." Van stated. "Constantly repeating their cycle of creation and destruction, birth and death, peace and war. Humanity was very contracditing but I suppose that's also the reason why humanity has survived on this planet's surface for so long."

"A foolish cycle of wars that has lead to bloodshed, that is part of humanities history. But... no one has ever noticed. Even now, when the world is on the brink of collapse against the Chimeras there are still those who oppose each other." Arata stated. "Foolish humanity, what awaits it at the end I wonder."

Arata's words reaonate deep within me. War has always been a part of humanity's history for good or bad. The curruption of humanity, it's greed and foolishness, it's unnecessary lust for blood and its desire to turn away from the truth. This has always been part pf our history. When will it end I wonder? Surely not after the Chimeras are defeated. Humanity will just seek out a new enemy. As they always have. Humans... are foolish after all. But even so, there are those who fight, who seek out hope amidst this despiar. Those who call for change, those who have seen our history and call for a change. I'm certain Arata is one of those. Someone who wants to change our future of darkness.