Chapter 112, Value of Life

"Shining Slash!" Alistar slashed down with his sword but Reinhardt blocked it with his spear.

"First Shot!" Will shoots his gun at the two who dodged but get hit by Alexis' Star Light Arrows.

"Alistar, Reinhardt, out." I called out to them and the two came back.

Right now, we're having practice matches with each other to see if we can somehow boost our already ranked up abilities. Though we're strong, we can't exactly relax knowing the Chimeras are rebuilding their ranks.

"Seven Rings of Light." As Lia lands at the very center of the fighting she knocks out all of the other fighters with a single attack.

"Winner, Ophelia!" I announced. "Everyone take a quick break!"

'Arata, how's your spell going?' Van asked pirvately using telepathy.

'It's no good. No matter how many times I try, the spell won't work.' I answered.

'Have you tried altering it or changing the words in it?' Van asked. 'You might be able to do it if you changed it up a bit.'

'I'll try.' I answered.

As the training resumed, many people have gathered to watch their matches. During a break in the fifth match, a squell emerges from somewhere and we all turn our attention there. It's a man I've never met before, together with Monica and Seiji. The man had reddish-brown hair with brown eyes and white skin.

"Oh? It's Tori, Sei and Monica." Ethan said.

"Tori?" I asked.

"Hatori Shizue. The Zodiac Rooster and Tenth Zodiac Seat." Alexis stated. "Strange, from what I know, he hardly comes out of his research lab."

"We came to have a word, we hope we aren't disturbing." Seiji says.

"You're fine, let's talk somewhere else though." I smiled.

"Alright." Monica accepts.

We head to our Group Room, Alexis makes tea and sets it on the table. I sit between the twins and after Seiji takes a sip of his tea, begins by clearing his throat to say.

"Arata, I'd like to learn more about the Chimeras." He said.

"Hmmm... what part exactly do you wish to learn? I've already shared all of my information with school though." I answered. "I think the papers have already been published and shared publicly for convenience of Braves and people alike."

"Is it safe to talk here?" The man beside them, Hatori asks a bit wary. Even walls have ear after all.

"Petals." My Petals erect a barrier around the room so now we can talk without issue. "Go on."

"We want to know about is how they work and what is their purpose." Monica said. "How they multiply, how long they live and what are their variations of any."

"Why would you need to know that?" Leon asked.

"It's orders from the government." Seiji answered.

"I'm not really versed in that area of the Chimeras." I answered. "But... there might be someone who knows about that."

"Who?" Monica asked.

"Arcs." I answered. "He might know a thing or two more than me in regards to that."

"The Priest of Knowledge." Van said. "There might be records within the Great Library as well."

"I'll contact him." I said and took a mirror when suddenly the ground began to quake.

We all take cover and woat for it to calm down befpre heading out. Many of the students have gathered in the open space outside. That quake just now, what is it I wonder.

As we were about to return to the classroom I suddenly hear my name being called so I instinctively turn to the direction of the voice.

"Arata?" Will calls out to me. "Is something wrong?"

"It's nothing." I answered but the voice persist on calling me.

"Something's bothering you." Hatori said. "You can tell us."

"Something... something is calling me." I answered.

"Must be your imagination." Karin snarled.

"Where is it coming from?" May asked and I pointed to the direction of the Perennial Cherry Blossom.

"Let's go there then." Pres. Mayumi smiled.

We head for the Perennial Cherry Blossom and as soon as we reach the base I suddenly black out and when I come to, I'm in the Dream Castle with Emilia missing.


"Good day." Arata, who suddenly blocked out said as he stood up.

"A Le Fleur." Lyzander said. "Which generation?"

"Excuse me for my rudeness, my name is Emilia, the Seventh Generation." She answered.

"Why did you borrow Arata's body?" I asked.

"I simply wanted to share what I knew about the Chimeras." She answered.

She reaches out her hand and places it on Monica's forehead and a light flashes. Monica takes a step back before she takes a deep breathe to recompose herself.

"What was that? Knowledge was directly transferred to my mind." Monica stated.

"Arata... has he been trying to use Le Fleur's power of Providence while still not being fully awakened?" She asked with a frown.

"Providence?" I asked.

"The power to impart great might upon Braves and humans. He holds the power to grant Titles upon others, just as the Le Fleurs before him." She stated. "Le Livre, Le Sabre, Swords and Vassals, watch your master careful, lest you wish for him to meet the same fate as the nine of us."

"We know that." Andrew answered. "Arata is reckless after all."

"It seems you understand nothing." She said flatly. "The love of the Le Fleur for their Swords and Vassals are far beyond your comprehension. To us, losing our Swords or Vassals... is something like losing a piece of ourselves."

"If I recall the Seventh died while protecting the braves that served her."

"Precisely. My mission was already complete, which was why, for me rather than watching my Braves die before my eyes, I'd rather be the one to go first." She said. "We Le Fleurs, hold life in great value, for it is beautiful, it is a fleeting thing. For it is like a flower that will only bloom once in this lifetime. Never forget this."

She returns the body to Arata and I catch him in my arms. We know more than anybody that Arata values life, that's why he was so angry during the incident a month ago in regards to the gem of Gluttony. We'll watch him and keep him safe, that's our role after all.