Chapter 170, Leno

"What did you just say?" I was frozen in my place.

"Fleur abadoned her duties to her world, hoping if she disappeared the people would be saved but she was mistaken." The voices told me. "Her choice made the world worse, she ruined her world and the ones that were left behind bore the consequences."

"Then the Chimeras..." I hesitated to finish.

"Victims of her foolish choice." The voices echoed. "When Fleur learned of this, she tried to bring them salvation but failed. So she left her power to the next generation to inherit."

"Thus we the Le Fleurs were born." I stated. "But what is our true mission?"

"To bring salvation to the worlds." They answered. "And to make the choice Fleur couldn't make."

A bright light clears and I come to. My true mission... is to bring salvation to the worlds?

As I wonder what it means I feel the earth above me shake and I recall that Lupus was fighting the others. If they are victims then... I must fulfill my duty.

I walked towards the door and saw that Will was already standing there. He seems to be in deep thought and when I tap his shoulder he actually jumps.

"Whoa. It's just me." I assured him. "You look like you saw a ghost."

"... Sorry, I just had something on my mind." He answered. "You ready? The others will probably need our help."

"Yeah. Let's go." I answered.

We rushed up the staircase and we found the others badly beaten up by Lupus, at not just any Lupus. The True Beast of Lupus.

"Arata, get behind me." Will held his gun at the direction of Lupus.

If what the voices said is true, I can help them. I can put them to rest, the poor ones who have been afflicted and have turned evil from spending time in the darkness for eons.

As my mind grew conflicted a blast of wind snaps me back to reality and I jump aside. Now isn't the time to be worrying about these things. No matter what, my mission has not changed.

"I'll defeat you." I said and stepped forward.

I'll defeat you and free you from your fate of endless wandering. That is Fleur and my wish.

"Arata..." Alistar who lied beside me reached his hand out. "Be... careful... it can... reject and... attract Vi..."

I nodded and healed his wounds. Alistar's eyes close and I turn to Lupus.

"Growth." I summoned and he flies overhead while my Regalia is dawned.

"Le Fleur, today I shall take your head!" He charged at me with his claws.

I jump back and reach into my shadow and what I pull out surprises me. Nothing. Not a piece of jewelry not a weapon, not a tool. Just my bare hands surface from my shadow lets me know that what I need isn't in my shadow. What I need is the Le Fleur's power alone.

As my gaze falls on Will, he draws his gun and aims it at Lupus. We both nod, I jump behind him and he summons gun to his side.

"Article, Activate." He summoned. "Trigger on Edge: Assault Bullet Rain."

The guns begin to load and target Lupus, Will seems different. Like he isn't hesitating about pulling the trigger. That... he has found something he must come achieve. I can't help but smile at how he has found something he must achieve.

"Fire." With that the guns begin to fire.

I'm glad he isn't hesitating but I need to figure it out. A way to free the Chimeras from their fate. Maybe if I could just break the string of fate that has afflicted them for eons. But... how?

As my mind wanders, my vision fades and I am brought before Fleur.

"Fleur!" I called her name as she smiled.

"Arata. Welcome to my palace once again. Now, I know you have many things to say but first... I'm sorry." She says and bows her head. "To you, and to all the Fleurs that came before you. Forgive, me burdening you with my failures."

"So it's true." I said.

"Yes, it's true. I failed my one job, fled, and caused so much trouble for my brethren and my siblings. And even to the people who gave me a new home." She stated. "I know apologizing won't change the past, but..."

"Everyone makes mistakes." I smiled. "What's important is what you do after that. You spent the rest of your life trying to help them, right?"

"Arata..." She looked up.

"It's alright. And I promise, I'll make your wish into a reality." I answered with a smile.

"The power of the Le Fleur... is to create." She stated. "If you wish... for it, you can create it."

When I come Spriggan is carrying me, guarding me from Lupus. Will is fighting but it's obvious that Lupus' ability is making it difficult for him.

"Lupus..." I stood up on my own two feet.

"Arata..." Liam was lying beside with Reinhardt and Ethan.

"You guys get some rest." I patted their heads. "Will, fall back."

"Why?" He asked as he shot his guns.

"Trust me." I told him.

He falls back but his guns are keeping Lupus in check. I now know what I must do. I summon Growth back to my side and pluck a feather from his tail. It glows and I can feel the power flowing from it. The prayer must he offered here and now.

"Oh Ancient, you light is the light of hope, your darkness is the darkness of despair, Ancient that was and is, may you rest now, Au Revior." I said and suddenly the feather became sword. "Lupus... farewell."

I charged and with one thrust, pierce him through the chest. To my surprise Lupus doesn't fight back nor struggle. His hand reaches for my hair and suddenly tucks back a strand of my hair.

"Le Fleur, thank you." I hear a voice say and I notice Lupus begin to fade. "My name... will you remember it or me?"

"Name?" I asked.

"All of us... have different names... Le Fleur..." The voice faintly whispered. "My name is..."

"I understand." I said. "I shall remember your names, so rest in peace."

The lights disappear and my sword becomes a lotus flower. As I lay the flower on the ground it blooms and it's petals spread, restoring the damage to the forest and healing our wounds.

I promise, I'll remember your name... and I'll do all I can to save your people. That is... the mission given to me after all. So rest in peace, Ancient; Leno.

"Is everyone alright?" I asked as I helped the others up.

"Yeah, we're fine." Julian-er... Spriggan answered.

"What are you looking at?" A voice asked and I turned to see Spriggan.

"Huh?! You're seperated? How?" I asked.

"Don't you feel it?" Julian asked with smile and I just shook my head. "Your restoring everything. All the damage is being undone thanks to your power."

I smiled and realized what he was saying was true. My power is fixing the damage, or should I say that the flower was what was restoring everything.

"Now then, I'd love to have you stay for a while but..." Julian smiled. "Right now, you should head back. People are worried about you and you have things you must fulfill."

"Yeah. We'll be going." Andrew said and smiled at me. "Let's go home."

I nodded and we all headed for the boat and back home. On our way back I could see the clouds clear and the waters calm as rays of light shine down on us.