Chapter 118, Weakness

Arata uses up his Vi for us and I can feel our body strengthen greatly. Leon sends Arata somewhere else with his power and we focus on the monsters before us. The group of orcs, goblins, winged snakes and insects.

"Hope your abilities haven't gotten rusty." Theo said as he held his Trident.

"We're stopping them no matter what!" Andrew shouted to the others.

"Yeah!" They answered.

"Rain down, bullets of flames, Fire Bullet." Will's bullet fiees and rains down on all the insects that are attacking us.

"Dance, Whirlwind Spear!" Reinhardt's spear finds ot target at the very center of a horde of goblins.

"Burn them away! Fire Sword!" Alistar's sword burns the orcs easily. As expected of someone who came in first in training.

"Mirage Knives!" Zhen's knives mutiply in the air so much that you can't understand where they are going till they land on their targets and cut the in half.

Speaking of which, I gained some new weapons after our adventure. Maybe I'll try them out.

"Gluttonous Shield!" I summoned my new shield. "Everyone out of the way!"

The others get out of my way as I activated my new shield that resembled a giant pig head. In an instant, the sword devours a large amount of the prcs. So this the ability of Gluttony.

"Look out! Ice Arrow!" Alexis fures an arrow just in time or else I would've been slahsed in half by an orc. The orc is frozen in ice thanks to Alexis' attack.

"I, order the heaven and earth, bend and merge, in the name of the Brave of the Sacred Hammer, oh gravity, Bend!" Liam chants and a giant magic square appears above the orcs and goblins and they are forced to the ground. "I was orginally the Brave of Balance after all."

"Crazy Bombs!" Mitan throws large bombs onto them and they are killed in the explosion.

"Ring of Flowers, Fifth Ring, Sakura no Fubuki!" Lia's fans summon a blizzard of cherry blossoms than immobilize then kill the enemy.

"Spider Web!" In an instant, the strings Lucas uses bend and become webs that ensnare the Orcs.

"Die! Fire Trident!" Each time the Trident pierces an enemy, it burns them to a crisp.

The sound of a flute plays in the air and I turn to see Adonis playing his flute. The music is beautiful and I turn to see the Orcs dying.

"Melody of Mysteries, First Mystery, Ray of Light." He smiled.

"Call forth the light, guiding radiance, ancient watcher, oh you who brings life to this, shine bright and drive away the night, Day Break!" Rachel's chamt summons a wave of light the destroys the goblins and orcs.

We can do this. There are still many of them but we managed to lessen their numbers. We can do this! Arata's strength that was given to us, we'll use it to stop these guys.

"Andrew! They're gone!" Will shouted and we turned to see that the three who brought the orcs here are gone. Tch. They ran sway.

"Let's finish this and regroup with the others as soon as possible!" Andrew shouted and we wrapped up the last of the orcs and goblins.


Tch. I hate this. Being unable to fight. What's the point of our powers if we can't even use them to fight.

"Darn it!" Touya punched the wall in rage. "What's the point of pur abilities if we can't eveb use them!"

"We couldn't even help Arata..." May said with both self rage and regret.

I though we changed and grew stronger but... Arata can see just how much we've grown I suppose, for him to worry about us. I hate this, this powerlessness I feel.

"You all seem to care highly for Arata." Hatori-san said.

"Of course we do!" Mao shouted. "Arata... Arata... Arata was... the only one..."

"Arata was the only one who gave us light." Lina said. "It was the same for them as well. The one who offered us a hand when we were in the dark, was Arata alone."

"Will and the others, they were given hope by Arata, he even mended their broken relationships and even gave them a new hope." Pres. Mayumi said. "He was... the light for many of the students here."

"I seem Arata was your hope so you wish to protect him." Seiji-san said.

He is. He was the only one there for us when we were in the dark. While we all wandered in the darkness, he extended his hand to us and we found the light. So, he is extremely precious and important to us.

While we wait for the fighting to stop, many of the others disperse, either to train or study. The ones that remain here are me, the three guests, May and the girls, and a handful of my teammates and Pres. Mayumi who is joined by the Vice-Pres. Yuuya who has brown hair and brown eyes with light brown skin.

"So, what do you plan to do?" Sakura asks us as she appears out of nowhere. "Will you stop here or move on?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked

"Braves who walk this path, to you who have been chosen, will you stop or move forward?" She asked and I noticed she wasn't her usual self. "Only the truly strong may move forward and reach the place where they stand."

For a minute I try to understand what she means and I realize who she is referring to. Us and them.

"I won't hesitate to move forward." Touya said. "As long as I can stay by his side and his strength."

"Then don't stop here." She said. "For you who have the resolve and reason to press on, forward, towards the ones who await you."

Sakura collapses after that and I carry her to the infirmary where we let her get some rest. Her words were just what we needed to snap us out of it. We may have this power but we haven't truly used it. We've only been using it we haven't mastered it yet. Tostand by their side, we'll struggle, fall, falter and keep moving forward.