Arc: 17, Joker Chapter 125, Insanity

As the days pass, more cities are raised to the sky. Arata has stated that as long as he doesn't see a pattern he can't stop them. The islands that have been raised are five from the west, seven from the south and ten from the north. There isn't time to waste but as the days pass, they have noticed certain things. Like Karin's weird behavior around Arata.

"So, has anyone found anything?" Lia asked.

"We've surveyed her room but there was nothing." Pres. Mayumi said.

"Maybe we're imagining it?" May said.

"No. You aren't. That necklace around her neck, I wonder where she got it." Kimie said.

"That necklace... I sense a very horrible power from it." Theo said.

"Be sure to wary of her movements." Sakura said. "Her jealousy is one I haven't seen in a long time."

As they all gathered to talk, the twins, Alistar and Alexis were on guard duty. They've been with Arata since this morning and have been keeping him as safe as they could.

"Arata, is something wrong?" Alexis asked him.

"Nothing. I'm just trying to figure out the pattern behind this spell." He answered them.

"Snow and the others have also began to help right?" Alistar asked.

"Yeah. Snow, Autumn and Ardor have also began to watch things." He answered. "But, there's an uneasy feeling inside me that I can't shake off."

"Well, we're always here to listen." Alexis smiled.

Arata's heart was filled with warmth. To him, the ones he can always count on to listen to his innermost feelings and worries have always been the twins. He talks to them about most of his concerns, even more than he tells Will.

Meanwhile, as Arata and the twins were talking, inside him the nine Fleurs were holding a meeting and deciding what they should do.

"That woman is a danger to Arata. He should be rid of her as quickly as possible." Julius started.

"I agree. But he can't harm her." Hazel stated.

"We should atleast tell him about that necklace." Ivy said.

"But... our power to summon him here..." Evergreen hesitated.

"Something or someone is causing the bonds of the Le Fleur to weaken." Elias stated.

"As long as the bond is weakened, we can't bring him here." Aster stated.

As they discussed many issues brought by an unknown cause, the Nine Tailed Calamit and his two loyal followers had begun discussing their next step. Which was to raise many more islands to the sky as they sought out a worthy user of the remaining Gems of Sin.

"Master, it seems that the one most suited for the Gems is none other than that woman." Eddy reported.

"I see. Very well." He answered. "However, I want you two to watch the Crest of Ancients. It seems that they'll be making their move soon."

"What should we do exactly?" Addy asked.

"Watch them carefully and observe from a distance. The Crest of Ancients are very powerful." He stated. "Because of their sheer will alone, they have been granted great power by Fleur."

"Yes." They answered and disappeared.

Back in Wings Academy, Karin was biting her nails and mumbling as if she was insane in the corner of her room. She had become so unstable that even Kimie had decided it's for the best to leave her alone. Kimie and Karin had been friends for a long time, however, Kimie held Arata in great regard and respected him. Most of Karin's followers and friends had turned their back on her after her many wrong doings to Arata. Arata forgave them but Karin wanted him gone. She wanted him dead. She wholeheartedly believed that if he was gone she could be the one everyone pours their love into. She truly had been driven insane by her hatred for Arata alone.

"I can kill him! I can kill him!" She repeated her deranged chant.

"You can do it. Just drive that gem into him." Pierrot, once more appears behind her and smiles down on her with a creepy grin. "Go on. You can do it. Just drive the gem inside him."

"Yeah. I can do this!" She smiled.

Throwing away all rationality she stood up and ran out of her room like a derange woman wielding the gem as if to stab someone with it. The dorms were empty at this time of day and as she ran through the empty halls, her grin and laughing would make others believe she was insane.

It was at that moment that Arata was watering the flowers with many of his friends when Karin arrived before them. Her hair and clothes messy, she hid the gem behind her and was suppressing her smile.

"Karin, are you alright? Your hair..." Arata was concerned about her but he was guarded by Andrew and Zander.

"Yes. I was running through the halls in a rush." She answered but they were all wary of her.

"Is something wrong?" Kimie asked as she stood behind Arata. "Is it about your Brave Title? Arata-kun can still give you one. I'm sure."

"Yeah. If that's what you want." He answered. "I'm happy to be of help to everyone."

This made Karin snap and she held the gem ready to drive it inside of him.

"Die! You hypocrite!!!" She screamed and charged at him so quickly that no one was able to respond quickly enough and Arata was stabbed.

"Whirlwind Scythe!" Adrew's scythe blew her away.

"Arata! Arata!" Zander shook him as he had fallen into unconsciousness.

"Hold her down!" Touya, who was with them immediately grabbed Karin and held her down.

They tied her up while they brought Atata to the medical bay. Word spread fast and the whole school was filled with rage and worry. The doctor began treating Arata's wounds and after an hour comes out of the E.R. to see a huge crown of students awaiting him.

"Doctor, how is he?" Lia asked.

"He is fine now." He answered and they all drew a breathe of relief. "Just let him rest for a bit."

With word that Arata was fine everyone was finally able to calm down and think rationally. They began discussing what they would do with Karin.