Chapter 144, Dependency and Failure Often Go Hand-in-Hand

"The girls are working hard." Adonis smiled to Leon.

"Yeah." Leon answered. "Maybe I'll go train for a bit too."

"Knock yourself out." Adonis laughed as Leon went off.

Meanwhile, Angelica, Rachel and Adele were struggling to grasp the reason behind their weaknesses when William steps in to help them.

"Ange, you go with Alexis." William stated. "Rachel with Alistar and Adele with Andrew. I'm certain by the end of the day you'll know what is it that holding you back."

The three went with the boys while William went to see how Leon was doing. Leon was training by focusing on visualization in the roomwhere Braves practice the basics, such as materializing their Brave Weapon. He smiled as he saw how hard Leon was trying and knew that Leon would be fine. Returning to the basics is the best wya to train.

On the other hand, Adele who was training with Andrew didn't quite understand why she was paired with Andrew who was calm and patient most of the time.

"If you're wondering why we were paired together, I suppose it might have something to do with the fact that Arata said I was impatient." Andrew told her as the two praticed culminating Vi. "My original Title was Brave of Wind and so Arata said I was somewhat like the wind. Fast, unstoppable but also impatient."

"How did you get over being impatient?" Adele asked as she practiced releasing Vi.

"I never got over it. But, as time went on, I pearned tehre were times when I had to just sit back amd watch." Andrew answered. "At first, everyone in school didn't always like Arata. At first it was just eight and May and the girls and Hiro."

"Because Arata was hated by others and he didn't know who he was or anything about his past, I felt like I needed to watch over him and protect him but after a while it wasn't like that anymore." Andrew stated. "Arata slowly began to grow, he eventually stopped relying on us and started to stand up on his own two feet. There were times when I wanted to help him badly but..."

"But?" Adele asked.

"I realized it was part of my own impatience and lack of faith in Arata that caused it. I simply had to trust in him and offer him a helping hand when he really needed it." Andrew stated.

"It must've been difficult." Adele said, thinking of how she always did everything for Arata back in the garden.

"It was harder for Will, he watched that kid grow up. He was always tehre to help him so watching Arata struggle must've been hard on him." Andrew stated. "Well, now we can rest easy, Arata has grown stronger but, what about us?"

"We have to hurry up and catch up to him!" Adele smiled.

"Not quite right." Andrew smiled. "When you run, you forget to see the many things around you. Don't run, go slowly, because, no matter how slowly you go, you'll get there. One step at a time."

"But Argen-" Before she could finish Andrew stopped her.

"Arata isn't so weak that he needs us to watch over him constantly anymore." Andrew stated. "Try to calm yourself and walk instead of running, I'm certain, that you'll see it. The things along the path that Arata left for you."

Though she still had no idea on how to surpass her own limits, she knew that she had to at least try to control her own impatience. Andrew knew she still had a long way to go but when he saw the determination in her eyes, he simpky smiled.

Meanwhile, Angelica who was with Alexis was sitting down and having tea.

"From what I can tell, you and Rachel rely on each other too much. I heard from Lia you two were always together but that just won't do." Alexis said. "No matter how hard you try, if you only rely on Rachel and Rachel only relies on you, you won't get anywahere. You'll only find yourself running around in circles."

"What do you know?!" Ange snapped.

If there was one thing she hated, it was being pooked down on and she felt that Alexis was talking in a condescending tone. However, there was naother reason for her to snap. She knew deep within her that she relies too much on Rachel and Rachel relies too much on her.

"Why don't you try and spend a day without relying on Rachel. Try using your abilities without using Rachel's ability to aid you." Alexis smiled.

Ange was silent but to her, Alexis still felt condescending and was a little annoyed with how he talked.

"Ange, you know Alistar and I are twins right?" He asked and she nodded. "Well, back when we were younger, I was very frail and I often relied on Alistar. Even now, there are times when I rey too much on him."

"What are you saying?" Ange who couldn't understand what he was implying asked.

"Try to find your own way instead of relying on Rachel. Dependency and failure often go hand-in-hand." He said. "If you rely too much on someone else's power, there will come a day when your own weakness will catch up to you."

"What do you mean?" She asked and Alexis simply smiles.

"Ehh? Alexis did?!" Rachel who was with Alistar was surpised by what he told her. "Then how did he...?"

"Overcome that pain? Atata was the onw who helped him." Alistar stated. "He was an empty shell after her death but... because Arata was there, he helped Alexis' overcone his past and even relaize what the cause of it was."

Alistar was telling Rachel the story of Alexis and Layla. His pain and the reason why he was the one who was assigned to help Angelica. The two shared something, dependecy on someone.

Alistar smiled as he onew that Rachel was changing, she had already found her answer not long after their discussion. He wondered about the others and smiled.

Rachel, who had found ber answer, strengthened her resolve and once more vowed she'd definitely protect Arata.