Chapter 142, Growing Heart

"So, you're heading back to the village?" Arata asked with a frown as Lucas stood infront of him.

"Yeah. But it'll only be for a week. I promise, after that I'll come right back." He said as he patted Arata's head. "I'm only going to ask some things from Philia and train with my father."

"If Lucas is going back to the village, can we go as well?" Mitan said as he and Theo came our way. "We need to ask the Chief a few questions."

"Very well." Arata sighed. "I'm going with though. I need to talk to Philia as well."

With that settled, the four departed for Unified Palace. Upon arrival, Arata's portal opened them right outside the roots of the tree that covers their village.

When they return to their village, they greet the Chief and Arata heads for the Sky Garden without delay while Lucas goes to his father and Mitan and Theo talk to the Chief. Lucas was walking down the streets when he saw the blooms of white and yellow by the pathways and smiled before arriving at his house.

When Lucas opens the door he immediately dodges as a knife flies his way. He could sense the second knife coming and blicks it with the door and the third he easily deflects with his sword.

"What a way to welcome someone home, Louie." He said as he looked at his older brother, with long black hair, white skin and brown eyes.

"Ahahaha, it seems your skills haven't gotten blunt after so long." His brother smiled. "So, what brings you back?"

"I want to talk to father, is he is here?" Lucas asked.

"Dad? You just missed him, he and a few others were deployed on a mission." His brother said. "Why'd you want to see him, anyway?"

"I wanted to talk about techniques Brave can generally do." He answered. "The one that's been passed down in our family."

"Oh, Argent gave you a Title? Good for you." His brother patted his head. "Let's see..."

His brother began shifting through different books that lined their house walls. They were old and some were even made from material that dates back a few hundred years or so. Some were scrolls made of shining paper. His brother, Louie is the one incharge of their village library which holds all the records of their village. And their family has passed down special fighting styles Braves can learn regardless of their Titles.

"Found it!" Louie said as he held a scroll in his hand.

Lucas was about to take it when Louie shook his head. Lucas already expected this, Louie wouldn't hand over the family's secret without testing him.

"You can have the book if you can prove you've finally grown up." Louie said. "Lets go, to the Sacred Falls."

Lucas followed Louie to the Sacred Falls, a water fall hidden within the many caves the protect their village. As the enter from the entrance in their home, the steps lead to a large opening with many paths.

"Mirroring Wall." His brother said and the walls began to to crumble to reveal the real path.

They walk and walk the moss lined paths, till finally, Lucas begins to hear the sound of falling water. When the cave opens up, there's a large cavern with large crystals rising from the ground and hanging from the roof. There's glowing moss snd mushrooms around them. The waterfall, pouring down from an opening in the cave is crystal clear and shines in bright hues.

"Are you ready?" Louie asked.

"Yes." Lucas answered as he walked towards the pool.

"Let's begin." Louie said and held his hand towards the waters. "Rushing, Swelling, Flowing, you who has carved away the rocks, you who contsantly changes, let your power flow. Reveal the fear of this heart, mirror of clear waters, Mirroring Water!"

In an instant the waters swell and they encase Lucas. His brother sits down on a mushroom as he waits for the trial to end.

Lucas opens his eyes to his greatest fear, the repeat of the day that seperated him and Arata. As he faces the fears of his heart, not long after his heart succumbs to the fear and the water bubble burst. He has failed the test.

"You've failed." Louie sighed. "Want to try again?"

"Yes." Lucas answered.

The trial is repeated countless times and ends the same way. With Lucas failing. Finally, his brother has enough and stops the trial.

"Why?!" Lucas who was panting, asked.

"I've seen enough. Go and talk to the Chief before coming to me again!" His brother snapped.

Lucas goes to dry off his clothes and his brother sighed. Louie knew what his brother was lacking but... he didn't tell his brother just yet. He wanted to see his brother find the answer with his own eyes.

Lucas who had dried off, went to see the Chief. Who, at the moment was tendibg to his blooms.

"Your heart is unsure." The Cheif said before Lucas could even get closer to him. "Calm your heart, find your resolve and take the trial once again."

"Yes sir." He answered but before he could leave, the Chief invited him for tea.

Inside the Cheifs house, the two had tea while gazing outside towards the azure sky and rice fields. The Chief sipped his tea and after he ate his cookies, he speaks.

"Your heart has yet to grow. Though your body has grown, your mind and heart hasn't caught up yet." The Chief said. "Your heart is still growing and so is your mind. In the face of danger, calm your heart hold fast to your resolve, so the waters of despair's chrrent do not drag you alone with them."

"Yes sir." Lucas said.

The Chief sighed in his heart as he knew Lucas didn't understand a word he said. Lucas, later left and was greeted by Philia who was sitting outside his house.

Philia tapped to the side of the spot where he was sitting and smiled to him.

"Let's talk, about the reason why you can't over come the trial." He said.