Chapter 149, Their Resolves

"Arata, something seems to be bothering you." Seiji asked him as the two practice sword fighting.

Arata just stays silent, his mind was occupued by many thoughts. All worries and fears that are slowly building up behind him.

"Listen, if you need someone to talk to, there's Will and the others, and if it's something you can't tell them, I'm here." He said and Arata hesitated to reveal what was eating away at him.

He knew if he wanted to, he could tell everyone about it but... he felt as if he would only be adding more worries to their already growing concerns.

"Arata, Will and the others aren't that weak..You should know better than anyone." Seiji said. "Tell them. They want to be use to you, not just on the battlefield."

Arata nods and he goes off, Seiji smiles, thinking that he is still a child. He doesn't seem to know when the rely on others just yet and this makes Seiji smile a bit. The growth of Arata, the way he will mature was something he wanted to see.

Meanwhile, Arata, who had the issue of the floating islands, Karin and Pierrot on his shoulders was walking to the cafeteria. He opened the door of their cafeteria to see the even smaller amount of students gathered there. Another weight fell on his shoulder, a worry he had been putting off thanks to his other worries. That is... the worry that people are being put in danger the closer their proximity to him.

As he sat down, a hand fell on his shoulder. Woth a gentle smile, Reinhardt sits down beside him and the two eat their lunch. Reinhardt waited till Arata finished his meal before he asked him.

"Arata, is there something you wanna talk about?" Reinhardt aksed with a gentle smile.

He stays quiet, unable to find some way to tell Reinhardt about the darkness that was lingering at the very back of his head. Reinhardt who realized that Arata was being hesistant takes him by the hand.

"Follow me." He smiled.

Arata follows Reinhardt through the halls and down the steps to the outside of the school. They walk into the forest and through the thick greenery, Reinhardt brings Arata to a clearing.

Arata stares in wonder, the skies were hidden by the leaves but light still reached the forest floor. A small crystalline river ran through the roots of a tree even Arata was unfamiliar with. From the branches hanged vinss with gourds about the size of a person's head and glowed in colors of red, blue and yellow. Mushrooms, growing the foot of the tree seemed to glow in bright colors of red, yellow and green.

"What is this place?" Arata asked in amazement.

"I found it a few days after I entered school when I was wondering the area." Reinhardt answered. "I've been coming here when I feel worried or unsure abput things, to think about them and ponder my thoughts."

"Why'd you bring me here then?" Arata asked.

"Right now, I think you're the one who needs this place." He aswered with a gentle smile.

Arata sits there, staring at the sky for a while, the green leaves blowing with the wind and Reinhardt lied down beside him and after awhile, Arata drifted off into sleep, lulled by the sound of the birds and leaves and the gentle wind that blew.

"Arata, I want to be someone you can rely on." He says as he fixes the few strands of hair from Arata's forehead before also taking a nap.

In Arata's head, he stands before the other Fleurs, Elias, Erika, and Julius remain passive, Hazel, Emilia, and Gregory show try to hide their uneasiness but they coudl easily be seen but Ivy, Aster and Evergreen show their concern which causes Arata to be taken by surprise.

"Is something wrong?" Arata asks.

"Arata, look behind you." Aster says and Arata does and he saw a silhouette.

"What is the silhouette?" Arata asked as the silhouettes multiply slowly.

"Why don't you face them?" Elias says.

Arata turns around and as he does, the silhouettes disappear and reveal William and the others, all holding out their hands to him.

"Arata, no matter what may come, no matter where may be, no matter how far apart you are, remember that there are people who supprts you." Hazel says. "Face them. The people who care for you, the people who fight for you, the people who value you."

"Just as you have enemies, you have allies." Evergreen says. "Face them and look them in the eyes. See for yourself how strong they have truly become."

Arata awakes from his sleep with Reinhardt beside him, still sleeping. He rises and his phone rings, it's William. It seems he's slept through twenty calls from William and even more from the others.

"Arata...?" Reinhardt who had woken up rubbed his eyes.

"Hello, Will?" Arata answered the call.

"Arata?! Where are you?!" William's voice which was extremely worried was somehow starting to feel at ease.

"I'm fine. I'm with Reinhardt, I took a nap and didn't notice what time it was." He answered.

"I see... that's a relief. We were worried where you were cause no one could reach your phone." William stated.

Without any more words, Arata knew that he had to head back. Reinhardt smiles when Arata stands up, it seems that he has found his answer.

When the return to the school, the cafeteria air finally becomes relaxed and everyone in room immediately smiles with relief when they see Arata. Apparently everyone was worried sick about what had happened to him and as such were wven planning to send out a search team.

Now that he was found, they were all about to return to their routines when Arata stops them. They could tell, by the look in his eyes, the seriousness of his expression. He was finally prepared, to tell them, about the things that he had buried deep insode of himself.