Chapter 162, Wavering Ways

"Long golden hair, round eyes... I have to work hard!" Hinako said.

"Yo, there you are." The room came alive with the entrance of the Swords and Vassal Braves.

"Arata, there you are." Will said.

"Sorry. Did you need me?" I asked him.

Will suddenly lifts me off the ground and I find myself sitting on his lap. Ah, he needs to 'recharge'. There are times lately that Will gets really clingy, Hiro says it has something to do with the fact that we used to have a lot of skinship but since we've been so busy he hardly even has time for a hug. Alistar said it's a thing all brothers and sisters experience, especially when they spent a lot of time together.

"There there. Thanks for the hard work." I patted his head that was buried in my left shoulder.

While he hugs me, Alistar feeds me a cookie and hands me my phone phone so I wouldn't get bored. Then, I feel a change in Wills breathe and sigh. He must've been really tired if he feel asleep so quicky. I gently pet his hair as he dozes of before reaching for Andrew who helps me break free.

"Will must've been tired." Andrew said.

"I suppose I'm at fault." I sighed. "I've been having nightmares more often lately, when I do, I usually snuggle up close to him and he hugs me till I fall asleep."

"I've noticed. I can hear you screaming during your worst nights." Alistar says. "What kind of nightmares are they?"

"I think it'd be better if I called them memories rather than nightmares." I answered. "Vision has been taking its toll on me."

"Arata, try closing your mind for a while." Licht says. "If what you see are memories of the past, such as those of your predecessors, close your heart."

"If by chance these memories overcome you, you might lose your sanity. After all, those are the memories of the nine Le Fleurs that have come before you." Van said. "Even if your ability to see the past, present and bits of the future is useful, it is too much for your body."

"Hehe, don't worry. I'll be fine." I answered when I suddenly sense a change in the Vi. "What do you three think?"

"Not a Vortex for sure." Van says.

"It doesn't seem to be her either." Zander says.

"Not the Clown either." Dino chimes in. "But it seems to be something artificial."

"Petals; Display the coordinates of where the abnormal Vi is coming from." I ordered and the petals before showed a map. "South of the school..."

"What do we do?" Ethan asked.

"Growth. Go scout the area." Growth, who appeared form the magic circle flew off into the direction of the south.

While Growth checked the disturbance, I was about to leave when Alexis grabbed my hand.

"Alexis?" I asked.

"Ah! Sorry, it's just... something came over me and I grabbed your hand." He said and let go.

Something was wrong, I could see it in his eyes. He was anxious but he didn't seem to know why himself. My hand moves by itself and tucks back a strand of his hair.

"Arata?" Alexis asks as he held my hand.

Why? What's happening? My vision... is getting blurry.


"Arata!" Will, who suddenly woke up grabbed him.

"Oi! Arata!" Mao tried shaking him but we stopped him.

"Van, is it?" I asked him.

"Yeah. It's the same from before... he's switched with someone." Van stated.

When Arata opens his eyes, they shine a different hue of bright from his normal hue.

"Hello." He smiled.

"Who are you? Or which are you?" Zander asked.

"I'm the Seventh, you can call me Emilia." The person answered. "I think you know why I'm here. There's an important issue to address but first, your question."

"Our question?" Alistar asked.

"Allow me to clarify something. The feelings you eight are harboring, those aren't just the feelings of those who cane before. They also aren't your natural instinct to protect ypur Flower." Emilia stated. "What they are... that is something you must determine yourself."

"Moving on, the reason I've surfaced is because right now, the many strings of fate are beginning to connect and unify." She continued. "They are beginning to overlap and the end to this long war is drawing ever nearer."

"Then why come out now?" Licht asked. "It couldn't be that..."

"You must gather the pieces of the Dream Puzzle, and quickly. Le Livre, Le Sabre, Le Balise, and the last Le Navire, you four shall guide the Le Fleur to the destined path." She says. "Vassal Braves, Regal Braves, Quasi-Braves and Sacred Braves, nearly all the pieces have come together."

"Within his hands, Arata now holds the many pieces, the Keys of the Eight Worlds are in the hands of the Eight Sacred Braves. The Four Elemental Keys and Four Essences are also in his hands." Licht stated. "What other pieces does Arata lack before the Dream Puzzle is complete?"

"His own piece." She answered. "Arata's flower has yet to bloom. Until that moment, the Dream Puzzle shall not be completed."

"His flower hasn't bloomed?!" Van and Zander exclaimed.

"When he has so much power and is able to use the Sacred Familiar with ease?" Van exclaimed.

"Yes. His flower has yet to bloom. Arata has yet to fully awaken." She answered. "For him to succeed his flower must bloom. Guide him, support him and give him strength, for his flower to bloom."

"How?" Liam asked.

"The answer lies within you." She says. "And within him. Doubt not your path, for no one made it but yourself."

With those words, she leaves us and collapses, Arata returns to us but now we have yet another set of questions to fill. Arata, just how much are you hiding from us? Do you not trust us so much or is it... that you can't trust us that much?

Suddenly a chill fell down my spine. Did I really just think that?