Chapter 152, Facing the New Day

When I open my eyes once more, I stand before Fleur as she sips her tea. She smiles when she sees me and I take a seat beside her. There's a tray of cookies but she doesn't eat, she does offer me some though.

"You're very fast." She smiles. "You've already been invited to my tea party twice."

"Fleur... why am I here?" I asked.

"That's simple." She smiles. "Because you've finally, truly begun to bloom."

"What does that mean?" I asked.

She simply smiles and pours me some tea which I sip, waiting for her answer. I take a cookie and nibble on it and while I do, she sips her tea and talks.

"You've become conscious of the fact that you aren't who you thought you were." She says with a smile. "Today, why don't we walk down memory lane?"

Without waiting for my answer, she snaps her finger and we're teleprted somewhere. Below us, I see a mansion. That is when I realize that we are above the home of my birth parents.

"Do you know? Among the Fleurs, you are the first to have taken on multiple names." She smiled. "Take a look, at your first name and past."

Although my parents were only by my side till I was five, they were still people I cared about. Now that I'm looking at them, I can't help but shed a tear. I don't know why though.

"Your first name, Elio." She says and I recall the true memories of my past.

As I hear my parents call my name now, I look down to the incident that destroyed our mansion and our family. When the sea of flames engulf it, I watch as everything is destroyed. But in flames, I see a golden light shine and with a tower of light towards the sky, I see the moment I became the Le Fleur.

"Fleur, the second name, taken when you journeyed the worlds." She said.

I looked down at the see of flames that died instantly and saw my past self travelling the worlds and meeting with the Guardians before finally returning to Unified Palace.

"Argent, your third name. The name you carried as you trained with the Petal Knights." She said.

I see the days of when I trained with Theo and Lia amd Grandpa in the Garden. It ends with me losing all my memories.

"Finally, Arata, your new name." She says. "The name of the Fleur who now stands before me."

She says as I watched the scenes play before my mind. From my meeting with William till the moment I collapsed.

"The name you bear is proof. Proof of the life you've lived." She says. "Now, you seek to know the reason for each of your choices?"

"Yes." I answered. "Why I haven't stopped despite all I've experienced and why I'm here now!"

"Then... it may be better for you to ask yourself that." She said and snapped her finger to reveal my past selves standing before me. I'm frozen, taken by surprise as the 'me' that have existed before stand in from if me.

Before I say anything, the youngest speaks.

"Are you uneasy?" He asks.

"Ah... yeah..." I answer a bit surprised.

"Hehe, why?" He asks. "If you're the one who is the in the future, then it means you've met them right?"

"Them?" I asked.

"The people who mom said would always be by our side." He smiled. "Mom said it once."

"'In the future, there will always be someone who will have your back.'" We say together and he smiles.

"I was able to move forward, to keep going despute the darkness because I believed in the future, in the hope of tomorrow being better than today." He smiles. "That's my reason. What about you?"

Before I can answer, Fleur speaks and asks me a question.

"Did the things I do manage to help the future be a little bit brighter?" He asks.

"Pardon?" I asked.

"My reason was... so that I could help the future be a bit easier for others, I'll do what I can today." He said. "Did it help? Did I manage to make a change?"

"Was I able to lay down the foundations properly?" Argent asks.

"Foundation?" I asked.

"My purpose was to set everything up. To prepare you for what was to come." He smiles. "Did I do it?"

"Were we able to help others?" They ask in unison. "Were we... able to accomplish our tasks?"

"Yeah. You all did great!" I smiled. "You were all the best!"

My smile, which reflects the smiles of those that the three of them, the ones who came before 'Arata', have helped brings a bright smile to their faces.

They each had a reason to come so far, that's why I could stand here fight now but... what about me?

"Do you still not know what your reason is?" Argent asks and I nodded in agreement.

"It's simple. Just ask yourself, why are you here right now?" The three ask and I pause and think.

Why am I here right now? Because I want answers? Because I can't find the answer by myself? Because I'm not sure of myself? Because they gave me their position? No. I'm here because I chose to be here. To stand up against the cruelty if the fate of all Braves and stand victorious in the battle with the Chimeras.

"I'm standing here, because I fight for the people I care about." I answered and with a smile the three who stood before disappear in small bits of light.

"That's the right answer." Their voices echo in my head and I smile as I turn to Fleur.

"I'm glad you've found your answer." Fleur says with a smile on her face. "Until next time, farewell, Arata."

With her words still echoing in my ears, I awake surrounded by the others. With a smile on my face, knowing who I am and what I must, I turn to face the new day.