Chapter 155, Stalling

"Come on! What's the matter, Le Fleur!!" Sirius slashes down hard and I block his attack with the bow. This is bad, repeated attacks like this are forcing me back and stopping me from using my bow and arrow.

I seek out an opening, a way to fall back and attack from a distance and realize that won't be possible. Sirius plans to keep a close range fight, probably knowing what I can do with my bow.

I jump back and Growth charges forward, attacking Sirius while I take out another weapon from my storage. What I pull out are a pair of curved swords.

"Blooming!" I activate the Regalia's ability to boost all my abilities at begin my counter attack at Sirius.

My sword and his meet and as they do, I can feel the power in his sword. Our exchange of blows repeat themselves and when I slash down, he blocks and counters with a powerful blow to my side. Had the Regalia not blocked it, I might've broken my ribs and damaged my internal organs.

I fly back and realize that my attacks as they are won't do anything for me. I realize that I'll have to think outside the box for this fight. I hold my swprds and activate their abilities.

"Dance, swirl, howl, ancient voice of the wind, Sylphid!" I chant and the winds blow causing Sirius to fly a few feet away from me.

I hope the others are doing better than I am. But we only have to hold out, hold out till the time is just right for me to use it. The ace up my sleeve that not even they know about.


"Don't let her escape!" I exclaim.

"You think you can beat me?!" She exclaims and then a dark shadow begins to creep at her feet.

"Snake Tail!" I send my whip after her shadows and they disappear.

"Order of Stars. Zodiac Ring!" I turn to Diana, who with her crystal ball that Arata made for her, creates a ring of light in the sky that contain the images of the zodiac signs.

"May, are you alright?" Lia asks and I nod.

"This girl is getting what's coming to her." Lina says as she holds her scroll. "Unknown Ring!"

A handful of needles begin to dance around in the air and as they do, she sends them straight for Karin.

"You think you can take me on?! You're dreaming!!" Karin exclaims and easily knocks away the needles Lina throws at her.

Just then, a beam of light flies Karin's way and she is sent flying back. I turn and smile as Rachel, Adele and Angie held their weapons.

"Bend the scales, break the bonds and bear down, with you iron fist, Child of Earth!" I turn to see Lia casting a gravitational spell that forces Karin down.

"Assemble now, blooms of Yggdrasil, breathe of light, hope of healing, Lot of Life." Rachel's staff rises to the sky and creates a ring of light that heals our wounds.

"Onward, swift wolf of snowy mist, dawn light of purification, with your mighty fangs and claws, bear down and destroy, Ice Wolf!" Adele's spell summons a pack of wolf made of ice that form a circle around Karin. "Angie!"

"Return all to as they were, by my will, in the name of the Vassal Brave of the Mirror, revert!" Angie's Mirror shines and the wolves turn to meer snowflakes.

"Dance upon the palm of fate, swirl and circle, by my power, hold down my foe, Ice Crystal!" Rachel slams her staff into the ground and the snow flakes begin to swirl into a flurry that encase Karin.

"Let's hope that holds her long enough for us to execute our plan." Adele says and I nod. "I hope so. Everything is left to Arata after this."


"You won't get away!" Ryl chases after Pierrot who simply jumps around with his twisted smile. "Dance, Crystals!"

Gems of varying shapes and sizes all gather around Ryl and he sends them towards Pierrot who easily dodges them without issue.

"Burn him away, Ruby!" Rum's sword creates a way of fire that he repeatedly throws at Pierrot.

"Encase, crystallize, restrain, become a cage and hold down my foe!" Mani attempts to hold Pierrot down but Pierrot sends a knife his direction and he takes it into his shoulder.

"Tch. Diamond Slash!" My slash creates a wave of light that chases swiftly after him.

"Come on! Is that the best you can do?!" He laughs as we hold our weapons steady.


"Van." Xander calls me and I nod. "Why are you doing this, Licht? Aren't you one of us?! One of the people who chose this destiny?!"

"I don't know what you're talking about but you better show me what you've got up your sleeve!" Licht exclaimed.

"Rise, swell, and quake, earth shaker!" My spell causes the pand around us to quake and crack causing large parts to spike up.

"Is that all?" He asks as he is perched on the tip of the most pointed rock among the group. "I'd have more fun if I played with the Le Fleur."

"Sadly, you won't meet with him!" Xander appears behind him, his sword ready to slash as it is enveloped in flames. "Salamander Blade!"

"Freeze." Is all Licht says before ice form and we take to the skies.

"This is... large scale freezing magic, Ice Age." I say as I survey the ice now spreading to the neighbooring areas.

"What do we do?" Xander asks me.

"Stall him. You know the plan." I tell him and he nods.

"How are the others?" He asks me and I quickly check the surrounding area.

"Arata is fine, so are the girls and the others. Though they're held back a bit more than the two of us." I tell him.

When we land, Licht looks like he is sleepy and bored as if fighting us was just a boring game for him. I nod to Xander and I summon my book.