Arc 21: The String of Fate, Chapter 158, Meeting of Twelve Stars

"Unacceptable!!!" Karin was throwing a tantrum in the space between dimensions.

As she thrashed about in great rage, Sirius and Pierrot stayed silent. The two were also angry, not only did they fail, Arata was able to save the Beacon. Now, all five Called Ones are present. Both knew it was only a matter of time before the another bate would begin but many of the Chimeras have been lost to the previous battle.

"I'll be taking my leave." Sirius stated.

"Where will you be going?" Pierrot asked.

"I need to see how many of us are left." He stated and disappeared into the shadows.

Pierrot was both overjoyed and angry at the same time. He is nowhere near close to his goal but there is a new piece in his hands. While he plots his next move, Karin is throwing a fit.

"Unacceptable!!! How dare that brat! I'll have my revenge!!!" She shrieked in rage as she threw around the things she could get her hands on.

Elsewhere, Arata was on his way to the Twelve Star Palace, a building where the annual Zodiac Fest is held. It is a party that is held in honor of the Twelve Zodiacs, he was invited by Monica so she could introduce them to the remaining Zodiacs, an idea approved by Hatori, Alessia and the other Zodiacs.


"Still, I didn't expect that you'd leave your loyal guards behind." Hatori stated.

"Will and the others are training under Licht's guidance, they'll need it soon." I answered.

"What was Licht teaching them?" Alessia asked.

"How to manipulate Ether Particles." I answered.

"Is that possible?" Monica asked.

"It's easy, we do it unconsciously normallly, but if they can learn to manipulate it consciously then they'll also be able to manipulate the amount of Vi they use." I stated.

Just then, I see a tall building, rising to the sky. That must be Twelve Star Palace.

We get out of the car and that's when I notice a large amount of Vi, gathering. I see, this skyscraper acts like a Vi rod, gathering Vi in the air and suppying it to the surrounding buildings.

"Are you ready, Arata?" Monica asks and I nodded.

Seiji-san guides me through the streets with Dustin and we enter the building.

"Yo, took you long enough." A man, with black hair and golden-silver eyes greets us at the door. "How do you do, Arata, I'm Rio, the Dragon and Fifth Elder."

"Oh, Rio, you came to greet us!" Alessia smiled.

"Alessia! Hahaha!" A young man, about my age, hugs Alessia, with blonde hair and green eyes, he shines like the sun with his bright smile.

"That's Fabian, the Rabbit and the Fourth Elder." Monica pats my head. "Come on, let's get this meeting started. Are the others inside?"

"Yeah. Everyone's here except for Marie." A woman with emerald green hair and sapphire blue eyes with white skin says as she stands in front of us.

"Let's get inside." Seiji says as he leads me into the meeting room.

Inside a few more people sit on reclining chairs. A woman with brown hair tied in a tail and black eyes sits besides a woman with golden hair and emerald eyes.

"The black haired woman is Lefina, the Sixth Elder and the one who is known as tbe Snake." Fabian said. "The one beside her is Chloe, the Boar and the Tenth Elder."

"Oh, where are Kate and Ash?" Dustin asked sitting down.

"Over here." A girl, with ash gray hair and fire red eyes smiled as she stood beside a woman with lavender hair and purple eyes with white skin.

"I'm Kate Marxs, the Seventh Elder and the one who carries the title of Horse." The lavender haired woman says.

"And I'm Ashley Fein! The Monkey and the Nineth Elder!" The ash haired girl smiled.

"That leaves Marie." Seiji-san says as he sits down.

"Sorry, I'm late!" A man who bursts the door says as he catches his breathe. He has curly brown hair and white skin with silver eyes.

"That's Marie Millstrung, the Ram and the Eighth Elder." Monica says as she has me sit down.

"So, now that we're all here, let's get down to business." Monica says and the room goes from relaxed to serious. "The real reason behind this meeting is to discuss what are our future actions in regards to rogue brave, Karin and the Chimeras."

"Let's not forget the numerous cities that are now airborne." Rio says.

"Arata, what did Licht say about that?" Seiji-san asked me.

"He said that it wasn't his but Pierrot's handiwork. He doesn't know how to lower them and for what purpose they were risen for." I stated. "But in regards to the Chimera and Pierrot they'll likely be taking time to recover."

"The recent fighting dealt a great damage to them after all." Seiji-san says and I nodded.

"That leaves Karin, who will likely be seeking another way to hunt you down." Alessia stated and I nodded.

The discussion lasts for a while before things finally begin to relax and as the sun begins to set, we have dinner. We are brought to a room where many guests have gathered. I see, despite it having a different meaning, the Zodiac Fest is still a formal event. So it's only natural that theirs a party with important guests.

As I look around, I spot a group of people very familiar. I smile as I walk over to them.

"It's been a while, Hilde, Rose, Albert, Milo." I smiled.

"It's been a while, Arata." Hilde smiled. "Autumn told us, so we came here hoping we could help."

"It just so happens that the Zodiacs were holding their Zodiac Fest and our parents got invites, we came in their stead." Rose stated and I smiled.

"Chase came here with Autumn didn't he?" Milo asked and I nodded.

"Looks like you've already gotten used to being without your guards." Albert says and I nod.

"Yeah. Will and the others had training, but they trust Monica and the others will keep me out of trouble." I answered.

"Arata there's something we want to tell you, can we talk to you in private?" Hilde says and I notice the seriousness in their eyes.

"Sure." I answered and lead them to the meeting room where Seiji-san who must've escaped from the party was sitting.

He smiles and heads for the door, leaving the five of us alone.

"So what is it you wnated to talk about?" I asked.

"Arata, have a look at this." Rose shows me a gem.

I froze when I saw what it was. Why... why is this... What is this thing doing in our world?!