Chapter 167, Song in the Rain

William tells us what happened that stormy night five years ago, when this lake was enveloped by the tempest. When I wasn't Argent and not quite Arata yet.

"At that time, Arata and I had been together for two years, he also had opened up a lot to me. At the time, I felt as though he still had an inlking or even a faint idea of who he was." Will began. "He was different from when you guys met him, back then, he seemed to have had a small idea or maybe, just a hint of who he was, though not clearly enough for him to recall."

"Really?" Alistar asked. "What was he like?"

"He would sometimes mutter names he couldn't recognize, a few phrases here and there, on moonless nights, he'd toss and turn in bed in pain." Will stated. "It was on one of those nights that his screams pierced the entire mansion. I hardly sleep on moonless nights, always worrying about him so I was the first to hear his scream and arrive at his room. When I had arrived to his room, he was covered in wounds of unknown origin. After we had him fixed up, he only muttered 'Storm' repeatedly."

I started to recall something like that... but why does my memory feel so hazy and distorted. Like... a fog is covering my memories deep in my head.

"Finally, one morning, through the window of his room, a blue bird broke the glass and entered his room. It continued to circle Arata till we followed it." Will continued. "It brought us here, to this lake city. By the time we arrived, a raging storm had already begun. Arata and I visited this hotel to gather information before the bird took off to the boat."

"Then after that?" Theo asked.

"We headed for the island, Arata and I needed answers. The bird guided us all throughout the journey there. For some reason, where the bird was the waves would stop." Will continued. "Then... on the island, we met him."

"Met who?" Lia asked.

"The Guardian of Treasures, Spriggan and Julian." Will stated. "The bird disappeared after we met the two. I was wary but Arata suddenly said that he knew the two."

"Then?" I asked.

"Arata and Julian became close in a blink of an eye, literally. We had just arrived but in mere seconds, he got close to the two and he resembled someone I didn't know. Thinking about it bow, it was probably, Argent. While I watched him, a lightning bolt hit the forest and a group if unknown monsters attacked." Will answered. "I don't recall anything after the lightning bolt struck, all I remember was a black shadow and the next day, Arata and I found each other on the beach. But Arata had forgotten everything."

"What about Julian and Spriggan?" Adonis asked.

"I don't know. When I went back to the island, no one was there. Arata forgot everything so I brought him home and made a vow never to let him take one step on the island again." Will answered. "But whatever happened that night, one thing was clear, the storm was stopped by them. And it also erased everything from his memories, from his past self, to Julian and Spriggan, and most of his memories for the past two years."

"I guess, some of my memories still haven't returned to me." I said as I knew that I don't recall any of what he just said.

"Then the key to stopping this storm and his memories is on that island." Rachel stated.

"Let's go. To that island." I tell them. "I don't recall much of it yet, but I know, this voice calling me, it must be Julian."

Will simply gives me a pained smile, we go out and as I take a stepout of the building, I see a light shining and then a blue bird appears before us.

"A Kingfisher?" Alexis says a bit suprised.

"Halcyon. The bird that calms the storms." Van states.

"You were the one who guided us here before, weren't you?" I petted it's head. "Will you guide us there once more, to the island?"

It spreads its wings wide and circles above me, before flying to a boat. It's fairly large but... not many of us will fit.

"Everyone stay behind. We'll go with him." Reinhard says and the others agree.

We board the boat, the nine of us set sail for the island while the others stay behind and keep their eyes on the storm.

On the waters, for some reason, Halcyon begins to sing. As it does, my mind begins to clear and I'm reminded of a certain song.

'On the cold moonless night, I seek out your silhouette. Walking in this darkness by myself wasn't easy.' I numbly sung the song. 'I wandered endlessly, as the strings that tied me to you snapped and disappeared.'

The others kept silent as I sang the song or maybe they were talking I just couldn't hear them.

'Even if I'm swallowed by this cruel world, and the things I hold dear overflow and fall apart, I will still sing my song.' I continued. 'Even if this fate is cruel, I will offer my love. For this world that has forgotten it. Even if it means, I can't return to your side.'

As I finish the song, we reach land. To our surpise, on the shores, there was a lone silhouette, with golden hair, a boy stood. With scarlet eyes, he stared and stood, silently, without making a sound. In the rain, he stood, and as he opened his mouth to speak his voice was familiar but I don't know why.

"Welcome back, Arata, to Place of Choice." Is all he says before turning to Will. "Welcome back, Fangless Brave."

"Julian..." My chest aches.

"The time has come, William, Brave of the Sacred Gun, choose, Cloudy Skies or Green Waters?" He says. "Make your choice, Fangless Brave."