Chapter 172, Something Wrong

"See anything, Mao?" I called out to him.

"Nothing I can see." He called back.

"Tch. Maybe the others are doing better." I said.

"Touya, what do you think of what Arata said?" He asked me.

"Which part?" I asked.

"About him saying that the Artificial Brave Series was something that could've been useful if people didn't misuse it?" He asked.

"To be honest, I don't know. Arata felt different since he returned from the Isla Memorya." I answered. "And when he said those words, it felt like hs wasn't messing around."

"Arata said that because he was worried." Hattori aaid as he jumped down. "I heard about it from Zhen, ever since Arata returned, he has been extremely worried about the Braves."

"Anything from Will?" I asked.

"No. Will's been pretty tight lipped recently. All he says is he's fine." Hiro answered. "I don't know what happened on that island but Arata and Will are keeping something from us."

"What do you think, Yuuki?" Mao asked.

"I don't see what's wrong with Arata at all." Yuuki answered. "I'll have faith in him and Will. I'm sure they'll tell us when the time is right."

I nodded, right now we can only wait. I'm certain Will and Arata will tell their friends. When they do, we'll be ready for them.

"I hope the others are having better luck." Hiro said and I just chuckled.

"Yeah." I smiled.


"Will, what happened on the island?" Andrew asked him.

"Nothing." Will answered and suddenly Arata yelped. His face suddenly turned grim as he looked for him. "Arata!"

"I'm fine!" He answered as he climbed out of the ditch. "There's been a lot of these recently."

"Yeah..." Will seems relieved.

I nodded to the others, Will glued himself to Arata giving the chance to group together.

"What do you guys think?" Liam asked glancing at the two.

"Not sure. Will and Arata seem to be hiding something but neither seems to know what the other is trying to hide." Ethan said and I nodded.

"You guys also noticed right?" Andrew asked.

"Yeah. It started after we returned from Isla Memorya." Alexis affirmed. "Whatever happened when they were down there had strange effects on the two."

"I'm ginna ask Will." I said.

"You sure, Reinhardt?" Zhen asked and I nodded.

"I know Will. If it concerns Arata it concerns us." I said and approached Will when suddenly a beam of light shoots down on us.

"What was that?!" Andrew said as he summoned his scythe.

"Up above!" Alistar said as he charged with his sword.

"Tch. It's here." I said as I summoned my spear. "Trail Blazer Spear!"

I throw my spear but is easily deflected by some kind of barrier. Will and Alexis shoot it but their ammo is just bounced back. When Liam tries his hammer it's deflected back at him.

"Growth." Arata summoned Growth to his side.


"I didn't expect it would attack us." I said as I guarded my back.

A black figure wrapped in black mist floats overhead. I try to find it's weakness but suddenly a beam of light shoots down again.

"Growth, Signal Fire!" I ordered and Growth rose to the skies in a bright color before flashing a dazzling light.

The others now know where we were, we just have to keep it here till reinforcement arrive. Growth flies back to my side and I take a feather. It glows brightly and what I have in my hands is a chain.

"Help me out! We're keeping that thing here!" I shouted to the others as I jumped into the sky.

"Wait up! Don't go in without a plan!" Will jumps to my side.

"Shooting Star, Bullet Rain!" Will shot to the sky and hundreds of bullets rained down on the monster.

"Calamity Weaver, Cyclone Circle!" Andrew swung his scythe but the wave it produced was knocked off course by the attack.

"Out of my way! Fire Pheonix!" Alistar's flaming sword engulfs it in flames but... it's still going.

"Blades of Love, Fang Hunter!" Zhen's knives fly towards it but they are deflected. Though some reach they don't deal enough damage.

"Earth Stamp, Heaven and earth Union!" Liam's hammer doesn't deal her much damage.

Just then, it aims at us and its about to counter. Could it have taken our Vi and is planning to hit us with?

"Shield of Fate, Praesidium!" Ethan rushes to our side with a multi layered shield. "Hold on...!

Most of the attacks seems to come from the Vi we attcked it with, it's absorbing and reflecting our Vi?!

As the lifht begins to grow brighter, it suddenly goes out at once.

"What happened?" Theo asked as he and the others came to us.

"Whatever it was attacked us and suddenly disappeared."

"Why would it just disappear?" Adonis asked.

"Probably time up." I answered. "It'll be a bothersome foe."

"What are you gonna do with that?" Alexis asked as I held the chain that has reverted back to a feather.

"Creation." The feather glowed bright and became a flower. A lotis again. "Restoration!"

In blinding light most of the damage done by the enemy is restored. It seems that it really is the power of the Le Fleur that restored everything to ss it should have.

Once we chcked that there was nothing damgerous nearby we returned to school. Some of us patrol the local area for anyhing suspicious.

As we all sat together, there was once question on everyone's mid.

"How do we... restrain it?" I asked.

"That's a tall order." Adele stated and I nodded.

"First, let's get all that we have and all the new data we got from the fight." Moyu said and we nodded.

As the others were emersed in strategizing, my mind wonders about. All I have on my head is 'where Karin could have possibly gotten the materials needed to create that thin and what is she plotting by making it.

Whatever the reason it can't be good, and I'll gave to be ready. I'll have to train all over again, so that whatever she is planning I can fight.