Chapter 175, Peaceful Times

"Oh! This is our home?" Spiro said as he looked around our dorm lobby.

"Sort of. Anyway, Spiro, there are a lot of people here. Everyone is friendly but don't misbehave." I told him.

"Okay, Dad." He smiled and ran around like the little child he is.

"Arata, are you sure about this?" Hiro asked me and I nodded.

"He may not seem like it but he is a good boy. Don't worry, I'll take care of him." I told him. "How is everything on your end?"

"The Black Humunculus hasn't been showing up lately. I'm not sure why." He answered. "Monica-san and Seiji-san have begun to help with research as well."

"They did? I'm so thankful." I answered and just then a call came. "Excuse me."

It's from Mom and Dad, I wonder what's wrong that they called me. I leave the room to answer the call and Hiro watches Spiro for me.

"Hello Mom, is something wrong?" I asked her as I answered the call.

"Hello dear, I just got a call from your school. Apparently you're now taking care of a young lad?" She asked.

"Yes. Is something wrong?" I asked and felt something wrong.

"Bring him over! I wanna meet my grandson!" She gleamed over the phone. I knew it, no wonder she called. "And don't you dare say you're busy! Bring him home or else you man!"

"Okay Mom! I'll talk to Will about it." I answered a bit surprised with her aggressiveness.

"Bring your other friends as well." She said sweetly. "I'll cook you a feast! I'll be waiting. Remember, this weekend!"

"Okay." I answered a bit confused. "Take care."

"This weekend, you hear me young man?" She asked.

"Okay." I answered and she ended the call.

What's with mom? She actually called and asked me to bring everyone home? What's she planning?

I move from the dorm lobby to our Group Room. Theo and the Lia are in the room with Alexis and Zhen. Spiro sits down beside Lia who is playing with a cradle and I ask Theo if I can leave Spiro with them. He nods and I go search fro Will.

"Arata! Where are you going?" Shizu-san and I meet in the halls.

"Oh! Shizu-san, I'm looking for Will." I answered. "Have you seen him?"

"Hmmm... I think he was with Hattori and Kaori-chan in the firing range." She answered with a smile.

"Thank you! I'll see you around." I answered with a smile.

As I walked down the halls to the firing range I bump into Pres. Mayumi and Touya. The two just came from the firing range it seems and they tell me that Will was with Andrew and was headed to the Dining Hall for lunch.

The two were headed there as well so I join them and head to the Dining Hall. As we walked there, we bump into Moyu and Rei and we all head to the dining hall.

"Eh? Arata's going home for the weekend?" Moyu asked in surprise.

"Yes. Mom wants me to go back." I answered.

"This weekend...? Isn't this weekend..." Pres. Mayumi muttered. "Nevermind."

"Okay." I answered.

In the Dining Hall, I find Will with Andrew and the rest of our friends discussing something. They're all gathered in one big group. What are they talkibg about?

"Will! Everyone!" I called out to them.

"Arata?! What are you doing here?!" Zhen exclaimed.

"What am I doing here? It's lunch time so I came to have lunch." I answered a bit puzzled. "Can I talk to Will?"

"Sure." He smiled and walked over to me. "What is it?"

"Mom says she wants us to go home this weekend." I said as we took our trays.

"Oh yeah. She did mention that to me." He said. "She said we should bring Spiro with us right?"

"Yeah. Looks like she already told you." I answered.

"Nah. Just got a text from Dad." He answered and took out his phone and showed me Dad's message.

We sat down and all ate lunch, Spiro was sitting with Theo and Lia, it seems he's grown attached to the two. I'm glad to see everyone accepting Spiro so quickly.


"Hmmm..." Karin grinned.

"What is it?" Sirius asked a bit annoyed.

"Well, it's just this. I made two Humunculi, one became dark but the other stayed light." She complained. "And it seems that pest found the Light one. Whatever, it doesn't have any use to me and it doesn't have any power so it's pointless to keep it."

"Are you sure it won't be a problem?" Pierrot asked a bit irritated.

"Oh I'm sure." Karin grinned her twisted grin as she excitedly looked at her hands. "Soon. That power will be ours."

"I plan to attack him soon. On that attack, Sirius can you send some back up?" Karin grinned and Sirius nodded.

"I will. I'll aend some of my strongest fighters there." He said. "So make sure you get your hands on the Sacred Flower! He is the most important tool for us!"

"Yes! Yes!" Karin grinned but she had no plan on capturing Arata for them. She was going to keep Arata as a hostage and make him pay for humiliating her.

"Karin, I'll send some of my Shadows to help you. So capture him, you hear me?" Pierrot said and galred at her and she simply nodded.

Shortly after Karin left, Sirius went to the other Chimeras. He was greeted by Aldebaran and Hamal.

"We'll definitely get revenge on the Le Fleur for he has done to your siblings!" Hamal assured him.

"She's right! We'll definitely have our revenge." Aldebaran stated.

"And we have the chance and it's soon. So, get Mirfak and Schedar ready." Sirius grinned. "We'll see what the Sacred Flower can do against the two and a Humunculi."

In his mind, Sirius was determined to get the powers of the Sacred Flower and destroy everything in his path. He wants revenge for the four fallen Chimeras and every last Chimera they've killed so far.