Chapter 177, Chasing After Someone

"Everyone head for cover!" I shouted down below.

"Those who can fight, get in the house!" Will evacuated the people.

I can't believe it, a Chimera attack at this time of day? What aree the odds? Judging by the way things look, it's going to be a big wave.

"All fighters stand your ground!" Pres. Mayumi ordered.

In the sky, we watched and waited for the first Chimera to appear. Ethan has already erected a barrier around the house, everyone should be safe inside.

"These guys really know how to ruin the fun." Dustin said as he cracked his nuckles.

"Let's make them pay for it." Alessia-san said.

Just then, in the sky a figure emerged, it was, the Black Humunculus! Following it, I saw Schedar, the True Beast of Perseus, Karin was also present. Behind her a large amount of Shadows and Chimeras.

"Arata?" Theo turned to me.

"Schedar, the True Beast of Perseus, possesses the ability of Determination." I stated. "Among them, the one with the strongest defense is him, leave him to me."

"I'll take Karin then." Licht said. "Addy, Eddy, with me."

"We'll handle the Black Humunculus." Van and Zander nodded.

"Leave the small fries to us." Theo assured me.

I jumped to the skies and with my swords attacked Schedar. He flies back and the two of us stare at each other before we clash.

"It's an honor to meet the Le Fleur and even greater honor to be the one to kill him!" He said as he attacked me with his fists.

"Pitiful Chimera, let me end your suffering." I said to him and he just laughed.

"I'll kill you for what you did to Ras Algethi." He said and attacked me.

I blocked and attacked him, Ras Algethi, what was your true name? Forgive me for not knowing and not caring.

"Fangs of Destiny, Predestine Fate!" I slashed down and Schedar fell to the ground.

"Restrain him, I have things I need from him." I told the others.

"Okie-dokie." Mao answered.

"Dance for me, Petals." I ordered my Petals and they danced, slashed everything in their path.

"Starlight Arrow!" Alexis' arrow flies into the fray.

"Starlight Sword!" Alistar's swords dance in the air as I watched from below.

"I'll help with Karin, you guys handle the Chimeras." I told them and they nodded.

"Leave them to us, now go!" Leon said.


"Yo, Pierrot." I called to him.

"Oh? If its isn't Diamond." He smiled. "And you brought some firends. It's been a while, Beryl, Corundum, Topaz, Tourmaline."

"It's been a while, Peridot." Ryl answered him. "Now then, since you're here, it's means you have something to do with this."

"No, this time I only added some finishing touches, this was all Karin's work." He smiled.

"Morganite Light." Ryl blasted him.

"Oh, that was rude." Pierrot said.

"Then this, will be ruder." Rum who was behind him slashed down without hesitation.


"Licht, how are you!" Karin called out.

"Die." I slashed with my two swords.

"Oh? Aren't you being cold?" She grinned.

"Licht, back up a bit!" Van said and after I did a ray of light shoots past me.

"Hmmm... you two are being bothersome." Karin blasted us.

"Sorry to say that you spell doesn't work on us." I said and nodded to Addy and Eddy.

"Twin Dragon Chaos!" The two summoned a dragon behind them, yin and yang.

"Growth, Fangs of Destiny!" Arata's voice resonated and I turned to see Growth fly past us in a flash and attacks Karin. "I'm here to help."

"Thanks." Zander said.

"Tch. Burn!" Karin summoned the Gem of Wrath but it doesn't affect any of us.

"We're taking here into custody." Arata ordered so we nodded.

"Split Splash Slash!" In an instant, Zander's sword slashes the wind and sends blades of light towards Karin.

She is cut but her body comes back together, it heals itself instantly.

"The Gem of Vainglory..." Arata gazed at her.

Looks like subduing her will take a bit more effort than I had originally thought.


"Disappear! Starlight Gun, Stardust Trail!" Will's guns fire without hesitation, he shoots almost evey last one.

"Dance, Starlight Blade, Stardust Crusade!" Alistar leaves a trail of stardust as he slashed the Chimeras.

"It's time to reap what you sow. Starlight Scythe, Stardust Cyclone." Andrew looks like a reaper as he decapitates the Chimeras with his scythe.

"Disappear in a beautiful light. Starlight Bow, Rain of Stars." The Chimeras are showered in stardust arrows with Alexis' bow.

"You guys are showing off. Starlight Hammer, Stardust Impact." Each hit of Liam's hammer crushes the Chimeras.

"You don't get to say that, can you?" Reinhardt asked as his spears flew in the air and exploded in impact. "Starlight Spear, Stardust Piercer. Shine brightly for me."

"Starlight Knife, Stardust Strike." Zhen's knives trail behind him as he tossed them at the Chimeras.

"You are such show offs. Statlight Shield, Stardust Rejection!" Ethan tossed his shield at the Chimeras and the shield bounced back and forth destroying the Chimeras.

"Now they're just showing off." Theo said as he stood beside me.

"Theo." I bowed my head.

"You okay, Hinako?" He asked me.

"Yes. I'm just surprised at how strong they are. I mean, I knew they were strong but I never they were this strong." I answered.

"Hehe, you haven't seen anything yet." Adonis smiled.

"Starlight Trident, Stardust Wave!" Theo threw his trident that ceeated an image of a wave.

"Starlight Fan, Stardust Wind!" Ophelia's fan left a wind of stardust in its path.

"Starlight Book, Stardust Story!" Adelie's book opened and pages burned leaving stardust after each contact with Chimera.

"Starlight Flute, Stardust Serenade." Adonis's music seems to cause the Chimeras to explode.

"Starlight Staff, Stardust Blast." Each time Rachel hit a Chimera with her staff it wound explode.

"Starlight Key, Stardust Void!" Leon opened pirtals here snd there that would devour the Chimeras and leave nothing but Stardust.

"Starlight Mirror, Stardust Reflection!" Angie's mirro appeared before a Chimera and it would be blasted by a flame of stardust.

"Starlight Bombs, Stardust Explosion!" Mitan threw bombs that exploded on impact with Chimeras.

"Starlight Strings, Stardust Fate." Lucas' strings bound Chimeras one after another and they'd explode with burts of stardust.

"So this is what the Sacred Braves and Vassal Braves are capable of? They're so powerful." I said. "Is it even possible for a person to be as strong as them?"

"It's because they're chasing after someone." Pres. Mayumi said as she blocked an Chimera's attack.

"Sorry, I blocked out!" I exclaimed as I snapped out of my daze. "Umm... what did you mean they're chasibg after someone?"

"I'll tell you another time, but I'll tell you this. They're chasing after someone precious to them. That's why their so strong." She smiled. "So they can protect someone precious to them."

I nodded and understood that they were that strong because they have someone or something to protect. If I want to catch Will's attention then I have to grow stronger too!