Chapter 185, Alrescha and Alpherg on the Attack

"Calm down Sirius!" Hamal tried to calm him as he punched the walls of the space between worlds.

"How can I?!" He punched the wall once more. "Aldebaran has fallen!"

It came to him suddenly, the news of Aldebran's death at the hands of the Braves. Sirius was so angry that he nearly destroyed the wall. To calm him down, Vega had to sing him a song.

"Calm yourself, Sirius. We shall avenge Aldebaran. For now you must prepare for revenge." She told him.

"Then let us go." Alpherg and Alrescha smiled as they held their swords. "We'll definitely avenge Aldebaran."

"You two..." Sirius thought for a moment. "Very well, but take many of your Chimeras with you. You mustn't be killed, you must return here. Our wish is drawing closer."

"We will." Alrescha smiled and the two disappointed in a smoke of darkness.

Sirius was beginning to grow worried as little by little the number of True Beasts were declining. Hercules, Canis Venatici, Canis Minor, Lupus, and now Taurus as well. Five True Beasts have fallen, how many more before they accomplish their goal?


"Arata? He was here a minute ago. He asked us to watch Spiro for a bit." May said as we were looking for Arata. "Why are you looking for him, Alistar?"

"We just wanted to ask him something." I answered.

"Hmm... I think he said he was going to look for Pres. Mayumi." Angie answered.

"Thanks." I said as Will, Alexis, Reinhardt and I continued our search for him.

"Arata? You just missed him, he went to the principal for something." Mayumi stated.

"I feel like Arata is making us go around in circles." Alexis sighed as we climbed the steps to the Principal's office.

"I'm starting to think so too." Will answered as he knocked on the Principal's door. "Principal Derek?"

"Come in." A voice answered and we opened the door.

"Principal, was Arata here?" Reinhardt asked.

"You just missed him, he said he was going to get something from Moyu in the Science Laboratory." He answered.

"Thank you." We thanked him and headed for Moyu's lab.

"I'm starting to think this isn't worth it." Alexis sighed.

We spend another half an hour searching for Arata and finally, we find him. Talking to Theo and Leon, Arata smiles.

"Do you guys need something?" He asked.

"We've got some things to talk to you about." I said. "It's about-"

Before I could even finish my question, the alarm goes off. It's a Chimera attack.


"So, Liam and Arata met on the first day of a new semester?" Felalona asked and I nodded.

"At the time, Arata wasn't surrounded by many people. He was being bullied at the time by Karin." I answered. "Originally I was just asked to show him around but after seeing that, I stepped in and kept a close watch over him."

"Since then you two were close?" She asked.

"Well, sort of. Arata and I were on what you'd call friends but we really became friends when he saved my life." I answered and smiled.

"Saved your life?" She asked.

"I think only the older students know, we don't like talking about it but... the eight swords who stand beside Arata owe our lives to him." I smiled. "He risked a lot for each of us. And he never gave up on us, even when we gave up on ourselves."

"Then... the person you like is..." She swallowed hard.

"It's Arata. I love him with all that I am." I smiled. "He was the one person who never gave up on me. His hand which reached out to me was a warmth I had never known before."

"Is he really important to you?" She asked and I saw her tears beginning to drip.

"Yes. He is." I answered with a smile.

"I understand." She said and smiled to my surprise. "If Liam is set on keeping Arata as his top priority, I won't interfere."

"Thank you." I thanked her and lowered my head in thanks.

"But... please promise me something." She says and I looked up.

"Please, no matter what happens always think of how Arata might feel before you make a decision." She said and smiled. "Because, Arata and Liam are the same, you both forget about your own safety for the person you love."

"I will." I smiled and she smiled and suddenly we felt it.

"This feeling..." She said.

"No doubt about it, a Chimera has descended." I said and got up from my seat.


"Arata, is that...?" May looked upat the sky.

"It is. The Pisces' True Beast. Alrescha and Alpherg." I answered.

"Sweet Arms." Will summoned his weapon and his clothes changed. "I'll stall them, evacuate the people!"

"Let's go." I called to Alistar and the others. "We'll keep the smaller ones at bay. Theo, take your team and go help with the evacuation!"

"On it!" Theo answered.

"Growth!" My Regalia and sword drawn, I summon Growth to attack the smaller Pisces.


"Saint? Saint? Where are you?" Mr. Sunny's voice was calling out to me.

"You better go back now." Navire smiled.

"Alright." I answered.

Navire and I walked back to the edge of the Celestial Globe and I came out of the Globe. I find Mr. Sunny, Ms. Elena, Ms. Titania, Ms. Ellen, and Mr. Allen all waiting for me bellow.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing." Mr. Allen patted my head. "Lady Astrologia wants to talk to you is all."

I'm surprised but I still follow them to where Lady Astrologia is. She sits at her usual tea table, everything already in place, she signals me to sit down beside her and I do.

"Saint, the stars have spoken." She says as I sip my tea. "It's nearly upon us."

"Yes. Navire says the same. The finale of the Ancient War is getting closer." I answered. "I'm still not sure what I'm supposed to do exactly."

"Hmm... perhaps it isn't time yet for you to do your job." She smiled. "Maybe soon your job will make sense and what you have to do will be clear to you."

"Maybe. But for now, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do." I answered and smiled. "But I'll just have to keep training to be ready for anything!"

"As you will." She smiled and patted my head. "Now, why don't we all enjoy this tea."

We sit in a group and enjoy the afternoon tea. As we do my thoughts wander to Sir Arata, what could he be doing right now?