Chapter 192, The Regal Blade of the Sacred Flower

I'm not sure what just happened but it looks like Arata and the others were able to defeat the Black Humunculus. So now I have to defeat the Gemini before me.

"Chevalier, Daybreak Slash!" With one slash of hope a wave of light strikes Castor and severs his right arm.

"Foolishness." Pollux who healed Castor arm stated.

"Ah, that's right. Arata said that as long as one of you is still alive the other could revive them." I said as I held my sword. "The only answer is to kill both of you at the same time."

I hold my sword tightly and smile. This Chevalier and I, we will definitely put these two to sleep.

"Chevalier; Eclipsed Night." Suddenly our surroundings turn black.

Silently, without hesitating I slash Castor and and Pollux. When the darkness passes the two stare at me.

"What kind of trick did you do?" Castor asked obviously confused.

"It was no trick." I stated as I held my sword. "Chevalier, is the blade that shall rend all my enemies."

Just as I turned my back and the two were about to attack both their chests slash open spewing out blood.

"Chevalier, Engrave!" I slash them out once more and the two fall to the ground.

The wounds left by Chevalier, cut once more by its blade become stigmatas that shall never heal unless they are slashed once more by my blade.


"Mhm..." I opened my eyes and I was in Licht's embrace.

"Don't move, I'm just sharing my Vi with you." He smiled.

I remember we were fighting... I lost consciousness after I took out the Black Humunculus I think. Alistar!

"Al!" I exclaimed as I stood up right.

He was fighting with Castor and Pollux. How did his battle turn out?!

"It's alright, Arata." Alexis assured me and nodded to the direction behind me.

I riased my head and turned around to find Al standing before the bodies of Castor and Pollux. I have to offer the two prayers so they can be freed.

"Will... carry me to Al." I said as I tried to get up to no avail.

"Okay." Will said as he picked me up and carried me to Al's side.

"You did it Al, you defeated two True Beasts." Alexis smiled as he hugged Al.

"Yeah." He said as he patted my head. "How're you feeling, Arata?"

"I'm fine." I answered as I smiled. "I just used up my Vi is all."

"Cas...tor..." I heard a fleeting voice and we turned to see Pollux barely hanging on as his hands reached for Castor.

"Tch! He is still alive!" Al said as he held his sword but I stopped him.

"Arata, be careful." Van said as I walked closer to the twins who were on the ground barely alive.

"Leave the rest to me. Go clean up the remaining Chimeras." I told them.

"Alright." Theo said and they spread out to eliminate what few stragglers remained.

I kneeled down beside the two. I'm about to call Growth when I remember... Growth... My Familiar is gone. In exchange for summoning Fleur's Familiar, Growth is gone.

I compose myself and as I kneeled before the two, I plucked two strands of my hair.

"Oh Ancients, your lights are the lights of hope, your darkness are the darkness of despair, Ancient that were and are, may you rest now..." I said and the two strands became two large needles. "Take your leave from the stage of destiny, Castor, Pollux, Au Revior."

"Castiel and Luxcien." I heard two fleeting voices and I nodded.

"Farewell, Castiel, Luxcien." I said as the last of the lights that were them disappear towards the blue sky above.


"Castor and Pollux have fallen?!" In a single question, Sirius temper immediately flared.

"Calm yourself Sirius!" Spica tried to calm him down.

"How can I, answer me Spica! How can I calm myself?!" He raged. "Aldebaran, Ras Algethi, Procyon, Cor-Caroli, Lupi, Alrescha, Alpherg and now even Castor and Pollux! So many of our brothers have fallen!"

"Even so, you must calm yourself. For their sakes and ours!" Altair stated.

Sirius paused and thought for a moment. He calmed himself down and turned to bigger picture. Should he fall all of their brothers will be without guides. He must calm his heart and mind, for his battle was yet to be over.

"Thank you. Both of you." He stated and recalled that he had somewhere to be. "I must be off."

"Take care." The two answered.

The moment Sirius left, the two turned to each other and sighed.

"Sirius is growing more and more restless." Spica stated.

"And so are the others." Vega stated as she joined the two. "But... I'm certain Sirius himself has come to a realization."

"This agreement with the Clown and Witch will only lead to our disadvantage." Altair stated. "Should he not break away from the two now, our brothers will fall."

"I'm certain he knows and I'm certain he will make the choice that is best for all of us." Spica answered.

Meanwhile, Sirius was on his way to meet with Pierrot and Karin. In his mind he knew that the reason for their predicament was this agreement with Karin and Pierrot. He was thinking whether it was time to break free from the two but he wasn't sure yet. He decided to wait and see what would happen next before deciding their next move.

Elsewhere in the worlds, in Galactic Gates, Saint was talking to Navire.

"Master, is it still not time yet?" He asked and to this Navire patted his head.

"It's soon but you must be patient. The time to end everything is nearly upon us." Navire answered him. "For the end is finally nearly upon us, the closure to this story and the legend that has been passed down for countless lifetimes."

As Navire smiled, he knew that it was nearly time. Time for the five Called Walkers to gather and the end of their legend.