Arc 25, The Reason of the Flower Braves, Chapter 197, Art of Alexis

"So, how are you feeling, Alex?" I asked I sat beside him with a smile. It's been a week since the defeat of Spica and Antares.

"For the hundredth time, I'm fine." He answered as he smiled and held his paint brush in his hand. "You should worry more about yourself!'

He pinches my nose and smiles then his hands go back to painting. It's a beautiful painting of a cherry blossom tree with bright blue sky with puffy clouds. There's someone standing underneath the tree, I can't tell if it's a man or woman because of how he drew it.

"Alexis-senpai is really good at painting..." Shinono said as she looked at his painting. "This person looks like Arata-kun!" She smiled. "It reminds of the time Arata stood beneathe the Perennial Cherry Blossom!"

"Shinono, you have a discerning eye." Alexis praised her and she blushed. "It is Arata, right before we departed for our journey across the worlds."

"It's amazing that you can still picture it out." I told him as I was surprised by his photographic memory.

He just smiles and I couldn't help but feel happy.

"So, do you plan to show it to Layla-san?" I asked with a smile.

"Layla-san?" Shinono asked.

"I don't need to. Layla is probably watching right now." He smiled and pressed his hand to my cheek. "Because you after all, inherited her wish. It's good enough of I show it to you."

"Hmm... I'm not really convinced. I think Layla-san would really like to see it." I told him.

"Then do you wanna visit her this weekend?" He smiled and I was taken completely by surprise. "We can visit her this weekend. We'll bring Alsiatr too."

"Will it be okay I wonder...?" I pondered for a while. "Alright! Let's visit her this weekend. Layla-san liked irises didn't she?"

"Yeah. For the hope of a brighter tomorrow." He smiled. "She always said that irises were her symbol of hope. Because they literally symbolize hope in flower language."

"Okay then. I'll bring her some irises." I smiled and noticed Shinono. "Do you wanna come with us? I think Layla-san would like her."

"Yeah. I think so too." Alexis smiled so gently that she immediately agreed.

The weekend came so quickly. We rode the car to the place where Layla-san now rests. Every now and then we do visit her but it's been a long time since our last visit.

"Is it really okay that I came empty handed?" Shinono asked nervously. "It's my first time meeting her and I hope I can make a good impression..."

"Layla won't mind." Al says with a smile. "All she ever liked were flowers and painting."

"Still... I didn't expect it would just be us four." I sighed. "Will got called back home because there was some issues with the company..."

"Liam and Reinhardt are busy with Student Council related jobs. Zhen is helping training the new recruits." Al listed. "Ethan got called by Monica to help with something. Andrew's spending some time with his father..."

"Theo and the others went back to their world because of some problems..." I added. "But I'm sure Layla-san won't be upset. After all, we brought someone new with us."

Just then, the car stops and I see we've arrived. I open the door and we all step outside.

"Um... Why are we at the cementary? Weren't we visiting Layla-san?" Shinono asked.

"We are." Alexis answered as we walked to Layla-san's grave.

The tombstone only has a few words for the epitaph. 'The One who Loved the Brush more Than the Blade'

Just as I gazed at the tombstone my face grew bright. She came out today. Layla-san, smiling at me. According to Van, the person I perceive is likely Layla-san's thoughts and emotions, her love carved into Alexis that respond to the Vi and there by temporarily giving form to her.

Alexis and everyone else can't see her, they can't hear her voice but herbheart is here. Even now, her heart is with Alexis, protecting him.

"Arata... Are you okay?" Al asked with a smile.

"I'm fine." I answered with a bright smile.

I walk towards her tombstone ang lay the irises down. I can see her hands reach for them and smile lightly before turning to Alexis and then she frowns to my surprise.

When I try to understand why she was frowning Alexis walks up to her grave.

"Layla, I came to visit. Arata, Al and a new friend for you came to visit too." He says and Shinono bows her head.

"Shinono Kaede, it's an honor to meet you, Layla-san. Alexis-senpai and Arata-san have told me alot about you." Shinono bows her head.

"Layla-san smiles at her then frowns when she turns to Alexis.

As I try to understand the issue, my vision blurs. It's been a while since this has happened so I immediately lose my footing and end up in Al's arms as he supports me.

"Arata? You okay?" Al asked.

"I think so..." I answered as I tried to get a hold of myself. It isn't until Alexis and Shinono help me up that the vision finally comes.

"Alexis." We turn to the calling voice, to Layla-san who stood beside her grave.

"Layla?!" Alexis exclaimed. "This is... is it Arata's power?"

"Sorry, Arata lend me some power for a bit." She apologized and lowered her head to me. "I need to give this big idiot a piece of my mind!"

I see... Layla-san is burrowing some of my power so she can talk to Alexis.

"In that case, Layla-san, burrow as much as you need." I answered and closed my eyes and leaned against Al. "I'm... just... going... to... take... a... quick... nap..."

"Rest well, Arata." I can feel her gentle pat on my head and I drift off into a deep sleep.

"Yo, looks like you ended up here after all." I open my eyes to Aster's voice.

"Where is this? This isn't the Dream Castle..." I answered as I looked around.

"The Dream Castle has fallen along with Fluer's bonds." Elias stated. "This is your Heart Palace. We retreated here when it fell."

In an instant everything about Alexis, Layla-san and what's happening outside leaves my mind.

"The Dream Castle... has fallen." Julius repeats and I stood frozen.