Chapter 199, The One who Stood Before the Tree

"Arata-kun, I leave Alex in your hands again. Height be a bit of a coward compared to Alistar but treat him well." The fleeting voice of Layla-san whispers in my head.

My eyes open to the rays of the setting sun, my head rests on someone's lap. I turn my head and I'm staring into the eyes of Alexis.

"Alexis...?" I called him name and that's when I see it. I sit straight up. "Your hair?!"

"It's my way of proving my resolve." He smiled. "Let's head home."

In the car, Alexis fills me in on what has happened. He also shows me his Crest now adorned with the same petals as Al.

"Ah that's right." I smiled and lowered my head. "I'll be in your care, Alex."

"Same." He lowered his and smiled.

Will, Liam, Al, Rein, Alex, only Zhen, Andrew and Ethan remain. There are so many problems I have to deal with. The Black Humunculus, the trio of Pierrot, Karin and Sirius, and now the bonds of Fluer that are beginning to break.


"Alexis I like your new hair style!" Touya smiled as we all sat together.

"You do? Thanks." He smiled.

"I kinda liked it longer... Why did you cut it?" President Mayumi asked.

"Let's just say it was my way of letting go of certain things." He answered.

"So, five out of eight." Van said as he stared at the Crest.

"Arata? You okay?" Theo asked.

"Ah, yeah. I'm fine..." I answered. "I was just a bit absorbed my thoughts."

"What are you thinking about?" Leon asked.

"That's my secret." I smiled.

While everyone was talking, I began to wonder where I could investigate the cause for the weakening of the bonds of Fluer. As I was wondering what to do I felt a certain finger poke my face.

"Zhen? Is there something on my face?" I asked.

"Nothing. Just trying to see how squishy your cheeks are today." He smiled and I couldn't help but giggle. "You're cheeks are extra squishy today. It feels really nice to the fingers."

"Hey! Hands off!" I complained as the others were about to try pinching me.

"Zhen, Reina was going to ask you something." Hanako tried to divert his attention.

"Zhen, can I ask why you like Arata?" Her words take me by surprise. "I would understand if you didn't like me but I want to know what you like about him."

"Hmmm? What I like about Arata?" Zhen answered. "You're not beating around the bush like the others, you get straight to the point."

"What's happening exactly?" I asked when suddenly my head began to ache.

"Arata, I also have questions for you." She stated. "What are you doing that you can't even realize something so simple."

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"I'm asking you what sort of insignificant things are passing through your head that you can't see the issue infront of you?" Reina pressed. "Or are you just that dense?"

"I don't..." My head throbs so badly I end up gripping unto Alexis' shirt.

'Arata, may I have a word with your Braves?' I hear Erika's voice in my head.

I close my eyes and switch with Erika, she takes over my body and I enter my Heart Palace where Elias and the others sit.


"Arata?! Is he okay?!" I exclaimed when I saw him fall unconscious into Alexis' arms.

"You must be Arata's Braves." Arata, with long hair and a strange aura smiles. "Nice to meet you. I'm Erika, the Eighth Generation Flower."

"Why are you here?" Angie asked.

"Well, mostly to set some things straight but also to give you a certain piece of advise." She smiled. "Firstly, about what Arata is worrying about."

"Arata is currently worried about your safety and future. Arata knows the end is near, he is worried what you will do after your task of protecting him is done." She stated. "Arata currently has many problems he is trying to find answers to. From the loss of his familiar, to the unsure future and wavering fate."

"I ask you, please understand. Among the many problems that he faces, his mission as the Le Fluer remains unchanged." She added. "Which is why I ask you, please give him time to sort his thoughts. His mind is seriously so cluttered right now he can't think properly."

"So what is he hiding from us?" Andrew asked.

"That is... I think it would be best if you asked the person himself." She answered. "Some questions... are better left unanswered."

"What is the other reason you came here?" Theo asked.

"A word of advice from a person who has passed. Arata hasn't noticed yet, but his position isn't exactly stable." She stated. "Keep him from using his ability. Although I'm sure the others have warned him, he must not be allowed to continuously use that power."

"That power?" I asked.

"Bonds of Fate. An innate ability among the Fluers. The ability to link with others and feel the emotions they are feeling." She stated. "I think you've seen the true form of this ability, Alexis. When you were at the graveyard."

"What happened at the graveyard exactly, Alexis?" William asked.

"Layla appeared before us." He answered with seriousness.

"The Flower is the point where all Braves meet. Because of this, the Flower connects all Braves. It is the source, however it is also an intersection." She stated. "It is where both the past and present intersect and become one. I've only seen it once in my life... The Tree of Origin..."

"What is that?" Theo asked.

"It is where all Braves intersect. Where the seed Fluer planted sprouted and became a giant tree which connected the Braves." She stated. "In a place where the sands shift and swirl, where it is a continuous night, a tree of light can be found. In the endless expanse of the night, you can hear it. The voices of the Braves from the past, present and future."

"I've heard of it before." Van stated. "The Tree of Origin where all the Braves intersect."

"I have too. I think there's an old phrase that goes with it too." Zander said. "Beneath the Tree of Origin, a lone silhouette will await the dawn."

"In that place where it is perpetual night, you hear the voices of the Braves, the plea of their hearts, and even the end of their lives." She stated. "Before the Tree of Origin, one lone silhouette has stood for as long as I can recall. Arata, has been standing there unconsciously. Listening, observing and trying to find an answer. If he does not stop he will be broken by the sands of time and the voices of the fallen Braves."

"Before he is, I implore you. Pull him away from that place. Because only you can pull him away from that place."