Chapter 206, The Scent of Emotions

"Take care Andrew!" I waved him goodbye as he left with his father.

Every once a month or two, Andrew and his father often go out to spend some quality time together. Today is special since it's his mother's death anniversary. I heard the two are going to visit her grave.

Riding my pillow made of Petals I head to class. Today I'm on my own as the others have different schedules today.

"Arata, how have you been?" Lalona who say beside smiled.

"Oh? The others aren't with you today?" Mao asked as he patted my head.

"Good morning, Arata-senpai!" Yuuki smiled as he came in with Kimie.

"Good morning, Mao, Kimie." I smiled and they say down beside me.

As the class began, my attention seems to be lacking today. I can't even recall what we were being taught in class. Before I even realized it, it was already lunch time.

Floating on my Petals, I arrive at the cafeteria. I can't find the others at all, most of the people here are new students or students I'm not full y acquainted with. After grabbing a plate, I float to the top and just eat my lunch suspended in the air when I hear a voice call out to me.

"Argent!" I turn to see Adonis smiling at me.

"Adonis? Something wrong?" I asked as I lowered myself to the ground.

"Just as I thought. You're eating lunch alone." He sighed.

"If I eat with everyone I might end up absorbing their Vi after all..." I answered. "It's better to avoid being too close to others for a while."

"Isn't it stifling to eat here? Let's go eat outside!" Before I can even say anything, Adonis takes me by the hand and drags me out the door.

"So? Why are we eating here?" I asked as I floated above the others.

No wonder I couldn't find them in the cafeteria, everyone was eating under the Cherry Blossom Tree.

"Well, we thought you might like eating here more." Hattori stated. "Besides, we don't eat in the cafeteria during Wednesday. Most of the new students swarm that place."

"No wonder I couldn't find you. Well... I can't say I hate eating here." I answered as I stared at the Perennial Cherry Blossom.

I lower myself near the ground, to where Growth now rests.

"It's been a while, old friend." I said as placed a flower at his grave.

"Here Arata, eat up!" Lia hands me a lunch box. "Hehe, I made it myself."

I smiled and opened the lunch box, the others ate below while I hovered a few feet above them, admiring the leaves of the Cherry Tree.

As I see the light filtering through the leaves, I can hear the faint song of the birds and the sound of the wind passing through the canopy of the tree.

"It's really peaceful." I stated as I snuggled my pillow close.

"Yeah. For some reason it's been one thing after another lately." Hiro says as he appears above me. "Hehe, we're back."

"Welcome back." I smiled as he lowered himself to the ground.

Will and the others join us for lunch, it's just Andrew who's missing from our usual group. He should be back by tonight, though I wish he'd spend more time with his father.

"So, what are you up to?" Liam asked as he saw what was in my hands.

"Ah, this?" I asked as I held the flowers in my hand. "I'm trying to weave a flower crown."

"For Growth?" Theo asked with a gentle smile and I nodded.

"It's pretty." President Mayumi smiled.

The gentle wind has begun to blow by the time I finished the crown, the others have fallen asleep underneath the tree. I smiled and placed the crown near Growth's grave. Leaving my pillow, I snuggled up next to Will. His protecting arms wrap around me. When I open my eyes again it's very late into the afternoon.

"I slept really well." I stated as I moved my joints. "Looks like my body is nearly back to full power."

"That's good. Let's go on back." Will smiled and I took his outstretched hand.

When we return to the school, we find a group of students gathered near the entrance.

"What is this? Everyone please return to your classes!" President Mayumi stated.

"President Mayumi! It's... It's Senior Andrew!" A junior shouts.

I immediately send Vi infront of me and clear path, I find a severely wounded Andrew lying next to the door. He gives me a smug smile as he holds his wounded side.

"Andrew!" I ran to his side and heal his wounds. "Who did this to you?!"

"Arata-kun, conserve your Vi. Let us deal with this." President Mayumi stated as she and several hands heal Andrew's wounds.

We wait, Ethan embraces me to calm me down but the more I look at Andrew the more concerned I am about what has unfolded during his trip.

"They got us." Andrew says as he begins to look more comfortable. "Dad was driving, I was beside him. We were heading back from Mom's grave when we were attacked by some goons. Couldn't make out their faces."

"Where's your Dad?!" I exclaimed.

"They took him. He let himself get taken so I could get away." He said as he clenched his fists tightly. His wounds were fully healed so he was back on his feet. "Just wait, when I get my hands on them I'll cut them to bits. No one harms my Dad!"

He slams his scythe to the ground and I feel the rage inside him burn. So does the rage in me.

"We'll have to track them down." President Mayumi says. "Did you see who they were? What they were wearing? Maybe their escape vehicle or something?"

"Nothing!" Andrew raged. "But I swear I'll hunt them down till the ends of the Earth if they harm my old man!"

"Did you at least manage to get something?" Will asked. "Anything we could use as a clue, from the kidnappers or your Dad?"

"Ah! I have this!" He shows us his new wrist watch. "My old man gave it to me today. Could we do something with this?"

"That more than enough." Licht answered. "I might have a tracking spell on hand."

"That'll take too much time." I stated as I took the wrist watch Andrew was about to hand him.

"Arata? What are you gonna do?" Theo asked.

"My children, burning in thy rage of the crime committed against thee, crawl if thou cannot fly." I chanted.

"Quick! In here!" Licht opens a portal and the others enter.

"Diving into the depths, through the unseen path, following my veins as you go!" I chanted and in a blinding light I feel the things that bind me disappear as I follow the scent of the emotions Andrew's father left on his watch.