Chapter 213, Have a Little Faith in Arata

I'm hesitant, so hesitant to tell them about the Bonds of Fluer.

"Arata, are you alright?" Mani asked and I look up.

The gazes that surround me are filled with love and affection. Everyone's always been by my side, we've made it this far by trusting each other. Enough holding back, I'm sure with everyone's help we'll find an answer.

"Everyone-" Before I can speak we hear a loud sound and all rush for the window.

"That's!" Angie gazes to the sky in astonishment.

"Arata... This presence..." Licht doesn't need to continue because we all know it.

The Black Humunculus hovers above the school, along side it is a group of Aries. It seems they've come to attack the school. To it's attack, the Azure Dragon takes his position and attacks. White Tiger, Black Turtle and Vermillion Bird take their position as well.

"Evacuate the unpowered students and all first years! May, Lina, Diana go help with the barrier. Members of Alfhiem and Bouquet hold the barrier!" President Mayumi gives her orders. "Plaedies, Gugnir and Sacred Braves will hold the front line!"

"Reporting!" Moyu exclaimed as her eyes were foxed on her tablet. "The drones have picked up an unusual Vi wave, it's likely, the True Beast of Aries; Hamal!"

The ground suddenly quakes and we all lose our valance.

"What was that?" Rachel asks as she picks herself up.

"It looks like the Chimeras are releasing a large energy to make the ground quake. Furthermore Hamal and the Black Humunculus are shooting at the barrier trying to bring it down!" Moyu reports. "The Vi Pool under the school won't last if they continue the constant energy release!"

"Tch. What do we do?" Hattori asks.

"I think it's clear what we have to do." I stated. "We'll have to send Aries and the Black Humunculus to their graves."

"How though? You know very well how tough Aries' barriers are. Further more this time it's Hamal. Last time you fought with them it took all you had to destroy their barriers." Will says. "Theirs many of them, they've got Aries' defense and the Black Humunculus for offense. This could turn into a battle of attrition."

"I have a plan. But I'll need your help, Ethan." I stated grabbed his arm. "I'll also need the Vassal Braves."

"We'll help you in anyway." Theo states.

"Transmission." I transfer the plan directly into their heads. "Can you guys do it?"

"It's not a question of can we do it, we'll definitely do it." Adonis stated. "But what you're planning is pretty risky."

"So, what's this great plan?" Hiro asked with a smile.

"It's as Will said, this will turn into a battle of attrition. And we can't sustain the shields for long. So, we'll have to drive them away in one blow." I stated. "To do that, we erect a barrier, not just any barrier, one that will release so much power it'll drive them away."

"But such an attack will likely cause the Vi Pool under the school to erupt. If it does the school will be destroyed." Moyu states.

"Who says we're the ones who'll produce the energy to attack them?" I asked and then they're confused.

"Basically, the plan is to erect a barrier that can drive back the enemies attacks, we'll use the energy they're using and send it back to them double." I stated. "Don't worry, my plan will work."

"Alright then. What do we need to do?" Seiji-san asked.

"Distract Aries and the Black Humunculus, and if possible please gather as many Braves in the Great Hall!" I stated.

"In that case, leave distracting the Chimeras and the Black Humunculus to us." Chase says as he holds his gun. Autumn, Snow, Ardor and Sakura smile as they stood beside him. "We only have to stall them, right?"

"We can handle that much." Ardor smiled.

"Alright then. Everyone please don't be reckless." I stated and they nodded in agreement.

I take Ethan by the hand and dash out the door.

"Excuse me!" Ethan suddenly picks me up and carries me. "It's easier this way. So, where are we going?"

"Head to the rooftop of the clocktower!" I answered and he smiled.

"Hold on tight, you hear me!" He says as I hug him tightly.


"Let's hurry to where we're supposed to be!" Theo takes the lead and he, along with the other Vassal Braves leave the room.

Eight of them head to the corers of the school while the nineth, Ophelia is ordered to head to the school's center. Theo to the north, Rachel to the South, Angelica to the West, Adonis to the East, Leon to the North-west, Michael to the South-west, Adele to the South-east and Lucas to the North-east.

Mayumi leads a majority of the Braves to the Great Hall of the school while Moyu informs the Braves who are in the bunkers to come to the Great Hall. Chase along with the four Cardinal Beasts and their Vassals take to the frontline to push the Aries back.

"So, will this work?" Hiro asked as they all rushed to the Great Hall.

"Well, it's Arata's plan, we can only trust him and have faith." Mao says.

When they all arrive at the Great Hall, Moyu had already gathered all the students in the Great Hall. The Principal and a few of the teachers were unsure of what to do but they all had placed their faith in Arata and his plan.

"Everyone, please be calm. It's alright!" Mayumi states. "I know you're all a bit afraid, worried or scared but please, let's all have faith. Arata has been protecting us for so long, let's believe in him."

"Flurry of Spring Petals!" Sakure attacks the Aries but her attacks are deflected by the barrier of the Chimeras.

"Tch. These guys have such tough barriers." Ardor clicks his tongue.

"Hey, we're not supposed to kill them so we don't have to worry. We just have to distract them." Autumn sends a flurry of red leaves to the Chimeras to attract their attention.

"Arata, we're here. So, what do we do now?" Ethan asked as he held Arata close.

"Now, we drive away the beasts." He answered.