Chapter 224, Gunilla

"Verdict; Frozen Fate, Freeze Hammer!" Liam slammed his hammer onto the War Hammers and some were frozen. "Remember, we only need to immobilize them so Arata can strip them of their armors!"

"We know!" Alexis shot an arrow at the War Hammers charging towards him. "Ataraxia; Silence!"

"Tch. There's only over a dozen but their so big and strong!" Ethan complained. "Tch. Warden! Unknown Wall!"

"Sweet Arms; Frozen Bullet!" Will fired bullets and immobilized a few more War Hammers.

"Arata, almost half of the War Hammers have been subdued. You have to strip them of their Vesitige Armor." Van told me as I culminated Vi in my body.

"I know. But I still need a bit more time to gather the Vi..." I answered.

"Burn away! Chevalier; Radiant Wave!" Al with his flaming sword slashes down and pushes the War Hammers back.

"Arata, is it still not ready?" Andrew asked as he hits the War Hammers infront of him with the back of his scythe.

"I'm ready." I answered as I held a strand of Growth's hair in my hand. "Growth."

"Everything shall be as you wish it." He answered and the strand glows bright and becomes a staff, it was styled like a trident but the tips were not spikes but jewels, a large bright red gem decorated the hilt of the trident.

'Arata, remember you must call her name, she is the only who can grant you the power to strip them of their Vestige Armor." Felicia's voice echoes in my head.

"She is in the distant night sky, she watches over the world from dawn till dusk." I began the chant. "Mother of the Knights, Queen of the Bladed Flower, the blades have been raised against their brethren. I now call thee by thy name to this land, answer my call, Ancient of Wars, Gunilla!"

A circle of light wraps around me and then a spell circle forms at my feet. A light descends from the skies and before us, woman in a black dress with gray hair and red eyes stands.

"Across time, we have lost our people, we have lost our homeland, now I am called to this foreign land by the warrior of my blood." She smiled as she walked towards me. "Child, answer me, what do you seek!"

"Gunilla, a song sung for the sword swung." I answered and she sighed.

"You're no fun." She sighed. "But since you called me here, I will offer my assistance."

"I thank you, Gunilla." I bowed my head.

"Hahaha! I am the Ancient of War! If a fledgling seeks guidance then I shall offer my hand!" She answered with a smile. "Now then, War Hammers, you dare raise your hands upon those you are to protect! I shall render you powerless by my blade!"

"Gunilla, we only need their Vestige Armors stripped. We still need the War Hammers power." Felicia stated as she hovered overhead me in a ghost-like form.

"Very well. Then I shall strip the Humunculus of their Armor." She stated. "Fledgling, follow my chant."

"Oh proud warriors, my children who have drawn their blades, mindlessly you have wandered these lands," We chanted. "The blades of war have been sheated even if it's only for a moment. Now in the embrace of your mother, rest in safety and comfort. Until the time to draw you blades comes once more!"

With our chant a light begins to glow from my staff and it spreads out, the light seems to resonate with the War Hammers and their bodies begin to harden till they crack and fall apart, leaving the Humunculus unconscious on the rubble.

"Rescue the Humunculus and bring them into the school!" President Mayumi orders and the Relief Team move the action.

"Fledgling, hold out you hand." Gunilla says and Felicia nods.

I hold my hand out and she places a sword in my hands along with it is a helmet.

"Should you need my help once more, I shall be within this helmet. Keep the sword." She says. "It was crafted by Artie, blessed by Sebastian and I brandished it. It will work better than the sword you have now."

"Thank you, Gunilla." I thanked her and with a pat on the head she disappears.

"Gunilla seems to like you." Felicia smiled and disappeared.


"Unacceptable!" Karin screamed as she thrashed within the room's of the ship. "Why won't this stupid ship obey me?!"

She was furious as the ship not only rejected her but it doesn't obey her. She was only able to activate the War Hammers because she used her magic on them.

"Why! Why won't you listen to me!" She screamed.

"Because you aren't worthy of the ship." A young woman with crystal blue hair, emerald eyes and white skin dressed in a white sleeveless dress stated.

"Tch. It's you again!" She screamed and attacked the girl with crystals.

"As I've told you. There's no point attacking me. You won't be able to reach me." She stated.

The young girl was no other than Lemianile. The guardian of the ship. She didn't flee the ship but rather retreated to the depths of the ship's heart and created an illusion of herself so she could communicate with the outside world.

"You will never reach the origin. You aren't worthy." She stated.

"How dare you!!" Karin threw a tantrum as she attacked Lemianile.

"Your power will never reach me." Lemianile stated. "I suggest you leave the ship, before the chosen one arrives and throws you out."

With Lemianile's words echoing in the room, she disappears leaving Karin by herself.

"Unbelievable! How dare that mere child insult me! Where hasshe hidden the bodies of Sirius and the Chimeras?!" Karin wailed as she threw a tantrum once more.

"It is alright everyone. You'll be safe here." Lemianile says as she stood before the bodies of Sirius and the True Beasts that were encased in crystals.

When Karin landed on the ship, she had brought with her the bodies of Sirius and the others, when Lemianile felt their presence, she immediately took the chance to take them away, leaving only Pierrot. She had stored the bodies of Sirius and the other Chimeras within the deeper floors of the ship to prevent Karin from reaching them.

"Don't worry everyone, I'm sure that Felicia is still fighting for us." Lemianile had been waiting for the end for so long. For the day her role as the ship's guardian was finally completed and she could find rest alongside the ither Ancients.