Chapter 232, Reasons and Resolves

Walking the empty halls was Alistar, he stared at the vastness of the sky and sighed.

"Arata, when will you come home?" As he said this he felt a hand tap his shoulder. He turns to find Himawari smiling at him. "Himawari? Can I help you?"

"Could I have a moment of your time?" She asked and he nodded.

The two took a stroll down the path that was lined by flowers. The very flowers Arata himself grew and nurtured.

"Alistar-senpai, that face your making is scaring the students." Himawari says and Alistar becomes confused. "Right now, Alistar-senpai has a face smile on your face. It makes the others a little wary of you."

"I'm surprised you noticed." Alistar answered calmly.

"I think anyone would." She answered him. "So, what is the reason for that fake smile? It isn't that Arata-senpai isn't around. There is something else on your mind."

Alistar paused for a moment unable to say anything back to her. He was surprises that this girl realized. While the others were worried about Arata and about being left behind his thoughts were completely elsewhere.

"I'm surprised someone aside from Arata and Alexis can read my expression so well. But I suppose it has been a while since I acted." Alistar answered with a smile. "There is something bothering me and it isn't Arata's absence."

"So, care to tell me what that is?" She asked him.

"It's a certain problem that has been bothering me. It's in regards to Arata's sudden change." He answered. "However, it's not my place to say anything."

"I think it is. As Arata-senpai chose Alistar-senpai to stand by his side." She answered. "Alistar-senpai isn't afraid because you've already made up your mind, but there's something holding you back, is it safe to say this?"

"I guess you can say it is like that in a sense." Alistar sighed. "So, since you got it out of me, you must have something up your sleeve?"

"This is only my opinion, but you could try talking to the others about your concerns. I'm certain they will have their own opinions of the matter but I'm sure you can have a consensus." She says and Alistar smiled and patted her head. "Alistar-senpai?"

"Thanks, and sorry." Alistar says before waving her farewell.

"My, it's no big deal at all, Alistar-senpai, after all this is for you and him as well." Himawari smiled and simply walked away.

She understood what Alistar truly meant when he said thanks and sorry. I meant thank you for loving him and he is sorry that he cannot love her.

"After all, you already have such a person in your heart." With a smile she walks off and wishes him good luck.

Elsewhere, Lotte was having a chat with Reinhardt. She didn't beat around the bush and approached him directly despite her docile nature.

"Lotte, I don't know what you wanna hear but I'll say this again. I'm fine and I'll be fine." Reinhardt stated and that's when she decided that words wouldn't be enough.

"Reinhardt, you are an idiot." She stated and Reinhardt calmly raised an eyebrow.

"You said it yourself that day. That Arata risked his everything to save you." She stated and Reinhardt narrowed his eyes at her sharply. "You said that he never abandoned you no matter what happened. He loves you and cares for you, so why would be abandon you now?"

"I'm not afraid of Arata leaving me behind because I've already committed my everything to chasing after him." Reinhardt stated. "What I'm afraid of is him disappearing before I can even catch him."

"Doesn't that just means the same thing as being afraid of losing him?" She asked coldly. "I didn't think Reinhardt would be such a coward. If him just disappearing suddenly is enough to make you waver then I guess that's just how your live for him is."

Reinhardt couldn't say anything back and simply bit him lip. To this Lotte sighed and pointed at him.

"If you really are that afraid then be someone who can hold him down and keep him here." She says and turns around. "I can't believe I fell for a man who was so easily swayed."

With a closing statement, Lotte left. Reinhardt stood there for awhile as Lotte's words sunk in. He starts to take a step forward and simply sighs.

"The answer was something so simple..." He sighed and walked forward and headed for their Group Room to talk to the others.

In the Art Room of the school, Shinono finds Alexis painting. It's a painting that seems different from his usual works that it makes her wonder what he is making.

"Shinono? Come on in. Isn't it beautiful?" He asked her as he added some light colors.

"Alexis-senpai, is this a new art work?" She asked and Alexis shook his head.

"No. This isn't new. It's an old one. I thought it was about time I finished it." He answered her with a smile.

"Um... Alexis-senpai, you don't seem to be too affected." She stated.

"I am but after what I've been through with Arata, I think it's about time I stop worrying." He stated and she was taken by surprise and that's when Shinono notices the painting Alexis was making.

"This is... Layla-san.." She asked and Alexis smiled.

"I had a dream last night, Layla came to visit and gave a strict scolding for how I was acting." He smiled. "After that I just thought it was about time I stopped moping around."

"Then you really are alright?" She asked and he nodded.

"I'm sorry I worried you, Shinono." He says. "I'm really such a troublesome person, worrying not only the living but also the dead. But I already know what I want so there's no need to be afraid or to be weak."

"That's the Alexis-senpai that I know." With a smile Shinono and Alexis enjoy the painting that he was finishing.

After many things, Alexis was already prepared and reoslved to stay by Arata's side no matter what. So there was no need for anyone to worry for him, be it Layla or Shinono.

"I'm cheering for you, Alexis-senpai." With a hushed voice Shinono smiled.