Chapter 241, The Attack of the Unknown

Lucas opened his eyes to witness Lake Crimson becoming to view as the light dispersed, beside him Salamander and Tyson stood. The bright red sky tainted green by the storm that encroached the worlds.

"It's reached here as well. Master will need us back as soon as possible so please hurry." Salamander stated as he willed Lucas forward. To this, Lucas nodded and rushed towards Columbine Castle.

By the time the trio see Lake Carmine, the storm has begun to strike the ground, turning the lava ridden ground green and black.

"The lightning is disrupting the rivers of Vi throughout the land. Tyson, aid me, we will redirect the lightning into the lower lakes." Salamander stated as he flew closer to the ground.

"I'm coming!" Tyson stated as he matched his pace with Salamander. "Sir Lucas please go first. We will follow after you, to prevent the lightning from striking the castle."

"Alright." Lucas flew forward, increasing his speed as lightning bolts struck the areas around him.

With haste, Lucas flew over the rivers of lava and red waters till finally he arrived at Columbine Castle. By then, the sky had completely been covered by the storm and the lightning strikes were growing fiercer and more frequent. Glancing behind him to see Tyson and Salamander redirecting the lightning, Lucas rushed into the castle.

Following what Lucas believed was the right path, he eventually arrived at a door. His Crest shines and leads the way for him as the door is engulfed by red light and with tentative hands, Lucas pushed the door open. In the following moment, the red light engulfs Lucas and when it dispersed before him was a stone slate.

"Welcome, to the Sealing Slate. Come, Vassal of the Flower, what you seek is before." An unknown voice spoke. "Raise that which has been sealed and open the fourth of the bridges to the world."

With cautious steps, Lucas walked closer to the slate before placing his hand on it. That is when the pillar before him appears. And, just as the others, Lucas raises the pillar and the rivers flow with golden hues once more. Lucas receives the crystal which has become a chain of strings the wrapped around his hand like bracelets.

Its not long till Salamander and Tyson witness the sight of the castle being engulfed by the golden hue and the pillar above the castle emerge. The two are in awe and are immediately taken out by a robed man.

By the time Lucas had returned to the surface, he witness Salamander lying on the ground beside Tyson: both badly wounded. Lucas looked around him, wondering who could have done it before he feels the knife embed itself in his back.

"I... let my guard... down..." He says as he slumps to the ground. "Sorry... Argent..."

The figure of a robed man, with black hair and red eyes is the last thing Lucas' blurry eyes see before they close.


"So, we're here. Crystal Oceans." Adonis states as he gazed at the sea of blue above and below him.

"Let's hurry to Lily-of-the-Valley Castle. Please get on me." Leviathan stated as in entered the waters.

"Okay. Thank you." Adonis stated as he got on Leviathan. Coral rides along side him and Leviathan swims at a pace that leads them to the island in less than a few minutes. But those few minutes are all it takes fro the azure blue sky to turn dark and green as the lightning began to strike as well.

"Leviathan, help me redirect the storm. Coral go and guard the entrance of the temple for Sir Adonis." Undine ordered and Adonis dismounts and enters the castle, the last he sees before his entrance is the figure of Undine rising above the waves and drawing the lightning towards her.

With haste, Adonis descended into the castle without much hesitation as his heart was focused on the task in front of him. By the time he arrived at the heart of the temple, the lightning storm above had turned rough and relentless. Undine, Leviathan and Coral were starting to be overwhelmed by the storm.

"We must redirect the storm at all costs. Crystal Ocean is home to many rivers of Vi, we must defend it!" Undine stated with determination as she redirected the lightning into the sea below her.

Inside the castle, Adonis arrived at the heart of the castle, the roof above him is trembling and shaking but he continued in till he found a wall with his Crest upon it. Without hesitation, Adonis placed his hand on the wall and the glowed bright, engulfing him and teleporting him to the stone slate.

"Welcome, to the Sealing Slate. Come, Vassal of the Flower, what you seek is before." An unknown voice spoke. "Raise that which has been sealed and open the fifth of the bridges to the world."

Adonis gazed in mesmerization at the pillar that was embedded into the river of golden light. Adonis stretched his hand out to the pillar and the pillar rose up from the river and the pillar crumbled till only a small crystal remained.

The small crystal then turned to a bright hue and became a flute for Adonis. When he received the flute, he was returned to the temple and he snaps back to reality when the floor above him trembles and quakes. With haste, Adonis rushes back to the surface.

Leviathan, Undine and Coral witness the golden light engulfs the castle and with it's dispersal, a pillar above the castle emerged. Just as the trio were witnessing this scene, a blast of black light struck the trio. The three were hit directly and by the time Adonis returned to the surface, he witnessed a badly wounded trio as a black haired man with red eyes hovered above them.

"Tch! What have you done to them?!" Adonis asked as he held his flute, ready to attack or defend.

"Oh, a Vassal of Fate." The man spoke before changing targets to Adonis. "Well then, farewell."