Chapter 251, Humanity or Mortality

"So, what will you choose, young one?" Fatum asked Arata.

"I want to save them. But... How do I do that?" Arata asked to which Fatum smiled and pointed to behind him.

"Head to the Stage of Fatum, to the real Tree of Origin." She answered.

"How can I do that?" Arata asked.

"Take the Sidus Pontem and the Asterion, head to the First Land. There, you shall find the Tree of Origin. Make a wish at that place." She answered and snapped her Fingers.

Arata awakes as he stood before the door yet again. As he did, Arata recalled what came into his mind and turned to Fatum.

"You're going aren't you? I shall drive the Catastrophe beyond the Boundary, so call my children here." She smiled.

Arata nodded and rushed back up the stairs, as he ran up he could feel hope. That perhaps... Perhaps if he fulfills this mission there is hope for them.


"Will, what do you think we should do?" Alistar asked and just then, the voice of Mayumi called out to them.

"William, can you guys hear me?" Mayumi asked.

"Loud and clear, why President?" Liam asked.

"There's something unbelievable happening. The Harbingers and Fingers have stopped attacking and then returned to the skies." She answered. "Has Arata done it?"

"We're not sure, Arata said that he would purify them. We were too late to stop when we arrived at the Sidus Pontem." William answeredwith a pained voice.

"Then has he purified them?" Julian asked.

"We're not sure." Ethan answered.

"The Harbingers weren't purified. They've just been pushed back by some unknown power." Siel stated. "Arata can you hear us? What happened in the Coffin of Fate?"

"Sorry to have said something so dramatic everyone." Arata's voice answered.

"Arata?! Where are you right now?!" Van exclaimed.

"I'm currently returning from the Coffin of Fate. Please gather at the Sidus Pontem as quickly as possible. Felicia, you and the other Ancients are also called here." Arata answered as he ran up the stairs to the surface. "Please hurry. There seems to be more to the past then originally thought. And we be able to create a different future."

After Arata contacted them, Leon immediately opened portals for the Braves, bringing all of them to the Sidus Pontem. United the Braves gathered as a crowd and waited for Arata, all either angry or relieved that he is alright.

"Where is he?! I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind!!" Lucas roared cracking his knuckles.

"The master seems to be ascending the steps to the surface from the depths of the Sidus Pontem." Lemianile stated.

"Lemianile... You had involvement in this, didn't you?" Ragel glared at her.

"I'm very sorry. I indeed had an idea of this. Grandmother had me promise not to tell anyone, she asked me to guide master to the Coffin of Fate." Lemianile bowed her head.

"There's no need to blame Lemianile..." Arata stated as the door opened and bowed his head. "Everyone... I'm really sorry for frightening everyone."

"Sorry?" Alexis walked towards him and stood before.

"Yes... I really am..." Arata answered and before he could react Alexis punches him.

"Alexis?!" Alistar immediately stops him.

"Do you have any idea how scared we were?! Do you have any idea what was going through our heads the moment you said it was goodbye?!" Arata looks up to see Alexis' face, an expression of pain and rage and sadness was painted on his face. Alexis grabs his collar. "Didn't you promise us?! You'd stay with us?! No more being separated?! What were you thinking when you said those words?!"

"Alexis, calm down. I know you're angry but you need to calm down!" May intervenes, trying to calm Alexis down.

"No!! This brat needs to know just how much he made us worry!!" Alexis breaks free from May's grasps and stared at Arata only to find Arata's eyes barely holding back tears and he immediately let's go. "...Arata?"

Arata immediately cries and cries, wailing like a child.

"I-I'm sorry!!!" Arata cried. "I didn't want to say goodbye either!! B-but I was... I was scared, the Memories of Fate... I was scared about the truth!!"

Alexis doesn't say anything, he just stands as Arata cries out in front of him. The others are afraid to move closer as Alexis' normal gentle air is replaced by a great freeze.

"Then... You're not leaving us?" Alexis finally asked.

"I... I really want to stay by.... By everyone's side... B-but earlier... I was so scared... Because... I thought... That I would have... To give it up... My place... My humanity..." Arata sobbed. "Because... The Memories... They told me that... The Le Fluer had to choose... I was scared that... I wouldn't be able... To see everyone again!"

As Arata sobbed he felt Alexis' warm embrace hugging him close. Arata doesn't hesitate to hug Alexis back as he sobs and sobs.


"So, can you tell us why you were saying goodbye for some reason?" Lyzander asked calmly as Arata was cradled in Alexis' embrace.

"I can tell you that." Fatum appeared before them.

"Mother!!" Felicia and the Ancients bowed their heads.

"I believe Arata here was sacred, because the Seed of Fate inside him was likely to sprout and grow had he purified the Catastrophe earlier." Fatum stated. "He was scared that he would have to forfeit his mortality for humanity."

"Mother, why have the Harbingers retreated?" Baran asked.

"Because someone has finally learned of the long forgotten truth and promise." Fatum stated as she gently kissed Arata's head restoring Vi to his body.

"Arata, can you convey to them what you have learned within my Coffin. I am but a vestige and therefore I am still bound by the promise." Fatum stated. "I cannot tell them, but you who has learned of the truth can."

Arata nodded, even though he longed to stay within the warmth of Alexis' embrace Arata stood up on his two feet and began to convey what he had learned within the Coffin of Fate to the Braves and Ancients present before him.

It takes a bit to explain to them what he had learned but after a bit he finishes and the Brabes and Ancient are left speechless. The silence is deafening until William breaks the silence.

"Is Arata still human?" William asked.