Chapter 108: A White Letter

Ravenclaws' House, North of Scotland

March 9th, 1200

It had been six days since Erik and Serafall's fight. Their little challenge had sent a good part of the supernatural world in a goose chase for Erik Ravenclaw. The reason? To win the Human powerhouse to their side, of course.

Erik, like most days, woke up to the marvelous feeling of his two wives sleeping by his side on his bed. Six days ago, Serafall had come back to his house after waking up and they, together with Selena, had the wildest night since they started with their trio nights. Serafall was very… Hungry that night.

He quickly got up, took a bath, dressed, and, before leaving the room, woke up his two women. His two women. For some reason that sounded very good in Erik's head.

While the girls had gone to take their baths, Erik went to the kitchen and started to put together the table for them to have breakfast. It helped a lot that the house-elves, even after Erik verbally fought with them, left all prepared and ready for them to eat. He just had to put the prepared meals on the table, which could be made with a 'wave' of his hand but he liked to do it the non-magical way, just to not get too reliant on his magic.

As Erik was finishing the table, he saw something that was not common since he stopped being Hogwarts' Headmaster. A letter was delivered to him.

Erik took the letter after not sensing anything different from it. With it in his hands, the first thing that Erik noticed was the parchment in which the letter was written. Different from the normal parchment color used by the magic community, which was a light-yellow, the parchment of this letter was pure white. It was so white that remembered Erik of the paper from his 'modern' past life.


Erik thought and turned the letter to see who had written him in that strange white-colored parchment. Erik's eyes went wide when he read the sender's name. Erik sat on the table and slowly opened the letter with a small smile. He could hear Selena and Serafall going down the stairs and would read the letter while waiting for them. Erik unfolded the parchment inside the envelope and started to read it.

It was like that, reading a letter that Selena and Serafall found him when they entered the room for their breakfast.

"Oh, you received a letter? That's rare."

Selena said while she took a seat on the table.

"Yes. It was sent to Hogwarts, but the house-elves had it delivered here. You won't believe who the sender is."

Erik replied to Selena, continuing to read the letter.

"Some Angel?"

Serafall said while taking her seat at the other side of Erik on the table. He looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"How did you know?"

Erik asked Serafall because she was right. The letter's sender was an Angel. Serafall just shrugged before replying.

"Just Heaven uses that kind of pure white parchment."

Serafall said and started to serve some of the food on her plate.

"So, which Angel sent you a letter?"

Selena asked while serving some food on her plate too.

"Just Heaven's most beautiful Angel."

Erik replied nonchalantly and put the letter down. Serafall started to cough, having taken some food down the wrong pipe while receiving the 'news'.

*cough cough cough*

"Gabriel sent you a letter?"

Serafall asked with a little shock on her face after she managed to recover. Erik and Selena were smiling at that reaction.

"Yes. Gabriel sent me a letter."

Erik replied while drinking his coffee. He had hit the 'jackpot' when he found some tribes in the northeast that consumed coffee beans as a medicinal plant during one of their travels through the African Continent. Erik made a beeline to ask where he could find more of the beans and took home with him a good quantity of them together with some seedlings of the plant. Of course, he had generously repaid the tribe with many supplies that they were in need, but now he had a small plantation of coffee in one of his greenhouses producing his own coffee beans.

"And what does the most protected Angel of Heaven want with you?"

Serafall asked. She was curious about that. From the knowledge that she had, Gabriel was fiercely protected and sheltered by her siblings in Heaven.

"She just want to talk and asked for a place where she, Michael, and I could talk. They had seen our fight and the Angels are concerned about me joining the Devils and tipping the balance too heavily for their side."

Erik replied Serafall, who nodded her head.

"A concern that would lead me to want to talk to you too if I was in their shoes. But it seems that you already know her, how did you meet her in the first place?"

Serafall said and asked.

"Hmm… Remember how I said to you that Selena and I did a ritual that made us more than humans?"

Erik asked after sipping his coffee. Serafall nodded her head in response.

"After Selena's ritual, she, together with her brother, Michael, and Azazel appeared on the spot of the ritual to investigate the energy peak that they had felt. After they found nothing, both males went away, but Gabriel stayed behind because she had felt someone looking at her. So she called out to me, I appeared, and we had a little talk. After that, I didn't see her again."

Erik replied, making Serafall nod her head in understanding. The breakfast continued with the trio trading some light talk. At the end of it, Serafall dropped a 'bomb' on Erik.

"I want to go to this meeting."

She said to Erik, who raised an eyebrow at her.

"Not that I'm denying it, but can I know the reason? To my knowledge, your factions are in 'war' since who knows when."

Erik asked and Serafall nodded her head.

"Exactly because of that. Since we still are in a technical cease-fire, the war is not over yet, but the other new Satans and I don't want this war to last forever. And since due to someone…"

Here Serafall pointedly looked at Erik.

"... The Satans suddenly have more freedom of decision. My friends and I want peace, but we know that it will take time to achieve that. But we have to begin somewhere and this informal meeting could be a way for me to probe Heaven's position about it."

Serafall said, making Erik nod his head in approval of her decision. In almost one week without a great part of the Devil's Council barring their reforms, the Satans managed to start some programs that would introduce some very welcome changes for the Devil's community. But the great change would be announced in two weeks. In accord with what Serafall had leaked to Erik and Selena, Ajuka Beelzebub had some big announcements planned before the Devil's Council come back. Erik had a pretty good idea of what this big announcement was about.

"I will write a letter in response to Gabriel and ask her if you could come too together with why you want to talk with them."

Erik said to Serafall, who stood up, walked to Erik, and gave him a sweet kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you, hubby! Now I have to go. Have a lot of work to do and I promised Sirzechs that I would help him this morning with the wording of some of his reforms."

Serafall said and walked to the entry hall of the house, where she transported herself to the Underworld via transportation magic circle. Erik and Selena traded some more words and after that, Selena went back to her laboratory while Erik walked to his office. He had a letter to write for an Angel.

Rome, Kingdom of Italy

March 16th, 1200

Seven days later, Erik, Selena, and Serafall were waiting for their 'guests' inside their small villa in Rome. Erik thought that the Villa being inside their territory would put the two Angels coming more at ease in having a Satan in the meeting.

The clock in the lounge wall hit eight hours and ten seconds later a yellow magic circle lighted the entrance of the villa. From it, two figures materialized in the middle of motes of yellow light. As the motes of light faded, Erik opened his arms in a welcoming way and smiled.

"Welcome to my home away from home, Gabriel, Lord Michael."

Erik said to the two Angels, who smiled at him. Selena and Serafall were one at each of his sides. Selena was very calm, but Serafall was a little nervous. The Satan was raised with the tales from her father from the battlefield, where Michael reaped Devils' lives left and right if not fighting someone of his level.

"Thank you for agreeing to this meeting and for opening one of your houses for it."

Michael said to Erik with his almost perpetual smile on his face.

"No problem at all. Come, let's sit and eat something. I have prepared something for us to eat while talking."

Erik said and gestured for the two Angels to follow him and the girls to the lounge room. When they arrived, Erik pointed to one of the two three seat sofas for the Angels to sit while he and the girls walked to the other one of the three seat sofa. Between the sofas, was a low table that was filled with a lot of varied types of snacks and a tea set. Gabriel was looking at everything with curious eyes while taking a seat together with her brother. Erik started serving tea for the five of them while Michael started a light conversation until the mood was right.

"A very protected home that you have here, Lord Ravenclaw."

Michael said to Erik.

"Just Erik is enough, Lord Michael. And thanks. Selena and I like a lot to have our privacy."

Erik replied to Michael.

"Then call me just Michael too. And yes, I noticed that that was the case since I never heard of you two after you both retired from the position of Headmasters for the magical school."

Michael said and accepted the cup of tea that was passed to him by Erik.

"Thanks. And why is it that you both decided to retire? From what I heard in the time, you two were doing an amazing job in leading the magical community."

Michael asked and sipped his tea. He liked the flavor but felt that it would be better with some of Gabriel's honey. Erik took his seat after passing down all of the teacups.

"And that was exactly where the problem relied on, Michael. The magical community was getting too dependent on us two with we having basically taught everything that they knew about magic. So, after we succeeded in the ritual, we decided to retire. Can you imagine the kind of power that two ageless wizards would have inside a community with people that aged? That kind of scared us two. It helped to make a decision too that we had lived basically our entire lives inside the castle, and now that we had eternity ahead of us, we wanted to see the rest of the world."

Erik said and took a sip of his tea.

"And so we did. Erik and I trained people to stay in our places, made rules, and we retired from public view, letting the next generation take the reins. Behind the scenes, we still keep some contact with the castle and we still send them 'care packages' with knowledge from the places that we visit during our travels."

Selena said, continuing for Erik where he had stopped.

"Since then we had traveled all around the known World. Actually, this house here was the first one that we bought after we had started to travel."

Erik said to the two Angels. He could see some longing in Gabriel's eyes.

"And what made you choose Rome for your first destination?"

Michael asked and took a bite from a cinnamon roll. His eyes went wide with the flavor.

'This is some good stuff.'

He thought.

"Well, at the time the Holy Roman Empire was at his heyday and basically 'owned' most of Europe. So we thought: 'What other better place to start than with one near home?'. So we took a ship and sailed to here, where we bought this Villa and started to discretely put out protections around it. After that, with our 'nest' ready for us to rest anytime we wanted, we started to travel around and visit the famous places."

Erik said, replying to Michael's question. Michael nodded his head in understanding to their reasons.

"Hmm… This is so good!"

The group heard. Gabriel had her mouth full with one of Erik's honey cookies. Her eyes were closed in satisfaction.

"This has honey on it, doesn't it?"

Gabriel said after swallowing the cookie and looking at Erik, who nodded his head. But the one who answered was Selena.

"Yes. It is one of Erik's first 'creations'."

She said.

"They are delicious! You know, after our last meeting I started to raise bees too."

Gabriel said with a proud look on her face.

"Yes, Gabriel's honey is one of the most sought commodities in Heaven at the moment."

Michael said. He was proud of her sister's achievements and didn't notice the blank look that Erik had on his face at the moment or the internal struggle that he was having to not let out a lewd joke involving Gabriel's honey.
