Eating soft rice

As his thoughts were running, things were going just as he had expected, and when the bandits opened their mouths they requested the carriage to be left behind. 

The expressions of the few individuals did not seem that good at the moment, but they were outnumbered. 

"Ooh, Quite lively here are we? I wonder whether I can also get involved? " he heard a female voice coming over from the distance. 

But he did not seem to be affected much, since he had hoped that things would become even messier, but he did not understand why everyone had an obsession with a broken carriage.

But this did not last long with how intelligent he was to realize he was the target here. 

The woman's tone suddenly becomes cold. "Why are you four not responding? I want that person in the carriage, and you can go." She was very straightforward.

But this made the four men furious, and one of them with his muscles exposed, a long blade over his shoulders stepped out.

"Little brat! Mind your own business. Adults here are in the middle of something important." He said as it seemed incapable of holding his anger.

His plan was going well, but he did not understand how he bumped into these people, all he had to do was take care of the other three he was traveling with. 

unknown to him the other three also had some coldness hidden in the depths of their eyes observing the bandits but holding themselves as if they had plans.

But at the same time, operated under the assumption at least among them another spy was hidden and thus acted in a manner that did not expose themselves.

The truth, however, was that all of the four had their own agendas, Wang had already grasped this a long time ago and was waiting to exploit it, but the development of things was changing beyond his abilities. 

When the man discovered his intimidation did not work, he made a small attack that should have struck her to the ground, but she just moved to the side, and no one saw how she did it.,

It made the faces of the other three to turn serious. They could not lose Wang or their fates would be no worse than dead. Even at the risk of exposing themselves, they would be willing to deal with her first.

But they had miscalculated, as Ruruo did not know about their purpose at all. But once they made a move, Wang that had been looking through the window seemed to have realized that something was not quite right with the bandits standing on the sides, rather the way they looked at the woman had some awe in it.

Some even seemed to avoid looking directly at her face, despite the white cloth covering her face.

  "Eeh! This woman is not quite right! Well, let's see how things will develop first." His line of thought had yet to end when the four men collapsed on the ground and each was bleeding.

He thought it was poison, but denied it seeing the look of fear in their eyes. Some glint also seemed to have flashed past his eyes before it was instantly extinguished.

"So what if Martial arts in this world are more than what can be seen on the surface, I lack the background to even get hold of martial arts, or resources to train. Better think about how I survived this episode first."

As his thoughts turned he heard the sound of footsteps from the outside that was slowly approaching his tattered carriage. 

These bandits did not get involved, and this further proved his conjecture as the most basic behavior of such mobs is belief in their numbers, yet they did not try to say anything rather some had some pity for the four guys and Wang understood it instantly, from what followed next.

Indeed he might not even be capable of escaping, considering how respectful they were to the woman they were obviously a group. 

Looking at it, he sighed, but could not help remembering some weird words he read in a novel in his previous life. "Beauty saves a young master!"

In the end, he still murmured under his breath, " What a cliche, it seems that I might have the making of a guy that eats soft rice."

It was like a joke to depict how he survived due to a woman saving him, like some damsel in distress.

"Beauty saves a young master", she repeated before thinking, 'I like it. But what is that eating soft rice?'

Her attention then was focused on the carriage, where Wang was still dazed, and the moment the figure arrived near the carriage it collapsed.

"Here he was exposed to the public, sitting under the collapsed Carriage, with swollen eyes, lips, and bruised face. Some people from the bandits could not help it and burst into laughter. 

But Wang was not embarrassed in the slightest, as a netizen in his previous life, he had seen worse than this. In fact, being laughed at as a man was not a big deal, it's just part of him feeling he lost face before the woman. 

Looking up, she offered her hand, and he did not even think twice to accept, it before being pulled out of the wreckage. 

Before he could become even say his thanks some better-looking carriage appeared from the distance, and just looking at it, he could tell it was way better than his. 

" Young master, how about having a chat with me?" the voice was indeed pleasant and he did not mind, but he had no turmoil in his heart. 

He is a man with less than a decade to die, so he just nodded while, Ruruo looked towards some of the guys in front of the bandits and said, "Chen Suo, Chen Luo!  You guys go get some clothes and water for this young master to clean up."

Without even hesitation, the two men on the horse replied in unison and left, while Wang was still trying to adjust properly. 

His body was aching, and thus he just followed behind Ruruo for about 50 meters before sitting down panting.

She turned back only to find him sitting on the ground, without any shame before saying to her, "Miss! Just say what it is you wanted. I am not in the best condition to move around."

Wang could not consider this face the most handsome, as in the crowd it was above average, hence he ruled out the chance that she had a crush on him. 

Second, he could see that this woman had authority, in a way she could get what she wanted, and he had no real benefit to her in this martial arts world. 

Being a realist, he judged situations based on how they were. At this stage in life, he was what in his previous life was called a loser. 

It would be suspicious for anyone to treat a loser with some respect unless they wanted something from them when their economic and social class were on different dimensions altogether.

"Okay, then I won't beat around the bush. I want you to marry me!"  She said without even thinking twice. 

"Why is this plot heading towards eating soft rice!" He mumbled to himself before regaining his cool.

"Miss! Are you perhaps confused or something? As much as I am excited about this offer, I'm not tripping yet!" Wang replied not taking this woman seriously at all. 

The situation, he can feel it, and on the attribute panel, he knows he has less time to live. This woman as a strong martial artist should be able to realize it as long as she makes contact with him.

She already did, so this joke to him did not sound serious, and at the same time, the parents of such a young tigress obviously would not be weak. 

Did he want to die faster? Of course not! But at the same time, he seemed to see the other side looking at him, or he could feel a stare. 

"What is eating soft rice you mentioned again and again while talking to yourself?" Listening to her question, he almost broke into a cold sweat.

'It seems that I have to be careful from now on with this habit of murmuring to myself. These crazy martial artists can hear it."