Rules are set for the weak

Sitting alone at the table, as Wang tools a bite of breakfast, he kept thinking about those thugs that suddenly attacked him and his face sank. With the current situation, it was indeed becoming a problem for him. He had to locate another place to purchase medical herbs since he suspected the medical store to have leaked some information to some thieves. In that case, it would be very depressing to handle it 

The issue of medical materials could be handled later, at the moment, he thought it best to focus on the key issue that was increasing his strength and in the evening he could have a discussion with Ruruo to understand the nature of this Ziyu city. After all the businesses being opened in such an environment can only be something that is done with the backing of the strong in the city.

The weak might find it hard to survive in such a place since the interests of others can be blocked or interfered with by the weak. In this way, he did not want to even think about going to make trouble with the place he bought the medical materials before being attacked, he can just change to another place anyway. 

In the evening after dinner, he did already have some thoughts in his mind and used another method to ask for information instead of making things too obvious.

 "I've been wondering, how people in this city set up businesses?" He was indeed tricky and chose to go around the issue in this way he could obtain the most information. Anyway, he was not in a hurry the medical materials he bought this time were enough to last for more than half a month of training. At this time he can find and purchase other materials when it is convenient. 

From there he kept asking things in a roundabout manner until he obtained some information that seemed even more interesting on other sources of medical materials but the information suggested that he could go there and try. Other than being cheap there were risks of being deceived by the sellers in the market. 

But surprisingly, only after leaving the market can things such as theft happen, and those in the grandmaster realm do not participate because whatever is good does not go to that place.

  "Calculating the time, there is still another week before the next gathering, you can go and see it. The place is lively, buying and selling of numerous things can be done in that place." As she mentioned this she threw a bag at him and a metal plate. It had a unique number with the word evil written on it. Wang captured the token and did not feel any uniqueness until he was told about how it can be used, and when and where to use it. She and Ruruo seemed to be heading somewhere and Wang did not bother to understand this at all.

He had a feeling that his 'wife' had a unique identity and thus did not bother with this rather the fact that there existed a black market and the Ziyu City did not seem to mind. In this way, he seemed to be lost in thought but just dismissed it as he saw no reason to know more about some things. 

When Ruruo and Luoli had left for some distance they moved toward the direction of the mountain. "Miss! You managed to get what you wanted right?" She asked seeing how the woman was lost in thought.

"Not yet? But I seem to have set my sights on something new. Perhaps we will find out in the future won't we?" as she spoke, they accelerated toward the tallest building in the city.

But back in the residence, Wang was still thinking about the information mentioned by Ruruo in their conversation. But he did not understand the meaning of the words she said at the end, "As long as you play within the rules". What he was even more curious about was who set the rules and whether the events of being robbed operated within the rules. But he soon understood something, as long as his life was not threatened then no one would care.

Since the rules are as such, he did not have the ability to play tricks on the situation but this information he obtained told him something, that implied that only the strong are not messed with in this place. So he did not hold much hope in the situation at the same time did not have much interest in changing it. From his thoughts, some benefits obtained by a certain group are not at all something one would want to lose. Targeting to get to a place that would allow one to gain proper motivation.

"Why did she say that everything has exceptions and I can make purchases from that place? No wonder I found that name familiar, turned out it has spread its roots everywhere. Well in the way Ruruo said it, there is only one exception and since it is just the purchase of materials it is better to visit them then, but ill need some disguise. In the same way, they probably would not care that much about someone whose strength is only at their level." As he pondered he relaxed slightly while at the same time having memorized the name Moon Pavillion. In the future, he will be careful when dealing with them.

"But that is also a good thing since they have connections in many regions it is easier for them to acquire anything their clients want in the shortest of time. In the same way, their business is rooted in Ziyu city, then they might even deal in information selling. In this way, Wang was probably hoping that he could take advantage of it to improve his strength and then put his thoughts on important issues as first that was save people."

In this world, status is very important and the same is something that Wang currently lacks, but in the end, he seems to not dwell much on the issue, as his soul is originally from another world. He can tell a certain truth clearly, that without strength, then everything else can become an illusion. With this mentality, he has managed to survive up to the point he is today, not caring even if he has to work in jobs others despise since he can get money to acquire resources.

So in the end he will not really have any burden in even staying in this house that Ruruo seemed to have left him in charge of, as he knows anywhere can be converted into accommodation as long as he can gain protection. His bid for this city is also a very smart move since it managed to help him avoid going around to the other cities. Just sitting on the balcony, he was able to hear some rumors that made him very alert. It said that some city was slaughtered leaving only withered corpses. He can be sure that such cruel methods are beyond anything he has ever faced.

"On the other issue, Ruruo seemed to say that I have been focused on body training, and yet my speed is lacking. In that case, is she implying to take some time to improve in terms of movement skills? Well I guess she is really right, if I can't beat the opponent I can always run away. besides, I think some of the knowledge  I saw in novels was not entirely wrong. Fast enough and strong enough can deal with everything else. Everyone else seems to be pursuing these two principles regardless of the direction they choose in the end as martial artists." 

After coming to this conclusion, Wang seemed to have opened up a new way of looking at the world of martial arts. In the same way, he seemed to have caught up to some truth, regardless of how others might argue it is irrelevant since the improvement in martial arts in any aspect will always revert back to fast and stronger. 

Even with aspects that have nothing to do with movement and the very basic such as blood seems to become stronger and even moving faster in the body with improvement in the realm of practitioners and thus making this a basis, he wanted to slowly put his path to this direction and his intention to study all other skills or techniques was put aside until he attained state of a grandmaster.

When the thoughts had already calmed down in his mind, he looked out through the window and could see the streets. "The number of people gathered today seems to be slightly higher than usual, is this really normal? Unless Ruruo also has the same goal as them, but what is it?" 

He frowned slightly in deep thought, but some voice seemed to bring him back and when he looked he saw some familiar faces.

"Is this the place?" A questioning tone could be heard from behind the group talking by the gate.