Ant dares to hurt me?

Wang was in a bad mood after being disturbed when he had gone further to rent a residence so as to have some isolated environment to practice. Now another person dared to jump in without even his permission, but his biggest worry was that the person might have brought a group of people after her just like the time in the residence he lived in, in this city. Wang did not think twice, if this person was weak he was already going to send them to the west to meet their maker. 

In this world, being a good person is something subjective, and against those that one did not know it was foolish to show kindness as it might end up only causing trouble in the end. It is something he views as drinking poison with the idea of what it is but hoping that it could miraculously not kill you. He was not such a person and saw a problem for one and thought it best to have it solved before they even become one. With people, it is best to end some entanglements before they even start. 

He thus did not come out to make friends with this person that had sneaked into this house bringing him trouble. In the backyard, he could see a figure step out from behind the tree, and the look in her eyes was indeed not normal. Other than the intense injuries and blood seeping out of her body as though she was going to die anytime, he could see that she had her clothes stained with blood. 

Other than the contemptuous look she was giving him and the fact that she could just enter the residence he had rented as some ghost pissed him off. When he chose this place he never thought that other trouble would also follow him after the incident with the guys in the city. It seemed like the situation in the city was not as good as he had thought. But that did not make him way less hostile towards this woman that had appeared in this place.

He looked at her and the first thought he had was that this was a troublesome person to deal with probably due to the fact that she had the same suppressive effect as Ruruo, but it seemed to be lacking slightly. But Wang seemed to not be affected by that oppression as the woman was not in her peak state though. But that did not make him underestimate her in any way, he also wished she did not come here, but the way she was looking in the room where the medical fragrance was coming from was almost covetous, and this seemed to be going against Wang, he did not like others having ideas about his things. 

The woman ignored her drenched dress and seemed to pull out the dagger that was embedded in her flesh. As she moved forward, it seemed like she was struggling to drag her body towards Wang but he could tell she was trying to go for the medical fragrance and he was just someone she had to get rid of along the way. This action made his mouth twitch a few times but his eyes were already colder than even ice at this time. He also seemed to have realized something, the weak will always be looked down upon by those that deem themselves strong. 

She actually already considered his medical bath her own property and did not ask for his opinion. For the first time, he had some anger in his heart and the thing he did not realize was that the White Tiger Fist was already a tipping point for his martial arts entering the 6th level. How dare a person that even looks like they are about to die to look down upon him and set her eyes on things considered his? No part of her body was in the perfect state as though she had just barely managed to escape. 

It was already good enough that her life was preserved but she dared to want to kill him and take what he has risked his life to acquire. This woman obviously was not hurt by just one person, and her ability to survive implied she was indeed something but that was not something he cared about. She has to die for coveting his things, to begin with, and the second thing was that this witch might be a huge threat if she even recovers a bit. In that case, he might as well deal with her before that happened or something new came up. 

He was not heavily dressed so he had to be careful and this was indeed one of his concerns. And the woman seemed to be dragging her pale face towards him when suddenly she threw the dagger at him. She did not seem to believe he would escape but surprisingly Wang managed to evade it by using the door to block it and even resulting in it being destroyed into pieces. The power from that thrown dagger seemed very strong, but it also seemed to have consumed too much of her making her puke out blood close to three times and she seemed to have some curiosity in her eyes.

"You are more interesting that those figures I met outside the city. It is a shame you have seen my face." As she spoke her voice was somewhat trembling and Wang just looked at her with a solemn expression. "Yeah, it is becoming very difficult to live even in the city. Even without provoking anyone, there will always flee jumping out from everywhere wanting to have a taste of blood." His face was very cold especially when he turned to look at the woman. She had just attacked and it seemed that she was planning on making another move.

She had agitated her wounds and blood was flowing but her body seemed very excited by Wang's words. She was obviously angry in this situation and even talked to herself. Eventually looked at Wang with some charming smile neither harmful to cows nor chickens but he seemed unfazed. "How do you think?" Unfortunately, she has never met anyone like Wang that said, "It's okay!" Yes, that is the way he talks, and does not praise any women for being beautiful as to him it was not in any way beneficial to him at all. What did she have anything to do with him, at this point it was already good enough that she got a response.

He was not even concerned about her situation at all but wondered about how to land a serious injury. Seeing as to how she was ranked as barely okay, her smile suddenly turned gloomy, and at the same time another dagger was thrown out toward him, but it did not seem to be covered in blood this time. With the sound of something piercing him, he could barely avoid them since this attack was weaker than the first one. And seeing that things were not going her way, she had the heart to retreat but now it had gotten to this point every decision seemed like a dead end regardless of the route she chose. 

Coughing up some blood she looked at Wang and said, "Brother can you help me heal my injuries, This sister has numerous martial arts that might interest you." As she spoke she was approaching slowly and her hand at the back was holding a dagger. "There is no worry aunt, I indeed wanted to help out but you were too aggressive and I can't guarantee anything seeing that your hands are behind you,"  Wang spoke just as she had and made it more about the fact that she was attacking him, but in the end, he was just buying time to make sure that she would continue to be depleted of her blood and stamina. 

Just kidding, this woman wants to kill him very much, how could he let her just do as she wanted? But in the same way, he was not going to retreat at all, but the moment she removed her hand behind her they were about three meters from each other, and the dagger moved towards Wang but he seemed to have been waiting for her. 

There was suddenly an afterimage that soon magnified in her eyes when a fist struck out towards her stomach. In the same way, another kick was directed towards her head but he missed and only managed to completely crush her shoulder after she evaded with some difficulty. "Sorry about that, I actually saw some bug on you, who knew it was moving too fast and before taking it out it actually escaped."

As much as he said this with some sincerity one could see that he was not meaning it at all. But the woman what Wang had done was now going too far, since she could feel her internal organs shattered and her entire shoulder crushed, she could already feel that her vitality was not going to hold on longer and even the medical fragrance could not save her. 

So she stopped pretending and her attitude shift did not surprise Wang, he just shook his head. Perhaps if he had not experienced the cruelty of this world he might be deceived by her looks, but not the current him.

"Damn! If I did not have this injury how could an ant like you.." Before she could finish her words, blood was gushing out of her wounds and her body collapsed on the ground. Looking at the unwillingness written on her face, he slammed down drowning her head.
