Ruruo's intuition

Two years have passed just like that since Wang left the hidden space. Currently, he was standing outside the Origin temple with Ruruo at his side.[How is it?]

Hearing her question, he was not sure how to respond.

He attempted to enter the fourth level and got destroyed so fast, that he didn't even have time to realize what had happened.

As her husband, it would be a loss of face to just admit he couldn't get past the fourth floor directly but in this case, nothing could be done.

But seeing his backward state she giggled, [You care about face too?]

This episode was somewhat common, especially between the couple over the period they have been traveling together.

He however determined to spend some more time on the third floor until he become invincible there.

Over the year Ruruo has also managed to take a step into the invincibility of the second floor.