Feminist Genes in my wife are acting up again!

When Wang was still shocked by his daughter's change something else caught his attention. 

"Boom! Boom!.."

Sounds could be heard in Ruruo's body, it kept repeating with her aura intensifying.

  Sitting cross-legged, Ruruo observed her body through perception and could see changes taking place when her world energy had evolved to the second level using the Qi codex.

Seeing how the genes in her body were changing, although she didn't have much understanding on the molecular level such as Wang, that had transmigrated and even studied medicine, she still had soma knowledge.

Her main area of expertise is vitality since she has grasped one of the true meanings associated with it.

The moment she saw it happen with the first evolution, she probably didn't think much, since it didn't affect much of her life level.

But at the moment she seemed to have opened up another door.