Discovering a huge hidden river

Five months have gone by and the couple has been switching places to recover their peak state. 

At the same time, running away from some troubles, just like five months ago, when they arrived.

The ground was shaking, a roar could be heard, and even with their perception, they were shaken by what they saw.

Huge white elephants towering several hundreds of meters could be seen moving in groups towards them.

The couple was forced to retreat at the same time to move outwards.

It took close to a month to completely escape from the grasslands.

Since then, their accommodation has been set at the edge of the grasslands. 

Then through the process, the couple collected immense wheat, but the size is at least the head of an adult. 

But that didn't matter, the couple sent it in the storage space, and have been consuming it ever since then. 

The energy contained in them proved very beneficial to their bodies.