Has some style of a genius

Standing on the edge of the formation, Wang was holding a saber, and on the other side, Ruruo could be seen with a sword.


After saying this they both attacked at the same time. 

Actually, after reaching the limit of their realm, the two would practice in the morning before finding out to focus on their things.

It was decided to spend time polishing their techniques through combat and the effect proved to be better than expected.

  Wang had already started to practice the Qi Codex, and unlike before he could feel that gathering energy alone wouldn't work. Some kind of comprehension was required.

  He closed his eyes and focused, and instantly golden energy could be circulated through his body but in the end, it didn't take form, rather it dispersed.

He could feel that the technique was more than what met the eye, but at the same time, he had no way of handling it.