Domineering Ruruo's clone in the Blue Sky world

In a unique environment, a woman was sitting with a bun on her head. Her hair is nicely cooiling around the bun and falling behind her head. It still reaches her back, but even so, her eyes are very clear. No impurity could be seen in them in the slightest.

This figure was obviously resembling someone, it was Ruruo. But at the same time, she did seem to give off a unique temperament.

Baside her was a middle-aged man, with hint of gray hair on his head giving off a different domineering pressure.

"Supreme Xiandu, what brought you here again, I thought we had just met a few days ago? Is there something urgent you had forgotten to say then?" Ruruo that was sitting in the same comfortable position asked this question in a slow manner, she was not in a hurry.