Scirk: last night was a total wreck…
Redwolf: yes, I know…
Scirk: either way, your mission is at an airport on Dubai
A terrorist attack and bomb was located there… the bomb is for later once the plane takes off…
Scirk: I want you 4 to stop the terrorist attack and defuse the bomb!
Scirk: Cytra, Arcus… Stay here…
Scirk: dismissed…
All 4: *enters cargo plane*
Plane takes off
Plane lands
All 4: *exits plane*
Killer: holy frick…
Redwolf: this is an absolute massacre here!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: left side!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: right side!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: flank them!
All 4: *heads to left side*
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: Breach the rooms!
All 4: *STACKS UP*
Redwolf: *explodes door*
All 4: *shoots*
Enemy Russian soldiers: (Hey) Привет
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: more enemies!
All 4: *shoots through hall way*
Redwolf: Get to the airfield!
All 4: *jumps out to airfield*
All 4: *gets up*
Redwolf; Crap! They're heading to us!
All 4: *shoots*
Airplane turbine whirrs
Redwolf: crap the plane's taking off with the bomb!
All 4: *enters plane*
Plane takes off
Redwolf: crap!
Bomb beeps
Arab citizen: لماذا أسمع قنبلة
Enemy plane goes below the plane
Enemy soldiers: *lands below the lane and enters*
Enemy soldiers: (Put your hands up!) إرفع يديك عاليا
Redwolf: shoot them down!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: Crap! The Arab terrorists must've become allies with the Russians!
Killer: what's wrong with that…
Redwolf: Arab terrorists are har der to deal with than Russians…
Killer: well crap…
Redwolf: continue fighting!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: Killer, find where all of this is coming from
Killer: on it! *runs away*
Killer: *shoots*
Killer: I found the source!
Redwolf: good, now bombard it!
Redwolf: *defuses bomb*
Bomb defused
Killer: *plants C4 and explodes it*
Enemy pilot: (requesting backup) طلب النسخ الاحتياطي
Enemy plane explodes
Killer: *successfully bombarded
Enemy pilot 2: (ok) نعم *heads under the plane*
Killer: Crap! Theres more!
Redwolf: Continue fighting!
Killer: *shoots*
Killer: *plants C4 and detotnaates it*
Plane explodes
Enemy pilot 2: (requesting backup) طلب النسخ الاحتياطي
Enemy pilot 3: (ok) نعم *heads under the plane*
Enemy Soldier: *knocks down Killer*
Killer: *punches back*
Killer: *trips down enemy soldier*
Killer: *plants C4 on enemy soldier*
Killer: *pushes*
Killer: *detonates C4*
Bomb explodes
Gunshots on the driver's seat
Citizens scream
Redwolf: what is it this time
All 4: *heads to the driver's seat*
Redwolf: Crap! The driver's dead!
Killer: well crap!
Redwolf: hold on!
Plane crashes
All 4: *wakes up*
Killer: God my head hurts!
Redwolf: plus, we landed at one of Iskar's camp!
Killer: ah god, not that idiot!
Redwolf: hey, at least we did what Scirk did and try to get intel about some of Iskar's future deadly projects…
Killer: yeah, I guess…
All 4: *enters camp*
Redwolf: enemy on right side!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: Left!
All 4: *shoots*
Enemy soldiers: *peacefully whistling*
All 4: *shoots*
Enemyu soldier: huh
Killer: *shoots*
Redwolf: Head to the boiler room!
All 4: *explodes door*
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: okay now plant C4 around it…
All 4: * plants C4*
Redwolf: all C4s planted, let's get of here…
All 4: *exits boiler room*
Redwolf: we will detonate it later…
Redwolf: We have to gather intel about this…
Redwolf: *opens door quietly*
Redwolf: enter the catwalk now!
All 4: *gets up catwalk*
Iskar: (I got away this time from these fools) На этот раз я ушел от этих дураков
Iskar: (one day Russia will win this world) Однажды Россия выиграет этот мир
Iskar: (And that cursed headquarters will go down) И этот проклятый штаб рухнет
Iskar: (Starting by bombarding Portugal) Начиная с бомбардировки Португалии
Iskar: (Spain) Испания
Iskar: (France) Франция
Iskar: (Belgium) Бельгия
Iskar: (Germany) Германия
Iskar: (Netherlands) Нидерланды
Iskar: (Denmark) Дания
Iskar: (Norway) Норвегия
Iskar: (Sweden) Швеция
Iskar: (Finland) Финляндия
Iskar: (Canada) Канада
Iskar: (And Alaska) И Аляска
Iskar: (Using these missiles) Используя эти ракеты
Iskar: (That split into six) Это разделено на шесть
Iskar: (Ill be using to two of them) Я буду использовать два из них
Iskar: (so the whole world will consider this all a warning) Так что весь мир будет считать все это предупреждением
Redwolf: holy crap…
Announcer: (Warning, four intruders are detected in the camp) Предупреждение: в лагере обнаружены четыре злоумышленника
Redwolf: crap! Weve been spotted get out of here!
All 4: *runs out of the camp*
Redwolf: Crap! Hostiles are blocking our way!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: Killer, take down the chopper
Killer: we'll defend you!
Killer: *shoots*
Killer: Chopper down!
Redwolf: That's not the only one…
Killer: *shoots*
Killer: another chopper down!
Killer: *shoots*
Killer: Last batch down!
Redwolf: good now help us defend ourselves…
Redwolf: head to that vantage point onto this gate!
All 4: *shoots*
All 4: *heads to the vantage point*
All 4: *shoots*
Enemy soldier: *shoots rpg*
Redwolf: rpg!
RPG explodes
Redwolf: head to the other towers!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: RPG! Move!
All 4: *moves to the other turret*
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf; enemy vehicle inbound!
All 4: *shoots*
Vehicle explodes
Redwolf; Airstrike get out of the camp!
All 4: *exits camp*
Redwolf: *hijacks enemy vehicle*
Redwolf: *drives jeepney and honks*
Redwolf: get in!
Killer: *detonates C4*
All 4: *enters jeep*
Enemy soldier: (they're getting away) Они уходят
Iskar: (Don't lose them) Не теряй их
Redwolf: *peeks out and shoots flare gun*
Pilot: LZ'S TOO HOT, moving to another area!
Redwolf: got it…
Redwolf: *drives faster*
Killer: Crap! Theyre following us!
Redwolf: *shoots them down*
(Part inspired by COD 4: MW: Game over)
All 3: *shoots*
Killer: I hear the choppers!!!
Redwolf: get above the jeep!
All 3: *goes above the jeep and shoots*
Chopper explodes
Redwolf: continue firing!
Redwolf: Crap! Airstrike ahead!
Redwolf: get ready!
Vehicle explodes
Redwolf: come on! We have to get to the LZ!
All 4: *runs to the LZ*
Redwolf: Hostiles inbound!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: almost to the LZ!
Enemy soldier: *tackles Killer*
Killer: *punches back with elbow*
Killer: *turns enemy soldier around and puts gun against his head*
Killer: *shoots enemies*
Enemy soldier: *nudges Killer*
Enemy soldier: *tries to knock down Killer with AK-47*
Killer: *blocks attack*
Redwolf: *shoots enemy soldier*
Redwolf: what were you doing…
All 4: *continues running towards the LZ*
Redwolf: Hostiles just ahead!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: were so close!
All 4: *shoots*
Redwolf: All clear now just sprint!
All 4: *sprints to LZ*
Plane flies away
Plane lands back at the HQ