Mission XVIII (Last Moment)

Scirk: your mission lies at Greenland, Denmark…

Scirk: Rumors said that a missile that is going to end 12 countries have been found on Greenland…

Scirk: I want you to inspect that area!

Scirk: and gather intel about it…

All 4: *enters plane*

Plane takes off

Redwolf: these might be nukes, so let's be careful here…

Killer: okay…

Lands at Greenland

Enemy soldiers: (Hey, what are you doing!) Эй, что ты делаешь!

All 4: *shoots*

Iskar: (Squad 10 do you copy) Отряд 10 вы копируете

Squad 10 member: (yes, we just lost half of our squad) Да, мы только что потеряли половину нашего отряда

Iskar: (crap…) дерьмо

Iskar: (tell me if there are any intruders entering the main base) Скажите, есть ли злоумышленники, входящие на главную базу

Redwolf: youll take one on left, I'll take one on right!

Squad 10 member: (I can't find anyone-) Я никого не могу найти

Rest of squad 10 members died

Iskar: (Squad 10?) Команда 10

Iskar: (Squad 10 do you copy!?) Приседания 10 копируете

Iskar: (Alek! Inspect the area!) Алек! осмотрите местность!

Alek: (on it) в теме!

Alek: *heads to the outskirts of the main base*

Killer: *dives towards Alek*

Killer: *chokes Alek*

Alek: *kicks Killer*

Killer: *nudges glass window*

Alek: *approaches Killer*

Killer: *breaks glass*

Killer: *picks up sharp glass shard*

Killer: *stabs Alek*

Alek: *grabs arm*

Killer: *punches Alek*

Alek: *lets go of Killer's arm*

Killer: *thrust through*

Killer: *stabs neck*

Redwolf: *downs Alek by hitting Alek on the head by a stock of an ar*

Iskar: (he isn't here yet…) Его еще нет

Iskar: (Alek do you copy!?) Алек, ты копируешь!?

Iskar: (oh crap…) о, черт ...

Iskar: *pushes alarm button*

Alarm blares

All enemy soldiers: *readies up*

Redwolf: crap…

All enemy soldiers: *exits and readies gun*

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: enemy vehicle incoming!

All 4: *shoots*

Vehicle explodes

Redwolf: left side!

All 4: *shoots*

Missile hits the main base

All 4: *gets knocked down*

Redwolf: Ah crap!

All 4: *shoots*

All 4: *gets up*

All 4: *enters main base*

Iskar: (ah crap) ах дерьмо!

Iskar: *heads to the back exit*

Iskar: *drives chopper*

Redwolf: Enemy on left side!

All 4: *SHOOTS*

Redwolf: Pyromaniacs on right side!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: *enters fuel room*

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: careful! Don't blow up the fuel tanks!

Redwolf: *enters missile room*

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: area clear!

Redwolf: Killer, activate these panels open!

Killer: *pulls lever*

Panels open

All 4: *checks*

Redwolf: what! There's no nuclear missile!

Redwolf: Zemlya Georga…

Killer: whats that!

Redwolf: A location!

Redwolf: this might be where the true nuclear missile is at…

Killer: what…

Redwolf: Iskar fooled us…

Redwolf: the true missile is at Luxemborg…

Enemies breach in

All 4: *shoots*

All 4: *exits main base*

Redwolf: *shoots flare gun*


Redwolf: crap…

Redwolf: find a chopper!

All 4: *finds chopper*

All 4: *enters chopper*

Chopper takes off

Redwolf: why is there Iskar's men down there!?

All 3: *shoots*


All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: left side!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: enemy vehicle

All 4: *shoots*

Vehicle explodes


All 4: *shoots*

All 4: *pushes through*

Redwolf: enemy pyromaniacs ahead!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: Airstrike!

All 4: *dodges airstrike*

All 4: *shoots*

Killer: something feels off…

Redwolf: yea obviously!

Killer: not this fight we're dealing with…

Killer: Where's Scirk!

Redwolf: oh crap!

Redwolf: find Scirk everyone!

All 4: *tries to find*

Redwolf: hostiles inbound!

All 4: *shoots*

Killer: *finds Scirk*

Killer: This is Killer, we found Scirk!

Scirk: no… get out of here…

Iskar: this is what you get…

Iskar: don't even try to assassinate my clan…

Iskar: there's no point on killing me…

Iskar: goodbye!

Iskar: *snipes Scirk*

Killer: NO!

Killer: crap! This cant end like this…

Killer: we 4 are going to avenge you Scirk…

All 4: *turns around*

All 4: *shoots*

Killer: freaking bastard…

Killer: I swear he gonna regret it…

Iskar: *gets out of the area*

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: left side!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: enemy choppers!

All 4: *shoots*

Choppers collapse and explode

Redwolf: left side!

All 4: *shoots*

Announcer: Warning a bomb is located at the stay room!

Killer: crap…

All 4: *heads to the stay room*

Redwolf: hostiles inbound!

All 4: *shoots*

Killer: *opens door but failed*

Killer: *plants C4*

Door explodes

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: bombs at room 077!

All 4: *breaches room*

Killer: *defuses bomb*

All 4: *turns around and shoots*

All 4: *exits the stay room*

Enemy soldier: *tries to knock down Killer with AK-12*

Killer: *blocks attack with ACR-3*

Killer: *pushes back*

Killer: *tackles and chokes enemy soldier to death*

Enemy soldier: *kicks killer*

Killer: *shoots*

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: Left side!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: Pyromainacs incoming!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: more in the elevator!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: Pyros on left elevator!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: head to the roof!

All 4: *heads to the roof*

Chopper's land

All 4: *shoots*

Chopper explodes


Redwolf: Left side!

All 4: *shoots*

Chopper explodes

Enemy troops: *lands on roof*

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: Incoming choppers on right side!

All 4: *shoots*

Choppers explode

Redwolf: more troops behind!

All 4: *shoots*

Redwolf: I'll be right back!


Redwolf: *finds an unused chopper*

Redwolf: *drives chopper*

Redwolf: GET IN!

All 4: *shoots*

Chopper take off

Enemy soldier: *shoots at chopper*

All 4: *shoots*

Vehicle drives by

All 4: *shoots*

Enemy Chopper takes off

All 4: 8shoots*

Chopper explodes

Redwolf: even though Scirk is dead…

Redwolf: we still have to save some people!

Redwolf: Iskar's men is going to attack NY

All 4: *shoots*

Chopper explodes

Redwolf: I'll tell you more intel about this!

Chopper flies by

Enemy choppers follow them

All 4: *shoots*

Chopper explodes

More enemy choppers follow them

All 4: *shoots*

Choppers explode

.Redwolf: *lands chopper on an abandoned cottage*

Redwolf: GET IN!

All 4: *enters abandoned cottage*