Ch.07 Telling the truth.

We were in the car and I asked "So where are we going?"

She said, "There is a mall in the town we will go there."

We reached the town and she guided me to the mall. She said, "We are here." I then parked the truck and got out and helped her get's out and she said "I can get out on my own."

I said "I know I am just trying to be respectful. So let's go inside then."

We entered the mall and it had so many shops there were clothing shops, toy stores, electronics, food court and I looked around and said "This place is amazing."

Josie laughed and grabbed my hand led me to a store that had a half-eaten apple logo she said "Let's go."

I said, "Is this like a church, why is there so much white?"

We entered and I looked in amazement and Josie took me to a gentleman in a blue t-shirt and said to him "He would like to buy a phone."

He smiled and asked, "Which model would you like?"

Josie looked at me and I said "The new one?"

He said, "Yes sir, which storage would you like?"

I said "The big one?"

He then said, "Which colour would you like?"

I said, "What colour are there?"

He said, "There is white, black, red and purple."

I looked at Josie and said, "I would like the black one."

He then said, "Would you like to buy air pods?"

I asked, "What are AirPods?"

Josie said, "It's like a thing that transmits music to your ears and no one else can hear that."

I said, "Okay I would like that one as well."

He then said, "Would you like an apple one as well?"

I asked, "You know what just give me everything you think I would need and just bring me the phone when it is ready."

He then went away and Josie laughed and I said "You were supposed to help me, I don't even know what I am buying at this point. All that thing with storage and subscription and whatnot." She just laughed and I said, "Stop Laughing please."

She smiled and said, "I am sorry but you were just so cute when he asked you all that."

I smiled as well and said, "Well I am happy that you found me amusing."

The gentleman came and said, "Here you go, sir." He handed me a bag and I looked at the bill and I said: "Are you sure I have bought a phone and not a child." Josie laughed and I handed him a stack of cash from my pocket.

Josie then explained how it all worked. I then said "It may take a few days for me to get a hang of it" and I said "Josie since this is my first phone would you like to be the first contact that I have." she nodded and touched the back of the phone with her's and the number got saved on my phone and I said, "Are you sure this is not magic?" She laughed.

She then said, "Now that I have helped you with your shopping you will help with mine."

I said, "I am at your service." She then took me to many different stores and we picked out clothes for each other. When we were done with shopping She said "We should get something to drink I am thirsty."

We then went to the food court and she ordered some coffee's but they didn't look like Coffee's they had ice in them and when she was ordering them it looked like she was saying an incantation.

We then sat down and she asked me "So tell me about yourself I barely know anything about you?"

I said "Well, let's see I am from coolvile, Ohio. It is a village with about 1000 ish people, I was raised by my mother and I recently discovered that she is a witch. And I am sort of a weird hybrid. She homeschooled me so I didn't grow up around many kids. And I am still trying to figure out as to what I am."

She said, "So your mom is a witch?"

I said "Yeah and according to Mr Saltzman an ancient one. I was still confused when I heard how old she was but her being old did come in handy she left me with much money."

She asked, "What do you mean? She is no more?"

I said, "Yes, she was killed right in front of my eyes."

She said, "I am sorry I shouldn't have asked."

I said, "It's alright Josie, it's all a part of me and I am not afraid to share my past."

She said "I never knew my mom. Well, until recently, my mom was killed by her crazy psycho brother at her wedding."

I said, "Now that is worse than a crazy ex at your wedding."

She laughed and asked, "So tell me what can you do maybe I can help you figure it out?"

I sipped on my cold coffee and said "Well, let's start with the one's that I do know of:- Super strength, Super stamina, Flight, Shapeshifting, telepathy, Mind reading, Eidetic memory, and a new one that is the ability to manipulate flames and immortality. I think that Flying, Shapeshifting and Flame manipulation is unique to my own. I still don't know how many more abilities do I have."

Josie looked shocked and said, "You might be the strongest supernatural that I might have ever met." She then smiled and said "Are you sure you didn't leave some out"

I said "Well," She said, "No! there are more?" I said, "There is another one of my ability but I want you to keep an open mind when I tell you this one."

She gulped a bit of Saliva and I said "I am irresistible to females."

She just laughed and said, "That is a nice ability."

I smiled and said "This one is also real. When I am not wearing this locket I become irresistible."

Josie then smiled and said, "Prove it then."

I said, "I can't remove it or I might do something that I regret."

Josie asked, "What do you mean?"

I said, "When I first came here I was still getting the hang of my powers and on the first day I was at the school I accidentally forgot my locket and then my powers affected me and Alyssa and We ended up having sex."

Josie looked distraught and asked, "Why are you telling me this?"

I said, "I never lie Josie, and before I was coming here with you, both Alyssa and Penelope tried to blackmail me saying that they would spread rumours about me if I went out with you today."

Josie said, "Did you have any control over the situation?"

I said "I didn't Alyssa just kissed me and I wanted to stop but my body didn't listen to me. The locket keeps me and my abilities in control."

Josie said, "Can you then just remove it so I can see for myself?"

I said "Fine" I then removed it and she started to breathe heavily and I said, "So you see you are feeling a deep desire to just do it right now and I am also prone to do so myself." I then wore it back again and she became normal again.

She collected herself and said, "It looks like you were telling the truth."

I said, "Like I said I never lie."

She then said, "It's getting late I think we should leave."

I said, "Very well then let's go."

We then took the bags and we then went to our car and headed towards the school.

Once we reached the school I opened the door and I escorted her to her Room and once we reached her room she asked "Can I ask one more thing?" I nodded and she asked, "Why do you behave so politely to everyone and talk like that to everyone?"

I smiled and said "I behave and talk so politely is because I know that underneath all this I am just a cruel unforgiving monster. I try to behave like that so that I don't become the monster that I am."

She was then going inside and I said: "Look Josie I am sorry that I said those things about Alyssa and me but I would rather tell the truth."

Josie said, "It's okay Lucas I am happy that you decided to tell me the truth."

I then smiled and said, "I hope you enjoyed spending time with me Josie because I did."

She then smiled and then went inside. I then got a message "I hope we can do this again- Josie."

I replied back and then headed for my room and I found Mr Saltzman and he said: "Hey Lucas can you help keep an Eye on the Monster he is in the Basement. I have some other fires to put out."

I said "Okay sure." I then went for the basement I was not tired anyway. I then found Miss Hope in there she was talking to the monster. and I said, "Miss Hope why are you here?"

She asked, "I can ask you the same."

I said, "Prof. has told me to keep an eye on the monster."

The monster said, "I am no monster, I am the Necromancer!"


Hello readers

I hope you liked the chapter. I would like to say that this is not going to be a Harem I don't think that a Harem fit wells with the characters that I have and even if it did I just don't feel like a Harem again.

There will be multiple love interests but ultimately there can only be one. I know that some of you may not like that. The Mc will not settle for a long time so I think you can rest easy with all the love interest problems and I think I need to mention it but this is like a crossover with some properties I will tease them in the future chapter so wait for those.

I would like it if you guys leave any comments after the chapter. You can give suggestions about the plot, Love interests etc.

Thank you to the people who voted.

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