Ch.10 That may or may not be a Demon Portal.

We were in Indiana. Prof. Saltzman had been driving for a long time now so I asked "Prof do you want to take a break? I can drive."

He said, "Sorry kiddo, but No I am still good."

I said "I was just offering help because you have been up for about 13 and a half hours. And I can drive just as well."

He said, "You don't have a licence."

I said, "I have a very good fake one?"

Hope laughed and asked, "Why do you have a fake licence... to buy booze?"

I said, "Oh, no my mother made this for me so that in emergencies I could drive but now that you have opened a new door for me I will utilise it."

Ric said, "Good going hope.... you are not buying alcohol."

I said "It doesn't do anything to me anyway. I have drunk 6 bottles of Burbon before it hit me a little."

Hope asked, "Where did you get that much bourbon was it from one of your uncles?"

I said "No, my mother drank bourbon. After she passed I drank in her memories. Well, I drank and drive I needed to get to Mystic Falls soon so."

Ric said, "You were drinking and driving?"

I said, "Yes and it still didn't do anything."

Ric said, "No you are not driving the car, just sit back there."

I said, "As you wish."

Hope then said "Take the next Left. He is on the move."

I said "Oh, thank god. He moved."

He then started to question Hope again. After a long road trip, we finally stopped in Lawrence, Kansas we were in the quiet suburbs. We pulled in front of a House.

Ric asked, "Is this the place?"

Hope said "Yup and not a moment too soon. Pretty sure you were about to tell me how babies are made."

I said "No, this is not it. I can't see his soul."

Hope said "Are you sure. Maybe he is in Basement or something?"

I said "Yeah, no if he was I would still see it. He is not in this house."

Ric said, "We should still check it out there can be some clues."

I said, "Could be."

Ric said, "Hope you are staying here."

Hope said, "No, Why?"

Ric said, "Well, when it comes to Landon you get all... jumpy and you don't want jumpy in a rescue situation."

We then went out and started to scope out the place when we heard a scream and I checked the windows and said: "It's the Tv."

Ric sighed and said, "It's a good thing Hope didn't come with us."

I then looked at the door and found a bracelet and said "Is this the bracelet that Hope gave to Landon?"

Ric said, "Must be."

We then got into the car and hope asked "So what did you find?"

I said "Well, it looks like someone had bamboozled us. The bracelet was planted here. Maybe you can use a tracking spell on it to find Landon."

Hope did a locator spell and we were led to another suburbs but in front of this house was a gas company, they had blocked off the road, and had set up a Parameter.

We got out of the car and a guy asked "Can I help you?"

Ric said "Yeah, I hope so. Uh... So what's going on here?"

The guy said "A gas leak. Don't worry, though we have it under control. You wouldn't happen to know who lives here, would you? We knocked on the door, but no one is home."

Hope said, "We are looking for..."

Ric said "The highway." Hope looked at him and Ric continued "See, we're lost, and we... well, we saw you guys, and we thought we'd ask for directions."

The guy said "Yeah, at the end of the road, you make a right. can't miss it."

Ric said "Cool, thanks. Alright let's go Jessica, George"

We got in the car and Hope said: "Jessica?"

Ric said, "I've been part of enough cover-ups to smell one a mile away."

Hope asked, "Well, all I know is they wouldn't have asked about him if they had him, so... we gotta find him before they do."

I said, "If I may, but that person right there is also a superhuman."

Ric said "What kind?"

I said, "I don't know what kind he is but he is not human."

Hope said, "We need to find Landon now."

We then got in the car and Prof. Saltzman somehow someway found Landon, nothing it only took him about 5 hours to do so I hope that I never become his enemy even though I am mostly unkillable he might find a way to do so.

We stopped in front of a Motel and on the way to the Motel was a liquor store. We then got off of the car and Saltzman went to the reception to ask for information and I looked at Hope she was a bit distressed so I asked: "Are you okay Miss Hope?"

She said "I am fine... do you think that he hates me? I sent him packing, maybe he hates me, he hates me doesn't he?"

I have never seen Hope so flustered before but well there was that one time so I said "Calm down, it is going to be fine and I don't think Landon will be upset with you. I mean he can't be, if he wants you then he can't be."

Hope he looked a bit reassured and I asked "Why do you like him so much I don't understand? I mean he is a nice guy but after that, I just come at a stop."

Hope said, "I don't know and stop asking me questions."

Ric came and said "Room 107" He then took out a pin and a tool and unlocked the door I was right behind him as he entered the door.

I saw someone pointing a gun at him so I moved quickly and grabbed that person by the throat and pinned that person against the wall. I noticed that it was a woman.

She shot me in the face a couple of times but that didn't do anything to me the bullets just lodged and Dislodged themselves and the flesh healed itself and I said "Huh I always wondered what would happen" I then took the gun away from her and I felt this weird sensation in my body but I controlled it with the help of the locket.

Ric said, "Put her down." I did and he said, "Where is Landon?"

Landon came out of the bathroom and said "Hey there."

I then said, "Well, looks like you are fine." I then looked at Prof. and said "I am going to go and take a walk outside call me when we are ready to go."

Ric said, "Don't go too far, stay close to the car"

I smiled and said, "Yes, father I will."

I then left them there and went to the liquor store. I entered the Liquor store and picked out some bourbon. They also gave me the paper bag as well.

I then opened it and drank it from the bottle I then sat around the parking lot thinking about Hayley. I saw Ric and Landon's mom talking and then I heard a cry coming from the room, someone exited crying it was Hope she was crying.

She saw me and I asked, "Is everything okay?"

She looked at my bottle and took it from me and drank it and said "No, everything is not okay, Landon still hates me for sending him away."

I took the bottle from her and drank a little and said "Well, it's his loss. If I was him I would have sucked up and forgotten everything by now. But that would also mean that I looked like him and had no confidence." I then offered her the bottle.

She took it and sat next to me on the car bonnet and drank and said "I always thought that he would just forgive me. I was just trying to protect him."

I took the bottle and said, "I think that he thinks that it should have been his choice if he stayed or not." I drank and passed.

She said, "I know but he could have died." She drank and passed.

I said, "Ehh, would have been his choice nonetheless." I drank and passed.

She said, "Can I ask you something?" I nodded and took the bottle and drank and she continued "Who do you want to find?"

I sighed and said, "A girl who betrayed me."

She asked, "What did she do that you are so angry?"

I drank and said, "She killed my mother and me... burned both of us alive. Worst of all... my mother died with a smile on her face and ever since then I am haunted." I drank gain and offered the bottle.

She took the bottle and drank a big gulp and said "I also lost my father, he sacrificed himself for me." She passed the bottle

I took the bottle said, "Looks like we both are damaged in the same sense I guess."

She asked, "What are you going to do when you find her?"

I said "I honestly don't know yet. I am waiting for the moment."

We were then met with Prof. and he said "What are you two doing?"

I said "Drinking our pain away care to join us?"

He said "No I am not joining you. Both of you to the Room and give me that." he took the bottle from me.

We then went to the Room and Landon was there sitting and asked "How are you?"

I said, "I am fine but I could have been better."

Ric came into the room and said "Hope you get a different room."

She went away silently and the three of us sat there in silence but then I got a call and I said: "Thank god."

Ric asked, "Who is calling you?"

I looked and it was Josie and said "Josie." I picked up the phone and went outside.

She asked, "Hey, how are you?"

I said, "I am fine, we found Landon and will probably come soon."

She said, "That is great, so did you find out what happened to him?"

I said, "Yeah, more or less her mother thought that he was a spy and she tried to kill him so signalled us."

She said "That is so weird. So what are you going to do with him?"

I said "Well, his mother doesn't want him so I guess he will come with us"

She said, "That vote now seems like a waste of time now."

I then saw Landon's mother driving away and I said "Hey Josie I will call you back in a minute."

She said, "Oh, okay Bye I guess."

I said, "Yes, goodbye talk to you later."

I then hung up the phone and went inside and said "Ah, Landon your mother just left."

He said, "Let, her why do I care."

Ric stood up and said, "Where did she go?"

I said, "I don't know, I just saw her leave."

When we were talking the door slowly opened and we all watched at a scaly wet green monster with fins and I said: "Oh, look food is here."

While we were getting ready to fight Hope came in and said "Ictus." and the monster was trapped in the bathroom and she said "Ick."

Landon said, "What the heck was that?"

I said, "A merman I guess?"

Hope asked "Why are the monster still coming? We don't even have what they want."

Ric said, "I don't know but we need to get Landon out of here."

Landon then looked into the bag and said "Oh, no."

Hope asked "What?"

Landon said, "You said a necromancer told you the knife was one of three keys, right?"

I said, "The Necromancer Landon have a bit of respect for the man."

He then showed us an Egyptian urn type of thingy and Ric said "Son of a bitch."

I said, "Why do you have it, man?"

He said, "I don't know I just took it as the knife."

I looked at Ric and said, "Looks like my hypothesis is right."

Ric said, "Not the time for that we need to move now."

Landon went to keep it in the bag but Hope said "No, no, no wait. Leave it, leave it"

I asked, "Why?"

She said "I am sick and tired of playing this game. So let the monster have it. We follow it and it leads us to Malivore."

Ric said, "I am not taking Three teenagers to a covert military hiding place for a demon portal."

Hope said, "You have to."

Ric asked, "Why?"

Hope said, "Because Seylah's going there."

I asked "Landon's mother?"

Landon said, "Why?"

Ric said, "Maybe to do something stupid."

Hope then turned on the bracelet and put it in the Urn and left it there to be taken by the merman.

He then took it and boy was this monster fast it took us to a very suspicious-looking area. It was in Fort Valley. We stopped in front of a gate that said Triad Industries.

We entered the facility and saw the Merman and Landon stupid followed the Merman and so did the others and then the Merman blew up and knocked them out.

I then decided not to move them cause it can cause more damage when you move someone with a head injury so I decided to find Seylah. But knowing that there are Landmines I removed my coat and my sweater and then flew towards the building.

As I entered the building I saw that most of them were dead, so I moved quickly to find Seylah and found her on a ledge she was about to jump but I caught her.

She said, "Let go of me."

I said, "Why are you all so keen on dying?"

She said, "I have to do this to keep Landon safe."

I said, "I can give you the power to save you and your son."

She smiled and said, "I don't want to be a monster."

I said, "Fine, by me but can you be sure that they don't have any files on you or that Malivore will ever stop from getting Landon."

She said, "How do you know?"

I said, "I just guessed and it looks like I was right."

She said, "I need to do this save him."

I said, "There are other ways, you have hunted monsters do that for him, come with us help us protect him."

She said, "What about Triad?"

I said "If you want I can destroy this place. Not a single brick will remain."

She said, "What are you?"

I said, "Not all that clear on it myself."

She said, "So you can help in protecting my son and me?"

I said "I can certainly try, we have Prof. Saltzman did you know he has been called the greatest hunter. The school in which we live can protect you and Landon."

She said "Sorry kid but I can't just put other people in danger because of me." she then jumped and I still caught her and she said, "Just let go."

I said, "This doesn't have to be this way."

She said, "Yes it does." She cut off my wrist and my wrist went with her. It grew back but she was gone.

Seylah was now gone. I then got out of the place and then I put everyone in the car and also took the urn and then I snapped my fingers and the whole building was engulfed in a crimson inferno and I drove away from it.

It took some time for them to get back it was in the morning that they were all back to normal.

Ric asked, "What happened ?"

I said "You guys were knocked out by a land mine. So I had to carry everyone to the car and please do not ask any questions now. It might not be such a good idea."

They didn't ask many questions and after about an Hour Prof.Saltzman was driving the car he also decided to take Landon in and after about 16 hours we were back in Mystic Falls and after Hope and Landon were gone I explained everything to Prof. Saltzman. He told me to be quiet about everything to which I agreed not to tell anyone if they didn't ask. After that long road trip, I was spent so I just slept for a while.


Hello readers

I hope you liked the chapter. I would like it if you guys leave any comments after the chapter. You can give suggestions about the plot, Love interests etc.

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Xread, Daooflife, hopemickelson, animes, eternalD, SnowofBlood, Jeremiah, PRLXThanatos, Darklord1, evilandgod, shadowlord, daniel, madhavan, james8, Alexie, Daoist, Maxime, kuroko, Horuskk, Darkknight, Winglessdragon, spartan, soundingqizard, Akshay, DaoistzmxNSW, Daoistcelestial, Sokkenai, fantasy wisher, 2spoons, thedead, Dracius, kingslayeralex10, Daoistcelestial, eL1x, Kumari, theedead, thelonelygod, the dreamingshadow, hunter, Sedalia, hypnosthegod, mesian, Akshay, hisaph, uzulegend, overshotprince, aeternabilis, capt.bontakun, prince George,