Ch. 19 Hello, Uncle.


In a club in the city of Los Angeles, two men are standing on the steps of the club descending down, one man is tall dark and well built and is bald he is wearing a brown jacket a white t-shirt and jeans and the other man is tall has an unshaven beard is well-groomed hair and is wearing a blue three-piece suit.

They both were descending down the stairs and the man wearing a suit ask "Are you positive you are ready?"

The other man says "Yeah, I am ready."

They start to walk again but the man with the suit stops and asks again "And you won't back down, no matter what nefarious mind games he tries to play because we need to present "

Both said in unison "a united front."

the bald man said, "I know, don't worry, Lucy, we both agreed that Dad needs to go home."

As they reached the end of the stairs the man who wore the suit said "Oh for-- He was just here"

They both sighed and started to look for someone the bald man went to the bar and asked "Hey, have you seen a rather large, attractive gentleman?

Broad shoulder, piercing eyes. Heroic face? Looks a little like me?"

The woman behind the bar asked, "You mean the plumber?"

The man with the suit asked, "Dad what are you doing?"

An older man got up and said "Just making myself useful. You know tightening up fittings, replacing washers. Don't want flood on our hands."

The bald man laughed at the joke and the man with the suit looked at his brother with a piercing gaze and the bald man cleared his throat and said "Dad, we need to speak to you about something very serious.

Lucifer lets me that your powers have been acting up."

The old man said "Well, I've had a glitchy moment or two adjusting to the mortal plane. But all is well. I mean, take a look around. Not a musical interlude insight. Pass me that 3/8 socket wrench."

The bald man said "Excuse me" and reached for the wrench and handed it to his father. The brother just looked at his brother in disbelief and was disappointed. And the bald man said, "What? Dad said he is fine."

Lucifer said in an annoyed tone, "The creator of the universe glitching is the literal opposite of fine."

Lucifer then snapped his fingers in an attempt to grab his fathers attention and said "Excuse me! excuse me, yeah, What are you still doing here anyway?

I mean you've had your granddad time with charlie. Shouldn't you be off somewhere until, I don't know, his first commotion at absolute earliest?"

The father said, "I have some other work and I am waiting to meet my other grandkid."

Both the children were surprised and Lucifer asked "You cheated on Linda?"

The bald man said, "No, I didn't, father clearly means your son."

Lucifer was shocked and asked, "What kind of games are you playing dad? I don't have a son."

The man smiled and said, "You will see him, he is just like you and he is coming to meet you."


(In Mystic Falls the Salvatore School.)

I was walking in the forest trying to get some fresh air, the recent event has been a bit emotionally jarring for everyone.

When I was walking I was approached by a girl who was a participant in the Pageant but she looked awfully familiar she walked up to me and asked: "Hey, can you help me I am a bit lost."

I sort of recognised her and said, "Miss you need to find a better lie than that."

She smiled and said "I... wanted to talk to you,"

I was a bit suspicious and asked "Yes?"

She said, "You see we have met before in the coffee shop?"

I remembered she was that Barista and I smiled and said "Yeah, I remember you, I am sorry but I have been busy."

She smiled and said, "Well, it looks like you are not busy now. What are you doing here anyway?"

I said, "Well, I am taking a walk, today has been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster for many people and I am trying to give them some space."

She walked closer to me and said "Do you want to take a walk together?"

I have been surrounded by many girls and I have gained some experience to know that she means it in a flirtatious way so I said in a soft and low tone, "I am sorry Miss but I am already in a relationship with someone."

She looked down and said, "Oh, I am sorry, I will just leave now." She left right past and I felt bad so I turned to apologise and I found her she had a blade in her hand and she stabbed me in the gut.

A silver blade was through my gut an unbearable amount of pain ran through my body. I kicked her back and I looked at the wound and it was not healing itself so and I quickly tore a big piece of my shit and bandaged the wound, it was a small wound so there was not that much blood loss.

I realised that I can die in this fight so I removed my jacket and used it as a parrying weapon

She jumped towards me swinging the blade, I managed to jump back in the nick of time. I was slow due to my injury.

I asked, "What are you?"

She smiled and said, "You don't need to know that you will be dead soon." I looked for her soul to see if she was supernatural or not and found that her soul was shrouded by a dark mist. I created my distance and asked: "What do you want?"

She laughed and her voice got distorted like mine and she said, "He was right you are tough, just like a cockroach." she jumped towards me.

I dodged but we were both evenly matched in speed but her speed came at the cost of her body I could hear cracking noise coming from her bones were slowly breaking.

She relentlessly tried to stab me and every time I barely managed to dodge her. I tried to parry her but that turned out to be in vain as the blade cut through the jacket like a knife through butter.

I growled and said, "Do you have any idea as to how much this suit cost me?!"

I then uprooted a tree and threw it at her she slashed it but I was missing I managed to distract her and appeared behind her and grabbed her hand and pinned her down and asked "Who sent you?"

She didn't say anything she then broke her arm and in a moment managed to stab me in my leg and I felt an unbearable amount of pain again and asked "What is that thing?"

She laughed and licked the blade and said, "Like my blade, it's a hell forged blade made specifically to kill celestial beings."

She licked the blade and jumped again trying to stab me, I dodged and went to her left and tripped her with my leg and delivered a sledgehammer punch she fell down to the ground and I picked up the blade and asked: "How wants me dead?"

She didn't answer anything and the black mist that surrounded her soul left the body. I was getting dizzy because of the loss of blood I reached for my phone and dialled Josie but she didn't pick up the phone, I then called Hope she picked it up and asked "Hey, Lucas" She heard me panting and got worried and asked, "Lucas are you okay?"

I said "Help... I am in the woods... "

She sounded worried and said, "Hold tight I am coming."

As I leaned against a tree I looked at the moon and wondered who wants me dead and why? As I was thinking that I saw a man coming towards me and he was wearing a black turtleneck and a purple check suit he had a scar on his face and I got up and held the blade and asked: "Who are you?"

The man said "I am your uncle Michael. And I am here to help you." He approached me.

I said, "Stay back!"

He put his hands up and said "I am not here to hurt you, Lucas." I still didn't lower my blade and he said "It saddens me that you don't trust your uncle but nonetheless, here." He tossed me a small box.

I asked, "What is inside?"

He said, "It's a medicine, that wound of yours won't be healed by normal means." He then approached my but I didn't lower my weapon and said "Lucas, you can trust me. I am your uncle."

As this was going on Hope showed up and said "Get away from him."

Micheal said, "It's okay child I am not here to harm him." I nodded and Hope came towards me.

He then looked at me and smiled and said "You are just like him."

I then asked, "Who wants me dead and why?"

He smiled and said, "Come to L.A. you will get your answers there, but hurry time is running out... for all of us."

He then spread his dark abyssal black wings and went away as fast as he came.

Hope was shocked and then helped me get up and asked, "Who was he?"

I grunted in pain and said "My uncle." Hope was confused but didn't ask anything else.

We then went to the driveway and Prof. Saltzman was there and he asked "How did this happen?"

I said, "Long story I will tell you later. There is another girl in the forest."

Hope said, "We need to go now, he is losing blood."

We went to the hospital and I said to Hope "If I don't start to heal there is a vile in that box give that to me, understand?"

After that, I just remember some fuzzy memories. Of doctors trying to fix me up and Hope staying beside me and taking care of me and after I woke up. I found the box beside my bed.

I looked inside the box and the vile was empty I removed my bandage and found that the wound was completely healed. There was a note inside it was from Hope.


Landon has been kidnapped... again, how does this happen again and again is beyond me. Well, anyway we are going to find him. You said that if you didn't start to heal, give you the medicine from the vile so I did that. I was worried that you might actually die and I don't want that to happen to one of the people that is the closest to me. I don't want to lose anyone anymore so please get better soon.

I hoped that our big gun could have come with us to rescue mission but that would be playing a videogame with hacks. I will meet you after we have saved Landon. And I have a lot of questions regarding your uncle and you so you better be prepared when I come with all those questions. I wish that you get better soon.


I then put the letter down in the box and laid down again and Josie came into my room and I asked "How long have I been out?"

She walked closer to me and was happy and said "Two days. We have been so worried about you. What happened?"

I smiled and said "Well, it's a weird story but Where is Hope?

She was confused and asked, "Who is Hope?"


Hello readers,

I hope that you liked the chapter, and please don't comment about how it should be impossible for Lucy to have children and stuff I had to take some liberty to make this more interesting.

And I have seen a comment that said "how come he sometimes doesn't understand anything but sometimes he does" I am paraphrasing here. My answer is this Lucas doesn't really understand how to interact in a larger group. He doesn't understand the lingo and how social dynamics work. But he does understand one-to-one human interaction. Like what should you do when someone is in distress and stuff like that.

And there is also another surprise for you readers in the upcoming chapters. It is pretty huge and can even change many things. And the next chapter will be like a flash-forward and a flashback chapter.

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