Ch.27 Original.

I was sitting in my hotel room drinking some bourbon trying to figure a way out of my problems, mostly thinking about how to save Hope, amongst other stuff. I then heard the flapping of the wings, I got up and saw two of the people I hated the most. I smiled and asked, "Uncle Micheal, what are you doing here so late?"

I then heard his thoughts they were practically screaming his face had an innocent smile while his thought was well, not so cheery. He smiled and said, "Nothing Lucas, we just came to see you since the father is gone we assumed Lucifer would try and do something."

I then looked him in the eyes and put him in the loop and he just stood there, I then walked up to him and got the blade from his jacket and Gabriel was very confused. She then shouted, "Brother what are you doing?!" She tried to stop me, but she couldn't move. I took the blade and walked up to her and she looked terrified, there was a cold sweat on her forehead she asked "What did you do to us?"

I chuckled and said, "An angel sweating, I never thought I would have ever seen that." I was playing with the blade and she had a stiff smile and said "Lucas, I am your Aunt, I would never hurt you."

I laughed and said "I can read your mind Aunt, I can read everyone's mind. There is no reason for you to lie, not when you are going to die so soon."

She started to cry and said, "I never wanted to do this Micheal convinced me to... he manipulated me."

I placed my hands on her face and shushed her and said "It will be over soon, you will join your brother soon." I stabbed her in the heart and I looked at her she looked at me she was gasping for air, her eyes were bloodshot, she was coughing blood and she looked at me and spat on my face and said: "I hope you suffer worse than death Fallen." She then fell down her body became lifeless, her eyes lost all light.

I removed the handkerchief from my jacket and wiped the blood off my face and then moved to my uncle it was very difficult to trap him in a loop he will soon be free so I need to get as much information as I can from him before he starts to realize he is in a loop. I had about 5 min.

I then placed my hands on his head and slowly started to move into his memories I am just looking for fresh memories, I was looking through his memories and found him talking to all the angels, he is trying to rally angels to move against my father, I saw him making calls to some humans and hired them to find a piece of a neckless, that Uncle Amenediel had and everything else was useless.

I then let go of his head and then took the blade in my hand and plunged it into his gut, I then removed the loop, he then looked at me and was confused as to what had happened he looked at me and said "How? I just killed you?" he coughed up blood.

I removed the blade and went to the bar and poured another drink and said "I put you in a loop where you were killing me."

He grunted and said, "How I am an Archangel!"

I chuckled and drank and said, "Oh, it was very tough, with humans and I can keep them in the loop for years, with supernatural it depends upon how old they are the older they are the less control I have and with you my dear Uncle I only got about 5 minutes, it was a blessing really that I could read your mind otherwise I would have been dead by now." He then collapsed on the floor. His breath was now getting heavy.

I then poured him a drink and sat down next to him and helped him in getting up and giving him the glass he looked hesitant but took it he then said: "I can help you, Lucas, your father will not give you anything you want."

I then said, "No, point in making a deal now Uncle you will be dead in a few minutes."

He drank and laughed and said, "If that was the case you would have stabbed me in the heart, not my gut."

I smiled and said "You got me, but the thing is even if he doesn't give me what I want, you... my uncle, you are someone who I can never trust, even if he doesn't give me anything. My revenge for you is far greater than anything else that I want."

He gulped down the drink but coughed it all back up and said "So what will you do now? Make Lucifer the new God?"

I just looked at him and said "Well, it was nice having you as a drinking buddy but I am afraid this is the end for you uncle." I then plunged the blade into his heart and twisted it. He was looking at me when he died. I saw his eyes become lifeless, I did enjoy killing him.

I then got up and picked up his phone and carried the two and dumped them in the Pacific, I hope the fishes love Angels. I then got myself in a cold shower and thought about what I was going to do with this blade situation.


I spend the rest of the day in my room thinking about strategies as to how to deal with the situation I can't go to father about this I don't really know how he will react to the situation. I mean sure I killed his brother but he hated him. I don't think he will be that upset.

When I was thinking about the predicament I was in I got a message from the guys that Micheal had employed to get neckless, they sent me a message that they have captured a guy and he may know where the neckless is but is resisting.

I then asked Where they were they gave me the address and they asked What to do with the guy so I said to wait until I get there, the address was of an Old mill, I pulled up afar and from the mill and got a call from father but I hung up on him and approached on foot. I then went inside and I had to go deeper.

I looked around and found a guy but he looked beaten and bruised he looked like he was about to die I ducked down and saw him bleeding so I asked him "What do you know of the neckless?"

He said, "I don't know anything." I then searched his memory and saw that he really didn't know anything. I also saw my father in his memories, he knew who my father was.

I then heard a voice of a woman she said "Get away from him!"

I got up and said, "I am not trying to harm him." I then looked at the woman and I recognised her and I said: "Hello, Detective Decker."

She was confused and asked, "How do you know me?"

I smiled and said, "I am Lucifer's son."

She looked confused and asked, "You are Lucifer's son?"

I smiled and said, "I am happy to answer your questions but I think Daniel here can use my help." I then tried to walk towards him and she shot near me.

She said, "Get away from him."

I smiled and said "Gladly." I stepped aside and she ran to him and they were talking and I said: "I can save him." They looked at me and I said "That is if you want me to."

She said, "Shut up!"

I chuckled and said, "Alright, let the man die."

She then looked at Daniel and he nodded and she looked at me and said: "Okay but no funny business."

I walked towards him and squat down and said, "I can help you Daniel but won't be a human anymore. Do you still want me to save you?"

She asked, "What do you mean he won't be human?"

I smiled and said, "I am not a miracle worker Detective, something needs to be sacrificed in order to save him and please can you take care of the others I will need some time." She went away.

He looked at me and said "Do it I don't care... I don't want to say goodbye to my daughter."

I smiled and said "Very well... Daniel Espinoza with my blood you will be reborn as a Vampire. You will be bound to me, sired to me. Do you accept?" he nodded and I cut my hand and let him drink my blood he drank my blood and he started to choke and suffocate and then he stopped moving he died. and I could feel a bond being connected to me, I was now bound to Daniel. If I die he dies.

Chole came to me and asked, "What happened to him?"

I got up and said, "He is dead."

She looked at me and said, "But you said you can save him!?"

I then got up and said "And I did... this is just temporary he will wake up soon and as soon as I said that he was up and I said, "It looks like my blood is more potent than that of a witch."

He looked fine all of his wounds were now healed he looked good he was radiating energy.

She walked up to him but I stopped her and said "Ah, *tch * tch *tch don't go near him he may kill you. Right now his Bloodlust is through the roof." She then stepped back.

I then walked up to Daniel and gave him my blood and he fed on it I don't even know what kind of monster I am making I then stopped him and said "Now Daniel I want you to come with me. I can help you."

He looked at me and nodded and said, "Okay I will come with you."

I then looked at Detective and said "Meet us at my Hotel with some bags of blood would you, my father knows where to find me."

I then carried Daniel and flew away to my car and we drove to my Hotel and I asked him "So Daniel tell me how do you feel?"

He chuckled and said, "I can feel everything... like everything the wind blowing on my face, the beating of my heart, I can hear everything thing and everyone, even though it is night I can see bright as day, I have never felt this alive."

He then said "Although I am feeling a bit hungry."

I smiled and said "Don't worry Detective will get you some blood and you will be fine."

I smiled and said, "I love that you are enjoying this Daniel but I still haven't told you some of the bad parts."

He looked at me and was concerned and I said "Don't look soo concerned, I said I will help you and I will, I always keep my word."

He then asked, "What is it that I need to know?"

I said "You will need to feed on blood to survive and it doesn't have to be human blood. You will need to avoid it until I can get you a daylight ring but I will make you one, so no need to worry there as well and that is it."

He looked at me and said, "That is it?"

I smiled and said "That is it. But I think you should come with me to my school, they will help you with controlling all this stuff with bloodlust and all that."

He then looked at me and said "What of my daughter?"

I said "Detective will be Mrs God so she can commute there. I think you should talk to her about this."

We then reached the hotel and I saw my father there and he did not look all too pleased and he asked me "What were you doing there?"


Hello readers,

I hope that you liked the chapter, Please also join the discord server some people already have and know about some upcoming stuff about the FF and had also helped with this very chapter.

I would like to thank DevinelyChaotic and TheLonelyGod they have helped me with this chapter.

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