Ch. 36 Persuit of Happiness

I was woken by the morning sunlight, I looked over and found Josie she was still asleep, yesterday we were discussing the fact that I could make one of them a vampire or something so that they don't have to go through the merge, Josie was excited for the idea, but I told her to talk it over with her sister and dad.

And I also decided to tell her all about Hope before I turn her because I don't want her to have her feelings twisted by me. I was looking at her and savouring these memories of her, because I know that she may not forgive me for what I am about to do.

She then got up and smiled and said "Good Morning." She then asked "Are you not going for your morning walk?"

I nodded and said "Not really, I just wanted to relax today, you know spend some time with you."

She then smiled and then pulled me in and said "Thank you."

I was confused and looked at her and she said "Thank you for giving me time, to come to terms with the Merge, thank you for understanding."

I smiled and touched her face, I was trying to carve her image into my mind. She looked at me and asked "What is wrong?"

I looked at her and said "I am scared."

She looked at me and raised her eyebrows and asked "You are scared?"

I said "I am, when it comes down to you I am."

She smiled and snuggled up close to me and placed her head on my chest and said "There is nothing to be worried about, I will still be the same."

I just nodded and said "Yeah."

We just remained like that but then I saw a kind of a boil or a burn on her arm and I said "You have a burn on your arm."

She looked at her arm and saw a burn mark and said "It must be because of that spell that I used."

I looked at her and said "Don't worry we will find a solution. Okay?"

She nodded and then I got a call from Prof. Saltzman. I answered the phone and said "Good morning Prof."

He said "Yeah, good morning, listen Lucas. I want you to come and see me at the school. I need to talk to you about something."

His voice was serious so I asked "Is everything okay?"

He said "Just come and see me okay?"

I nodded and said "I will come in an hour."

He said "okay."

Josie asked me, "What did dad talk about?"

I said "Maybe it's about the project we both have been working on."

She then looked at me and asked "Can you tell me what it is?"

I just looked at her and said "It's about Malivore. You will see it soon."

She then looked at me and said "I should come with you, I would also be able to discuss the whole Merge thing with Dad, as well."

I said "Alright, then let's get dressed and get on with it."

She then smiled and kissed me and I just thought what would she do when she learns about Hope?

We then got up and got dressed and then we went to meet Prof. Saltzman. But when we were going out we saw Prof. Dorian on the gate and a samurai was outside the gate. I said "Is he cosplaying?"

We then got out of the car and I asked Prof. Dorian "Who is this guy?"

He said "I don't know he is speaking Japanese."

I looked at Josie and she stepped up and started to talk. She said that his name is Kurruta. He is a demon hunter and he is looking for an oni.

Kind of a ghost-demon thing. Prof Dorian said "Looks like he is our next monster."

I asked  "Where is Landon?"

Dorian said "He and Ralf went to meet with that witch that helped Ralf turn back."

I said "I know where she is…" We then took the demon slayer with us to the high school. I didn't want him in my car. He was dirty and had mud all over him. But Josie told me to, so I had no choice. We reached the School and today was the prep rally and I told Jo to go ahead with the demon slayer while I park.

I then walked over to them and Jo was telling the story of the demon slayer and after it was done Landon asked "How do we kill it?"

Josie translated "By using his special magical sword." He then smiled and said "All we need to do is find the oni." Then the Jeep suddenly started to rumble and Bonnie said "I don't think it will be a problem."

Then the door of the jeep went flying and in the back was Ralf and it seems that he was possessed. The slayer then started to fight with Ralf and Prof. said "Do something!"

I said "Yeah and I Stopped both of them."

Landon was impressed and asked "Since when can you do that?"

I said, "It is a long story." I then turned to Prof and asked "What do I do now?"

He said "Aren't you supposed to be like an expert?"

I said "I am a novice but I can ask Father."

He said, "Call him."

I then said "Yeah but let us move both of them to a different place first."

I then made them walk towards the locker rooms and once we reached the locker room I asked Josie "Can you like to call my Father, the phone is in my right breast pocket."

She then got the phone from my jacket and she dialled the no. and my father picked up the phone and said "How are you Lucas?"

She chuckled and said "I am Josie."

He said "Oh, how are you two? How is life?"

She smiled and said "Good, we are fine." Prof. Saltzman then glared at Josie and she said "Actually there is a problem you can help us with."

He asked "What is it?"

She said, "We have a demon problem."

He said "It is actually quite easy, just get it's true name and just tell it to go home. It will do as told."

She then said "Thank you, Lucifer, we will call you soon."

He said "Yeah, alright then I will talk to you both later, stay safe…"

I then said "Goodbye father."

Landon looked very confused and asked "How does your dad know all this stuff?"

I said, "It is a long story."

I then walked over to Ralf and Bonnie said "What are you doing?"

I said "Well, he has a demon in him, I need to make contact with him to get everything I need."

She then said "But if you touch him it will get into you."

I said "Then it will take some time to get his name."

Bonnie and hope then did a binding spell and I released the demon slayer and Josie told him about the solution, he didn't like it but he didn't have any other option.

I then sat in front of him and started to read his mind. It's mind was just like a data centre. The sheer amount of information that  it had was just overwhelming but I was still able to read it much easier than Micheal's mind.


(Hope's Pov)

Lucas was reading that demons mind he has been at it for about 2 hours and he hasn't said anything. And on top of that Josie was with him, I wanted to talk to him alone, but I don't think it will be possible now.

Landon went with Ric to handle the humans so that no one comes here. I was alone in the room with the demon slayer and Josie.

Josie looked at me and walked up to me and said "I think it's my first time meeting you." She smiled and said "I am Josie. I am also a witch, Lucas told me you are a witch as well?"

I smiled and said "Yeah, I am also a witch from New Orleans."

She then asked "Why did you come here?"

I said "Some unfinished business…"

She said "Oh, okay…" She then asked "Which coven are you from?" I then thought about it and was hoping that Lucas would have the name by now. I was about to say something but then Lucas said "I got his name!"

I sighed in relief and we walked up to him and then Josie asked "What is it's name?"

He said "Algon" He then said "Who would like to do the honours?"

Josie said "I'll do it."

She then said "Algon, I banish you from this plane, get out this body." 

Ralf's mouth then opened an abnormal amount and a black goo came out and suddenly the ground cracked and we peered into it and we saw Lava and we heard the faint screams, then we saw some black hands that grabbed the black goo and dragged back into that hole and as soon as the goo was gone the whole in the ground also got fixed.  

The demon was now gone and we removed the barrier and Lucas went to talk to Ric. We stayed behind and took care of Ralf.


(Lucas's Pov)

After the banishment was done, I went to talk to Prof. Ric, he was in his office, I walked into his office and I said "Prof. the demon is gone now… You want to talk to Ralf or something?"

He looked at me and said "Close the door and sit down…"

I was confused but I followed his instructions and closed the door and sat down on the chair in front of him. I then looked at him and asked "What is it?"

He sighed and said "I don't know how to tell you this, but…"

I looked at him in anticipation and he said "She is out of Malivore"

I looked at him and asked "Who? Hope?" He nodded and I said "Where is she? When did she come out?"

He said "Calm down, I think you should talk to each other. I will send her here…" I nodded and he got up and looked at me and patted my back and said "Good job Lucas…" His eyes were sympathetic

I was sitting in the chair in anticipation  and was thinking what was I going to say. I was nervous then I heard someone open the door and I turned around and it was Bonnie and the cogs in my brain started to turn and I stood up from my seat and said "Hope!"

She stood there and shrugged her shoulders and changed her face and said "Surprise?"

I looked at her and was pissed I walked over to her and she closed her eyes and as I reached her I embraced her and she was confused and she said nothing, she just started to sob, I caressed her hair and I was relieved that she was alive, I then looked at her and said "Why didn't you come home?"

She said "I did but…" she didn't say anything so I just read her memories and I realised what I had done and she said "you don't need to do anything for me, Lucas, you have given me enough…" I just looked at her and placed a kiss on her lips and she was surprised by that but didn't reject me. And I got reminded how it felt when I kissed her.

I looked at her and said "I am sorry that the first time we kissed, I didn't remember and I am sorry that I didn't come for you sooner…"

She looked at me and shook her head and said "We shouldn't be together, you are with Josie…"

I looked at her and lifted her face and said "I have always been honest… and I don't think that I will be able to live happily without you two, I know that it will be difficult but I wish to try."

She looked at me and had tears in her eyes said "No, I can't let you throw away your happiness for me, I just can't…"

I just looked at her and said "My happiness and your happiness is not separate, Hope. I can only be truly happy when you both are happy." I looked at her and removed my necklace and gave it to her and said "I give you my word, I will make it right for all three of us."


Hello, I hope you liked the chapter, I was bussy with work, that is why I wasn't able to upload. With this chapter, you all should know where I am going with the relationship with Hope and Josie.

There is another thing I am going to introduce a new villan in the comming chapter.

Thank you to all who voted and commented on the chapter.