Ch 47 Moving Home

I woke up in the morning. We got a few winks of sleep here and there and Hope was still asleep. She must be tired. I got up and stretched and yawned.

I opened a portal to my room and went to take a shower. As I was taking a shower someone knocked on my door. I wrapped a towel around and went to see who it was.

I opened the door and it was Josie. I looked at her and said "Good morning."

She smiled and said "Good morning." She asked "Won't you invite me in?"

I chuckled and said "Yeah come on in."

She came inside and I asked "Where were you last night? I didn't see you at the party."

She said "I didn't feel like going to the party."

I nodded and said "It would have been fun."

She nodded and she said "I am here to get some stuff I left here."

I smiled and said "Sure."

She was rummaging through the drawers.She then got a little box and opened it. It was that ring that she made for us. She turned around and asked "You remember this ring?"

I smiled and put my hands up and I said "Never take it off."

She then said "About Ted."

I said "I'll take care of Ted Josei, you don't need to worry about him."

She shook her head and said "I want to be there… I want to help you. I can't let anyone else fix my mistakes."

I nodded and I said "Well, we can talk about it later."

She nodded and then wore the ring and she said "I think I need a little bit of time to think about all of this, Lucas."

I smiled and said "We have all the time we need Josie and I can wait for as long as it takes."

She smiled and said "Alright I won't disturb you anymore… I'll see you at breakfast?"

I nodded. I walked her to the door and she walked away.

I went inside and wore my suit and went to get some breakfast. I saw Lizzieand Josie. I went ahead and sat next to Josie.

I looked at Lizzie and she looked a little upset and I said "Morning"

She said "Morning."

I asked "Why are you down?"

She said "Ah, because I couldn't go to my own party… doofus."

Josie looked at Lizzie and said "I said you didn't need to stay."

Lizzie smiled and said "I am not that selfish to leave my sis alone when she is distraught."

Josie smiled and nodded and said "Thank you."

Then MG came and he asked "What are you guys talking about."

Lizzie kissed him and said "I was telling them how selfless I am."

She looked at us and we nodded, so did MG.

Then Ralf and Alyssa came and Lizzie asked "Ah, what is she doing here?".

Ralf and Alyssa sat down and Ralf looked at Lizzie and said "She is good."

Lizzie said "No, she is not." Alyssa looked down and said "Maybe I should go."

Josie said "No, stay." She then looked at Lizzie and said "Give her a chance."

She looked at her like she was crazy and she asked "Really you are saying this?"

Josie looked at Lizzie and said "Because some people should be given second chances."

Lizzie rolled her eyes and said "Fine."

After the breakfast was done. I took some breakfast with me and Josie asked "Where are you going?"

I said "Hope didn't come for breakfast so. Taking some for her."

She said, "Alright." I opened a portal and went to her room.

She was still sleeping. I woke her up and said "Get up Hope."

I don't really care if she doesn't go to classes but she cares so I said "Hey get up… or you'll be late for classes."

She said "Mh... five minutes… please."

I said, "Come on, you are already late."

She got up and said "Good morning."

I then put the breakfast on her bed with the small table. She looked at me and said "Thank you." She then drank the juice.

She was eating and she asked "What are you going to do for the rest of the day?"

I sighed and said "Visit my old home and bring it here maybe."

She looked at me and said "Like you are going to move your home?"

I nodded and she shrugged her shoulders and I asked "You are not going to question it?"

She said "Well, we have done crazier things that don't seem too off from the normal you."

I chuckled and said "Seems like you are adjusting to me."

She smiled and nodded. I then got up and walked over to her and said "I am leaving. Call me if you need anything." I kissed her and said "You really need a shower."

She hit me on my arm and I said "Bye."

She said "Take care."

I opened the portal and I looked back and nodded and I went through the portal and I was now in front of my old home.

A lot of memories were coming to me. The whole home was still in good condition although dusty but there was no vandalism.

I opened the front door with my keys. I opened the door and a wave of dust came for me. I went inside and it was a good thing that I put sheets over all the stuff.

I snapped my fingers and I removed all the sheets from the furniture and I also started the clean up of the whole house.

I walked to the backyard and I saw that there were flowers and herbs growing around and on the place where I buried my mom.

I cleaned up the place with my own hands, got rid of all the weeds around her and also made a tombstone with her name on it. I change the soil surrounding her into a wooden cascate. I cut the flowers from the garden and put it on top of her grave.

I sat next to her and it was very peaceful. I have met her many times after her demise but still sitting next to her like this gives me peace.

I sat next to her and waited until the house was fully clean. After like 30 min the whole house was spotless. I got up and said "It's time to move mom, let's go."

I made a portal big enough so that the whole house could go through. I walked onto the porch and lifted the whole house with my mind. I floated the whole thing through the portal.

I settled the house near the lake closer to the woods. I put the house down and it merged with the ground underneath it becoming one with it.

My mother's grave was fine as well. I went inside the house and I needed to make some adjustments. I went down to the basement and it was filled with all sorts of stuff. I wasn't allowed to go down to the basement.

There were all sorts of books, vials, ingredients to be used in rituals, ancient artefacts. I looked around and the stuff that my mom created and collected was impressive.

I sat on the floor and started to draw runes. I would need water and electricity. I drew the runes for water and electricity. I then went upstairs to check.

I switched on the light and it was working. I went to the kitchen and checked the tap and there was running water.

I went upstairs. There were 4 rooms in the house, one for my mom, one for me and the other two were for guests but I never really used them.

I then thought that I may need more rooms in future but for now it's enough I guess but I do want to connect my room in the school to this house.

So I used dimensional magic to connect the two and a fifth room was added. I went to check if it worked and it did.

I went to see my old room as I entered so many memories came back to me it was beautiful.

Then I got a call from Josie. I picked it up and she said "Lucas, where are you?"

I said "I am at my old home. Why?"

She said "Ah… mom… ah, the principal is asking you to come meet her in the office. She has also asked us to come. I guess it's about Malivore or something related."

I nodded and said "I'll meet you guys there."

She said "Bye." And cut the call. I opened the portal and reached the office.

I saw that they were already there and I entered and a girl said "Why have you asked us to come here with them?"

Lizzie asked "Can we send her to the gates of Hell?"

I said "Yeah, we can but I am not too sure that the demons will be delighted to meet one of their own."

Lizzie and I laughed while some snickered and Tina was red with anger.

Caroline then said "As much as I like this… We have something serious to discuss."

Prof. Slaltzman said "We are thinking of going on the offencive against Ted the necromancer."

I was happy but I didn't see much enthusiasm in others. Josie

said "We can't go and attack him, he has a fortified base and every soul that enters that place becomes linked to it. He can then control them."

They were in thought and I said "I have a simpler solution."

Caroline smiled and said "Let's hear it."

I said "Ok so I have three solutions.

I bring some of my soldiers and they take care of Ted. We wouldn't even need to think about it.

I disable every form of magic in the area he is and then the humans and werewolves can take him out.

We lure him out and then we attack him."

Prof. Saltzman asked "When you say soldiers, you mean like demons?"

I nodded and said "Yes." Tina and Landon thought that I was joking but the others knew that I was serious.

He then said "No to the first one, 2 is hard but still holds some merit. I say we should go with the 3rd option."

I said "Alright, it's your operation. I won't question it."

Landon asked "How do we lure him out?"

Hope said "He wants me so I think. I should be used as bait."

Landon looked at Hope and said "No!" Tina and others looked at him and he said "If he gets Hope then we lose the only way to defeat Malivore."

Hope looked at Landon and said "Not really there is another way and if he gets you he will be definitely out… so I am the most obvious choice."

Landon then looked at me and said "You aren't going to say something?"

I nodded and said "I think we should go for it."

Landon looked at me and was perplexed and angry "I can't believe you, do you even love her?"

Lina and others looked at him and I said "I do love her and that is why I trust her judgement and besides she is strong enough to protect herself."

Tina then asked "So you love Hope?"

I nodded and she asked "What about Josie then?" Josie looked at me.

I nodded and said "Yeah, I love her too." Josie looked a little happy.

Landon and Tina were confused and Caroline said "Alright… I have had enough of this teen drama… Can you all focus on the very powerful Necromancer?"

I said "So we are using Hope as bait but what is the plan?"

Landon then said "If we are using Hope then I am out."

I said "That is alright but do not leave the school premises."

He looked at me and said "You disgust me."

I looked at him and I sighed and snapped my fingers and he was dead asleep. Tina asked, "What did you do?"

I said "He is just sleeping, nothing to worry about." I then said "I think you guys should work out the plan. I will be at my home just call me after you finish up."

Caroline said "Yeah, but before that can you wake him up."

I sighed and said "Fine, although he won't be much of a help." I woke him up and I opened a portal. I kissed Hope good bye and walked through the portal