Ch.54 I’m about to end this man’s whole career

We took Tina with us to the school. I grabbed her and put her in the cell next to Ted. Others went to give the report to the principal while I and Landon stayed. I was about to get some information out of her while the others talked to the principal.

We were in the cell with Tina's body and Landon asked "Have you done it before?"

I looked at him and said "Actually no, I haven't. I wasn't particularly too keen about this sort of magic."

He then looked at me and asked "Are you sure you would be able to do it then, we can ask him to do it."

Ted said "Better ask for help before you violate the corpse, buddy."

I said "Shut up, Ted. You have been doing that for millenia, I don't want to hear about respecting the dead from you." I then looked at Landon and said "I have got this."

I made a cut on my hand and I started to chant the spell, the blood from my palm started to float and it then started to move towards Tina and it entered her body. The spell was done and Landon said "Did you do it?"

I looked at Tina and said "Yeah…" did it not work? Then Tina woke up and gasped for air and I said "I told you I got this."

Tina woke up and she tried to do the same as before but she couldn't, she looked confused and she asked "What did you do?"

I smiled and said "I brought you back to life."

She grunted and said "Why can't I feel magic?"

I said "Because you are dead?"

She was confused and I said "I brought you back as a human, so that you can't do magic…" I cleared my throat and I asked "Now you have two options, give the location of the main witch easily, or I take it from you while you feel excruciating pain. Choice is yours."

She didn't say anything and I smiled and said "Very well, then I hope you are able to endure it because I will be gone for a while."

I touched her head and I started to take her memories and I made it so it would be as painful as possible. I started to see her in her childhood. She had that typical story where your parents die and someone adopts you. Her parents are killed by some monster, she gets into the Triad and there it is. I saw the main witch of Triad and she is in Atlanta.

I stopped and I saw that blood was coming from her nose and she said "That's the best you got?"

I said "I have got what I needed, now I can give you the pain of skinning you alive" She started to scream "And pouring battery acid over that peeled skin."

She was screaming. She tried to move so hard but she couldn't. She was scratching the arm of the chairs with her fingers and her nails started to come off. I looked at Landon and I said "You are free to come with me…"

He looked at me and asked "You are not going to wait for others?"

I said "No, I have a feeling that if I do tell them they will try and come with me and that somehow will screw up the whole thing. So no, I am not going to."

He said "You should go, then."

I nodded and I opened up a portal to Atlanta. I was at a mansion and I started to walk inside and I saw that security was coming so I just stopped them and I broke their necks. I walked inside the mansion and I went upstairs and I saw that the witch was upstairs in her room and I heard that she was crying.

I opened the door and she said "I told you to not come!" She turned and she saw me and I smiled and said "I am sorry to barge into your home like this but I need some information."

She looked at me and she said "Who are you, how did you come in?"

I sighed and said, "This is taking too long." I started to walk towards her, she was frightened and she wanted to run but she couldn't. I reached her and I touched her head and I got the information of the wolves and the vampire.

I then removed my hand and she asked "What are you?"

I looked at her and I said "I am many things, but for you I am simply death." I pierced her chest and took out her heart, then burned her for good measure.

Next stop the wolves… they were also in Atlanta but in the outbacks. I opened up a portal and they were at the pup. I entered the establishment and as I walked in they all stopped and I pronounced "If I have your attention for a moment please, I would like for the Alpha to step up!"

A guy walked forward and he said "You should leave now!"

I smiled and said "I expected someone more smart, but it turns out the leader of the wolves is a neanderthal."

He growled and he threw his hand at me and I simply caught the hand and I pulled it. The arm came right off and he was screaming in pain. They looked at me and I said "What do you all think, you are an endangered species and I don't want you to go extinct." But they didn't care and started to come at me.

I simply stopped all of them and I walked closer to the alpha and I said "If they had listened I would have spared them, but it looks like you guys are way too loyal. So I am going to do something fitting to match that."

I ordered all of them "Kill each other, until no one stands but you and then kill yourself as well." They started to kill each other

The Alpha begged me to stop. "Stop, I'll give you the location of them."

I smiled and said "Already have it, I was just here to kill you. Enjoy the show, mate."

I walked out of the pub and I opened a portal for the last one. The vampire, it was in boonies, comparable to my town. I knocked on the door and a butler opened it, he had no eyes and I said "How, lovely."

He asked "Who are you? Why are you here?" He then stepped aside and I walked in and I said "Come out please, you are the last one left, I have to go home to my girlfriends."

The butler walked towards me and he said "This way please." He took me to a dingy dining room and I walked inside. There was a lot of stuff here and then a woman walked in and she said "Like what you see?"

She had red hair, clear pearl-like skin, she was gorgeous and I smile and said "You have quite the collection here."

She walked closer and she said "When you live that long, you pick up a hobby or two."

I said "It beats knitting that's for sure."

She then turned towards me and she said "Aurora de Martel." She gave me her hand.

I took it and I shook her hand, she wasn't pleased and I said "Lucas Clarke Morningstar."

She chuckled and said "Like the devil."

I said "Exactly like him."

She said "You are here to kill me then?"

I nodded and said "And I am quite surprised because others really struggled. You on the other hand seem calm."

She asked "You really think you would be able to kill me?"

I smiled and I said "Walk closer please?" She walked closer and she had a look of disbelief in her eyes and I whispered in her ears and I said "I am pretty confident." I then pierced her chest and grabbed her heart and took it out and I said "You think I don't know you? Aurora?"

I then threw the heart to the ground and I burned her. I then asked the butler to come, He came after a few minutes. I was cleaning my hand and I said to him "All of this is mine now. Clean up the ashes and brighten the place a little let the light come in."

He nodded and I opened up a portal and I went to the school. I was in the basement and I saw Hope, Josie, Landon and an unconscious Tina.

Ted said "You are screwed… royally mate."